Examples of GOP Leadership

The trillion-dollar coin is foul play. I hope the Biden administration is not seriously considering it.
what are your acceptable alternatives? because i don't see the republicans as having the intelligence to see the bottomless pit of of shit they're about to not only step into, but also drag a good portion of the country and perhaps the world into it with them...
So it's either DO something, or strap in for the ride into full blown depression, and world wide recession.
The trillion-dollar coin is foul play. I hope the Biden administration is not seriously considering it.

From my reading of the US constitution and 14th amendment a debt ceiling law is unconstitutional as congress has a constitutional obligation to cover debts already incurred by them. They cannot vote to spend money and then vote not to pay the bills they ran up, so the very debt ceiling law needs to be challenged in court as unconstitutional.
From my reading of the US constitution and 14th amendment a debt ceiling law is unconstitutional as congress has a constitutional obligation to cover debts already incurred by them. They cannot vote to spend money and then vote not to pay the bills they ran up, so the very debt ceiling law needs to be challenged in court as unconstitutional.
At the VERY least, it has to be a yes or no vote, no negotiations possible.
what are your acceptable alternatives? because i don't see the republicans as having the intelligence to see the bottomless pit of of shit they're about to not only step into, but also drag a good portion of the country and perhaps the world into it with them...
So it's either DO something, or strap in for the ride into full blown depression, and world wide recession.
The plan is to sink the economy, blame Biden and get Trump reelected, it is a shitty plan, but it will have the support of foxnews and 70 million Americans who don't deal in facts, even if they are starving to death on the street over it after losing their houses to high interest rates.
what are your acceptable alternatives? because i don't see the republicans as having the intelligence to see the bottomless pit of of shit they're about to not only step into, but also drag a good portion of the country and perhaps the world into it with them...
So it's either DO something, or strap in for the ride into full blown depression, and world wide recession.
the only acceptable alternative is to stand behind Biden and strap in tight, and tirelessly say (with confirming facts) that this was the Republican choice as state subsidies, which hit red states harder, stop.

One of the effects will be to tank the stock market. That will be the GOP biting the hand that feeds it so hard that the nation’s monied interests can’t cheaply continue pretending.

We may need to do this the hard way.
At the VERY least, it has to be a yes or no vote, no negotiations possible.
Yep, it is just a vote to pay the bills, if they want to cut social security Medicare, Medicaid and give tax breaks to the super rich, then they need to do it with their budget. There is a reason that Joe, Chuck, Nancy and Mitch took the financial car keys away from Kevin just before the election and this is it, it's all they have left to fuck with until the next budget and then they will have to ride that one into the 24 elections on top of Trump's perfect legal storm and J6 breaking wide open again, this time with indictments and convictions.
From my reading of the US constitution and 14th amendment a debt ceiling law is unconstitutional as congress has a constitutional obligation to cover debts already incurred by them. They cannot vote to spend money and then vote not to pay the bills they ran up, so the very debt ceiling law needs to be challenged in court as unconstitutional.
in which court? The Roberts court!? It’s this sort of blithe rejection of reality that sometimes really hurts your contributions.
the only acceptable alternative is to stand behind Biden and strap in tight, and tirelessly say (with confirming facts) that this was the Republican choice as state subsidies, which hit red states harder, stop.

One of the effects will be to tank the stock market. That will be the GOP biting the hand that feeds it so hard that the nation’s monied interests can’t cheaply continue pretending.

We may need to do this the hard way.
The cost of freedom is sometimes high and those who are actually responsible get the blame and not the innocent is important.
in which court? The Roberts court!? It’s this sort of blithe rejection of reality that sometimes really hurts your contributions.
It is in pretty plain language in several places in the constitution and supported by the 14th amendment and most importantly by Hamilton in the federalist papers, which are sacred documents on a par with the Bible to the conservative justices. All they would need to do is quote Hamilton as their case and Roberts and the rest will bow down. Who's reality? Who's federalist court?
It is in pretty plain language in several places in the constitution and supported by the 14th amendment and most importantly by Hamilton in the federalist papers, which are sacred documents on a par with the Bible to the conservative justices. All they would need to do is quote Hamilton as their case and Roberts and the rest will bow down. Who's reality? Who's federalist court?
I doubt it.
I doubt it.
Being a member of the federalist society is a prerequisite for getting on the conservative court and has been for decades, Thomas was just a dummy and is of no account in this matter. Hamilton was explicit in the need for the government to pay its bills and maintain its full faith and credit, since loans were hard to come by for America back in his day. It is also explicitly stated in the US constitution and supported by the 14th amendment, they might be conservative, but they won't follow Kevin off the cliff for shits and giggles. There is no time now however for such a challenge and it might be better for a future democratic government to simply repeal the debt ceiling law.
In 2019 the debt ceiling was suspended by Congress, raising it an estimated $6.47 trillion before it was reimposed.

Congress has the big red button; on their heads be it.
I doubt it.
The purpose of the Hamiltonian federalist outlook is to protect the prerogatives of the wealthy and maintain economic stability and until recently, those two were closely linked. Crashing the US economy will wipe out trillions in wealth and guess who owns most of the wealth of the country? The rest of America lives off the crumbs that fall from the table.
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Crashing the US economy will wipe out trillions in wealth and guess who owns most of the wealth of the country?
So, they'll leave it alone to protect their donors, that it? Or just be idiots and opt
for punishment visa vis austerity? Because that's the Bizzaro Republican World they want to live in.
don't see the republicans as having the intelligence to see the bottomless pit of of shit they're about to not only step into, but also drag a good portion of the country and perhaps the world into
They hold the country's budget/economy hostage time and time again.
So, they'll leave it alone to protect their donors, that it? Or just be idiots and opt
for punishment visa vis austerity? Because that's the Bizzaro Republican World they want to live in.
These justices were appointed by Mitch, and he has the interests of the donor class foremost in his mind, they work for the rich and con the morons in the base by telling them what they want to hear, Trump was better at telling them what they really wanted to hear. Crashing the economy will have two major effects as far as they are concerned, wiping out trillions in wealth including millions of 401K pension plans and causing the election of a radical left-wing government as the regular people will be fucked the most. The last thing they want is another FDR and new deal, and Joe is an FDR wannabe with the talent to be one if he had a congress behind his back, Joe is the last of the new dealers.
Trump could equal their FDR. LMAO, not. I wonder, like Tucker said, "i hate him passionately"
if they all feel the same about Trump, but who the hell LOVED Stalin, or Mao? They seem to
seek the most evil, criminal, murderous sons of a bitch they can vote for.
So, they'll leave it alone to protect their donors, that it? Or just be idiots and opt
for punishment visa vis austerity? Because that's the Bizzaro Republican World they want to live in.
I dunno what the republican clowns in the house will do, but there are enough moderates from close districts and purple states to cross over and vote with the democrats, they only need a half dozen. If they want to carry the next great depression on their backs into 24, it won't go well for them. Fucking with their wallets usually snaps them back to reality pretty quickly and if they default, interest rates will go sky high, and tens of millions of people will be driven from their houses while the housing market collapses. Then the federal government will need to spend many trillions just to try and get things back to normal and save the economy from crashing and burning completely, so much for the debt ceiling.

Millions of republicans across America will cry out an anguish, "they were supposed to fuck THEM, NOT ME"! They voted republican so they would screw the others, the liberals and the brown people, NOT them! The government is supposed to be their weapon to be used against their enemies, but it's like owning a gun, there is a greater likelihood it will be used against the owner than the "other".