Well-Known Member
Busted 7" off the tip off my 5/6wt fly rod which had already lost about 5" off the top of the butt end when my dog as a puppy chewed on it 25 years ago so that 8' rod was down to just under 7' and doesn't cast worth shit. I bought a cheap replacement I'm not happy with so picking out the parts I'll need to build my own custom one. Sage or Orvis blanks are $500+ so going with a lesser known brand but gets great reviews for $150 then another $100 or so for the rest of the parts. Haven't built a rod since '84 but still love fishing with my 7/8wt Powell that cost me $200 for the parts back then.Actually looked for the rods and tackle, no where to be found which is odd. Should have been at my mother's or brother's place. Whenever I see an ad for a rod in the fliers I sometimes think I should go out and get one. But then need to get all the other stuff.
Bought 2 other rods recently that were $180 each. 9'6" spinning rod that casts like a bullet loaded up with 10# braid line. First time I tried that stuff and I'm liking it. The 10# braid is thinner than the 6# mono I took off the reel with zero memory and zero stretch. The other rod is an 11' float/drift rod and I don't even have a centre-pin reel tho it should work great with my Abu Garcia baitcaster or a spinning reel. It's a Luhr-Jensen and the matching centre-pin reel is another $250 on Amazon . ca so that can wait. My son fishes one of those out in BC for salmon/steelhead and loves it.
Here it's mostly pike and walleye so I'm just getting back into fly-tying and dressing up a bunch of jigs to go after them with. Now I need some newfangled head cement that's water based and uses UV light to make it set up fast. Got a bottle of the old fashioned solvent based stuff and the jigs still stink a week later.
Huge dump of rain here with lots more coming so the wife has me helping her get the garlic in before it goes bad. Smoke break over so out to pick peas before they go to shit too.