Mankind, is going to automate ourselves off of the face of the earth. It wont be long, HUMANS, wont be able to get jobs, because they all will be done by robots.
No more fast food workers. Cashiers. Robots can work 24/7, and never take a break, and make very few, if any mistakes.
And there is no easy answer, because there is no stopping progress. Its going to cause an even greater divide, between rich, and poor. There will be no more middle class, as its already disintegrating.
We are going to be in deep shit, in the nearer future, than we think.
Between floods, drought, pandemics, automation, the shit is going to hit the fan, in the very near future. The Panama Canal, is so low, large container ships, can no longer navagate the canal. Ship traffic has to be rerouted, and has been having this trouble, since at least 2022. And its getting worse. Its fucking up the supply chain. Not to mention the Mississippi was so last year, and this past year, you could walk across it, but last year was worse. Ships were held up for 2 months, and 50%+ of all commerce, is shipped via the Mississippi River. It was so low, the Gulf, was intruding up the mouth, almost to New Orleans, and wiped out a guys apple crop, which had been growing in his family, for 150 years, because he needed 300,000 gallons of water a day, and all he could get was salt water. Same for the Nile River. The Med sea, is encroaching up the delta, destroying their fresh water supply, and cotton crops. Egypt, grows the best cotton, in the world. And Lake Victoria, which supplies the Nile, is down 73%. Its at 27% capacity. Some places in Africa, havent had rain, in almost 15 years.
In 2022, all the major rivers in Europe, Including the Thames, Rhine, Danube, and several more, they were dry like the Mississippi, and halted all river traffic. China was so droughted, the Yangtze was so low, they couldnt get sea faring cargo ships into port, further screwing with supply chains.
But between natural disasters, and automation, things are really going to get a lot worse, than they are now.