Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

The Wisconsin Dells are incredible.

I gotta point out though, this thread about gun violence kinda indicates why it can't get better.
Can't implies forever. Public sentiment is dynamic. The only thing that is forever about public sentiment is that it changes over time. I see the trend going in the right direction for "it getting better". Oregon, for example, is on the path toward implementing "better" gun sales regulations that will save lives. People in other states will have an example in Oregon when it gets better here.
not wrong thread and not bad timing, just complete agreement and not much to say about it.

Its all woven together. The glorification of guns, the grab for power at both state and federal levels, the unequal application of rule of law, no consideration of the rights of those who disagree with them, the racist white nationalism. Its plain as day, what the legislature did in Tennessee, what the legislature in Wisconsin is talking about doing to the Supreme Court Judge that is not going to be complicit with their intentions to strip rights away from women or disenfranchise people who aren't MAGA Republicans. It's plain as day what Jim Jordan is doing when he demands NY rescind charges against his political party's leader without even claiming he's innocent. Biden said it true when he called MAGA GOP -- fascist.
Well said Fogdog. Very disturbing. Should be even for the magats, but they can't seem to see past the nose on their face. I'm Canadian, and live in what has been a conservative stronghold for decades. I see parallels in the politics here. The premier of our province seems to be acting as though she is also above the law.
Well said Fogdog. Very disturbing. Should be even for the magats, but they can't seem to see past the nose on their face. I'm Canadian, and live in what has been a conservative stronghold for decades. I see parallels in the politics here. The premier of our province seems to be acting as though she is also above the law.
I live in Tennessee, and a lot of us aren't happy with this shit.
Memphis is probably going to reelect Pearson and send him straight back to the House. :lol:
This is never going to end unfortunately. How do these kids get so numb?
Something I realized right after posting that; I hesitated linking to it, wondering if it was serious enough to post because multiple people didn't die. It has become such a common occurrence that six high school kids only being shot made me question if it met the threshold of seriousness this thread is about. That's fucked up.
Well said Fogdog. Very disturbing. Should be even for the magats, but they can't seem to see past the nose on their face. I'm Canadian, and live in what has been a conservative stronghold for decades. I see parallels in the politics here. The premier of our province seems to be acting as though she is also above the law.
May that be Alberta's worst political issue forever.

But I agree, it all starts there. Not so much as not holding politicians accountable for abuse of office but a large contingent who believe THEIR leader should not be held accountable. So good luck with stamping out that fire before it becomes a big one.
I live in Tennessee, and a lot of us aren't happy with this shit.
Memphis is probably going to reelect Pearson and send him straight back to the House. :lol:
The girlfriend and a few other friends are talking about taking a trip this summer down to Reno. More friends there. I'm just wondering when Canada will issue a "travel advisory " for the good Ole USA. Almost seems as though one should be issued sadly. Not to disrespect your country though, cuz, but for a few stricter gun laws, and slightly different political rules, I'm sure we'd be pretty much in the same boat. Someone with better knowledge of politics in my country could correct me. Sometimes you are a product of your environment, and I've lived here all my life. I used to just go with the flow and vote conservative every election, cuz that's what people around here did for the most part. Actually, the crowd I hung with wouldn't even vote and didn't care. It wasn't until I took a job in the trades with the boilermaker union that I ventured away from that echo chamber did I start first to learn first about how unions have benefitted people with better wages, better conditions for workers etc, and also began a curiosity toward politics. Of course, the dumpster fire that is Trump made me look closer, and wow, look where things have gone since. I realize it didn't start with Trump, and he was just an accelerant, and that's why I come here, because it seems to me there are a few very knowledgeable people here, that have been paying attention for much longer than I have, that I can learn more from, and y'all provide links. Sorry for the long post of ramble. :eyesmoke:
It has become such a common occurrence
That's my question is why?.. We used to drive to school with rifles in the back window of the truck, and nobody thought anything about it. Was it just one crazy lone shooter that was copy catted and it escalated from there? Social Media? Lack of human contact? First person shooter games? What exactly has changed that it's become a common occurrence? All the above? A slow and ever advancing exposure to make it seem normal? Sounds familiar.
That's my question is why?.. We used to drive to school with rifles in the back window of the truck, and nobody thought anything about it. Was it just one crazy lone shooter that was copy catted and it escalated from there? Social Media? Lack of human contact? First person shooter games? What exactly has changed that it's become a common occurrence? All the above? A slow and ever advancing exposure to make it seem normal? Sounds familiar.
I know exactly what you mean. In SD shotguns and rifles in vehicles is no big deal. Well shit neither are pistols, lol. I always had one or two in the passenger side during hunting season. You're not supposed to have them loaded, but you know how it is, :lol:
That's my question is why?.. We used to drive to school with rifI les in the back window of the truck, and nobody thought anything about it. Was it just one crazy lone shooter that was copy catted and it escalated from there? Social Media? Lack of human contact? First person shooter games? What exactly has changed that it's become a common occurrence? All the above? A slow and ever advancing exposure to make it seem normal? Sounds familiar.
The following quote sums up my thoughts:

"It is my contention that the very roots of our mass shooting epidemic may be found in our core cultural value of fierce individualism, a belief in vengeance, and the ethic that might makes right. These cultural values have been central to what it means to be an American since our nation’s birth. We have always loved to settle disputes (at the individual and group levels) with violence and guns and we gleefully celebrate vigilantism in our popular culture.
I further contend there are powerful, divisive, and negative social forces at work today that fuel the increase in mass public shootings. These factors include but are not limited to: financial and healthcare fears, a declining belief in the American dream, distrust of the government, racism, xenophobia, religious and gender biases, hate crime, domestic terrorism, and near-constant war since 2001. Political and social divisions fueled by seemingly ubiquitous hate speech across media platforms over the last few years have created an environment where violence is seemingly inevitable."

Now how to reverse course is beyond me. It's likely going to continue to get worse for the foreseeable future.
That's my question is why?.. We used to drive to school with rifles in the back window of the truck, and nobody thought anything about it. Was it just one crazy lone shooter that was copy catted and it escalated from there? Social Media? Lack of human contact? First person shooter games? What exactly has changed that it's become a common occurrence? All the above? A slow and ever advancing exposure to make it seem normal? Sounds familiar.
I think like you said, all of the above has some truth to it, but what I see unfolding in my neck of the woods driving violence towards others has alot to do with economic insecurity. Some people dont deal well with it and descend into a pool of despair and cant see the way out. From reading a few posts of yours, and a few others here, is you've done well for yourselves, from hard work and being smart with your money. Kudos to you for what you were able to amass through those means. Maybe you learned quickly, and/or had parents that drilled the importance of doing so into you. Whatever the reason, perhaps you are "sitting pretty". Maybe you feel you have some compassion for your fellow man, or maybe not much. But, like the old saying goes, it's hard to really understand why people do what they do until you "walk a mile in their shoes". The likelihood of you ever having to do so, is very improbable, and so I believe it may be very much impossible for you to truly know why some people go off the deep end and harm others. It's alot easier to keep thoughts and emotions in check when you have all the advantages and life just kinda chugs along. I don't know you at all, so if you feel none of this makes sense, that's OK. I really don't want to act like I know it all, or even much. Just thoughts, you can tell me to go pound sand, just having a discussion and sharing ideas.