Blaze & Daze

Yeah, luckily I have a stockpile of bikes in my shed. I think it may be time to put a mid drive motor on this one

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I like that bike. I took my new bike out on the dirt trail for the first time. It has fat tires and shocks. It’s the first bike I have ever owned with those features and it makes such a difference in jumping curbs. It goes easily over logs and rocks. I guess I’m hooked now. Starting slow and then work my way up.
Yeah that could have been a lot worse!! Glad you're not too beat up @Metasynth . I thought you ran in to the back of a car from the pic!!

It'll slow me down a few MPH's !!
Yeah it definitely could have been a lot worse. I landed hard on my shoulder, my good one. If I had landed on the shoulder that was replaced with all the titanium hardware and screws, I think I might have ripped screws out of the bone…so glad I fell how I did.

Today is the third day, and I feel pretty decent considering. Haven’t had to wear the sling all day