Lady boys and high heels

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
With all the latest outrage from one side about drag queens transgender and m&m’s…

I personally don’t watch them “slay” because if I’m offended by something I just don’t watch it or change the channel but
Did you know the first people to wear high heels were Persian men in the tenth century
The heel helped them secure their feet in the stirrups , allowing them to shoot a bow and arrow with accuracy while riding a horse
Imagine what the response would have been by todays GQP party
I know MTG would have been saddled


Now ya know :joint:
With all the latest outrage from one side about drag queens transgender and m&m’s…

I personally don’t watch them “slay” because if I’m offended by something I just don’t watch it or change the channel but
Did you know the first people to wear high heels were Persian men in the tenth century
The heel helped them secure their feet in the stirrups , allowing them to shoot a bow and arrow with accuracy while riding a horse
Imagine what the response would have been by todays GQP party
I know MTG would have been saddled


Now ya know :joint:

I was just gonna say sounds like old Elton John..favorite song off Yellowbrick Road..Harmony.

With all the latest outrage from one side about drag queens transgender and m&m’s…

I personally don’t watch them “slay” because if I’m offended by something I just don’t watch it or change the channel but
Did you know the first people to wear high heels were Persian men in the tenth century
The heel helped them secure their feet in the stirrups , allowing them to shoot a bow and arrow with accuracy while riding a horse
Imagine what the response would have been by todays GQP party
I know MTG would have been saddled


Now ya know :joint:

Whoa this is really weird 'low spark of high heeled boys' according to the internet has many meanings. I remember it being a sung by Elton John. Perhaps a verse? But being 13, no internet? said Stevie Winwood wrote it but I swear it's in Elton John's work somewhere which is why I had thought of Yellow Brick Road since that was the time period.

I'll figure it out.
Whoa this is really weird 'low spark of high heeled boys' according to the internet has many meanings. I remember it being a sung by Elton John. Perhaps a verse? But being 13, no internet? said Stevie Winwood wrote it but I swear it's in Elton John's work somewhere which is why I had thought of Yellow Brick Road since that was the time period.

I'll figure it out.
Yeah it’s a bit deeper than I realized
Most of the “outrage” is the fact that schools now carry books and health class teaching kids how to have sex. How to use plugs and toys and dildos. Kids shouldn’t be exposed to these ideas. And seeing anyone male or female in a gstring twerking there ass in front of 6 year olds isnt cool Call me old fashion I guess
Most of the “outrage” is the fact that schools now carry books and health class teaching kids how to have sex. How to use plugs and toys and dildos. Kids shouldn’t be exposed to these ideas. And seeing anyone male or female in a gstring twerking there ass in front of 6 year olds isnt cool Call me old fashion I guess
got any links to documented examples? Especially the plugs bit. This sounds as contrived as “litterboxes in the classroom”. That proved to be completely fabricated Christian-nationalist scare propaganda.
With all the latest outrage from one side about drag queens transgender and m&m’s…

I personally don’t watch them “slay” because if I’m offended by something I just don’t watch it or change the channel but
Did you know the first people to wear high heels were Persian men in the tenth century
The heel helped them secure their feet in the stirrups , allowing them to shoot a bow and arrow with accuracy while riding a horse
Imagine what the response would have been by todays GQP party
I know MTG would have been saddled


Now ya know :joint:
I bought that album for my Mom for her birthday when i was 11
Most of the “outrage” is the fact that schools now carry books and health class teaching kids how to have sex. How to use plugs and toys and dildos. Kids shouldn’t be exposed to these ideas. And seeing anyone male or female in a gstring twerking there ass in front of 6 year olds isnt cool Call me old fashion I guess
Those aren't the books being read at drag show readings. And also, your statement is "fabricated hyperbole" . . ... Here's what I mean:

The books you mentioned being brought to a classroom is a very isolated incident; classrooms across the country aren't stocking these books, there was ONE maybe TWO examples of it (which were probably staged by some adult tiktoker anyway) & the Christian extremists fluffed it up into some big thing that it never was.

It's like saying "lawn darts kill people" ----- no, they killed A SINGLE PERSON & were immediately pulled from shelves. Just another example of fabricated hyperbole.
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Most of the “outrage” is the fact that schools now carry books and health class teaching kids how to have sex. How to use plugs and toys and dildos. Kids shouldn’t be exposed to these ideas. And seeing anyone male or female in a gstring twerking there ass in front of 6 year olds isnt cool Call me old fashion I guess
i'll call you ridiculous for believing those insanely stupid lies...
here’s the sort of thing being used to fan the flames of moral outrage - in the New York Post, a known GQP alt-fact emporium. It talks about DeSantis alleging that the books with pages pictured (!) have been “found in school libraries”.

You’d think that they would specify which libraries they were in if in fact there is any truth to it.

They don’t, and the rest of the article is quite suggestive, but its lurching from one topic to the next is designed to send a message to those who want to hear it without actually establishing anything.

The images are a fine touch: spank-bank material for the repressed conservatives who cheer this gender-war fairy tale on. sigh

Most of the “outrage” is the fact that schools now carry books and health class teaching kids how to have sex. How to use plugs and toys and dildos. Kids shouldn’t be exposed to these ideas. And seeing anyone male or female in a gstring twerking there ass in front of 6 year olds isnt cool Call me old fashion I guess

Please link the butt plug and dildo literature..for some reason it wasn't an option on monthly Scholastic Book Club. And I was a reader..everyone jelly because I could get 4-6 books- no twerking instructional either.