What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

This could have gone into more active threads, but I think it fits in well here. It makes the compelling argument that Christian nationalism (now driving draconian legislation on gender) is not a reasoned position, but one of visceral sentiment. This makes it very hard to address.

The visceral nature of this opposition [to normalizing TGNC] is the source of its resistance to factual counter-evidence. This recalcitrant resistance lies in the perception, within the Christian nationalist social imaginary, that TGNC youth simply ought not to be. The threat they pose to the Christian nationalist social order is simply too great to be registered as anything other than an existential threat.
This could have gone into more active threads, but I think it fits in well here. It makes the compelling argument that Christian nationalism (now driving draconian legislation on gender) is not a reasoned position, but one of visceral sentiment. This makes it very hard to address.

The visceral nature of this opposition [to normalizing TGNC] is the source of its resistance to factual counter-evidence. This recalcitrant resistance lies in the perception, within the Christian nationalist social imaginary, that TGNC youth simply ought not to be. The threat they pose to the Christian nationalist social order is simply too great to be registered as anything other than an existential threat.
I just do not know why they feel so threatened. They are not comfortable enough with their sexuality that someone that swings another way makes them feel like saying to themselves, "Maybe I might like swallowing." Or "Carpet munching is a great way to stay slim."
I just do not know why they feel so threatened. They are not comfortable enough with their sexuality that someone that swings another way makes them feel like saying to themselves, "Maybe I might like swallowing." Or "Carpet munching is a great way to stay slim."
Evangelical religion has an Alamo mentality built in: they are heroes manning the ramparts of the fortress of the one true way against the devil’s hordes. Embracing that concept yields a visceral reward that is hard to overcome.

More directly regarding sex and sexuality: these are given to us (by a loving yet very stern god) as temptations, and the only good approach is to exploit those drives in acts of self-denial as spiritual training. It’s a messed-up Stockholm-syndrome emotional/cognitive trap.
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Somehow I don't think Christ would be giving these guys a thumbs up.

He'd probably be giving dad a call and telling him to smite their sorry asses.

Most of these so-called christians haven't read the bible if they can read at all but sure like to pretend they know what it's all about.

Somehow I don't think Christ would be giving these guys a thumbs up.

He'd probably be giving dad a call and telling him to smite their sorry asses.

Most of these so-called christians haven't read the bible if they can read at all but sure like to pretend they know what it's all about.

Much hard-evangelical doctrine directly violates the recorded sayings of Jesus. Diametrically.

Following the teachings of Jesus would block them from practicing the sort of cruelty on which they currently thrive.

As for smite, I remind myself that vengeance belongs to another.
Much hard-evangelical doctrine directly violates the recorded sayings of Jesus. Diametrically.

Following the teachings of Jesus would block them from practicing the sort of cruelty on which they currently thrive.

As for smite, I remind myself that vengeance belongs to another.

Evangelist have dismissed Jesus ( the mans) teaching period...

Cause and effect...