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I remember everytime we would go visit my grandma down in Temecula, my mom would always point out there was a nudist colony up around there. Somewhere up above the freeway. Know where that was?Is now an appropriate time to mention that I used to attend a nudist country club until I was 12??
My grandfather had a membership.
Man was a certified freak, complete with a pillow room with shag carpet and hooks in the ceiling…

Where I grew up in Ben Lomand, weirdest shit man.
We would ride our bikes all the way to Boullder creek to this spot in the San Lorenzo river to hang out and catch crawdads whatever. But i remember this one time a couple naked gurls we went to school with(elementary) came walking at us with their naked dad and mom and it was weird as shit. This was the hippie days.
i don’t think i could pull off walking around nude. I’d either be shrunken up like a mofo or i’d have a boner. No where in between.