Well-Known Member
Doing research before I try some different or best method. Never made so need some help one way I read is fill a mason jar to a inch above weed and leave for three weeks shacking once a day then strain in dropper bottle. Or other way involves magic butter machine. Just add bud and same amount of 151 and cook for 4 to 8 hours then strain. Both using decarbed bud. I read to use 190 proof everclear grain but don't want that burn. That and best ratio of bud to alcohol to use. I know can use glycerin but read 1/3 potency. I have pretty high tolerance,not to much buds this year. Most I'll want to use for a batch if possible a half zip or less. Need amounts of what to use like 14 grams of bud with 8 ounces of 151 like that. Then let sit or cook in slow cooker. Thanks
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