Run off EC a lot higher than input


Well-Known Member
Hi guys so I potted my clones 4 days ago I’m just using coco and canna A&B at the min they’re looking a little worse for wear at the min anyway so I decided to test my run off I’m putting 1.0/1.1 EC twice a day and the run off is coming out at 1.6/1.8 between the plants any suggestions iv attached a couple of pics any advice would help.
Thanks guys



Well-Known Member
This is in all new coco?

If so don't worry about the run off

Coco naturally contains potassium from how it breaks down and its been pre treated so it won't be a blank slate.

The clones are probably recovering from a bit of cannibalisation from rooting.

Just keep feeding as you are with ph 5.8-6.2 and don't let them sit in run off and they will start showing healthy new growth
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Well-Known Member
I thought that also the new growth it’s self actually dosnt look bad obviously they’re isn’t a lot of it right now so it’s hard to tell I think I’ll just carry on as normal then and yea this coco is all new thanks for your comment should I wait a while to test the run off EC then?


Well-Known Member
I thought that also the new growth it’s self actually dosnt look bad obviously they’re isn’t a lot of it right now so it’s hard to tell I think I’ll just carry on as normal then and yea this coco is all new thanks for your comment should I wait a while to test the run off EC then?
Yeah let the high EC decrease itself.

Give them a couple of weeks and if there's an issue it will show in new growth.
Provided your ph meter is right you shouldn't have any problems with canna coco or their nutrients
Yeah let the high EC decrease itself.

Give them a couple of weeks and if there's an issue it will show in new growth.
Provided your ph meter is right you shouldn't have any problems with canna coco or their nutrients
From my understanding hes not using Canna brand coco, only their nutes.


Well-Known Member
No sorry that’s my fault I should have been more clean my coco is canna and I use the Vita link drops for ph my ph is fine and I use a blue lab truncheon for my feed so I know they’re correct like youse have said probably just needs time to correct itself


Well-Known Member
Morning guys so these pictures was took at feeding this morning they’re all on the exact same feed in the same environment under the same lights and yet 2 of the 4 look completely different would you guys suggest doing anything different with these 2 I understand some are gonna take different to others I’m also rotating every couple days now seeing if that’s makes any difference at all the old growth at the bottom wasn’t when they was with me iv only owned the clones for around a week



Well-Known Member
New growth looks fine, I would feed them the same thing then see how they respond to a slight increase, wait a few days between increasing and monitor plants closely to see how they actually respond and note it down. Trust me this shit can/will save you a huge headache later on.


Well-Known Member
New growth looks fine, I would feed them the same thing then see how they respond to a slight increase, wait a few days between increasing and monitor plants closely to see how they actually respond and note it down. Trust me this shit can/will save you a huge headache later on.
They’re already being fed the same stuff it’s more so the other 2 don’t seem to be getting much new growth like you say just monitor going forward then


Well-Known Member
They’re already being fed the same stuff it’s more so the other 2 don’t seem to be getting much new growth like you say just monitor going forward then
Yeah I would keep things as is for now they don't look bad smaller plants are usually more finicky until roots fully establish etc.

What is your environment like? Temps/Humidity?


Well-Known Member
Humidity running around 45% temps around 20/25 I have a heater in there need to get a new timer for it so I’m just putting it on as and when but with no heater rooms like 19 degrees so it’s no mega bad my humidifier is timed to go off in lights out to avoid humidity spikes


Well-Known Member
Humidity running around 45% temps around 20/25 I have a heater in there need to get a new timer for it so I’m just putting it on as and when but with no heater rooms like 19 degrees so it’s no mega bad my humidifier is timed to go off in lights out to avoid humidity spikes
Those aren't bad numbers at all. I would shoot for a warmer temp & humidity in vegetative stage. Look into VPD if you haven't already, here's a chart for LED lighting for starters. Not sure if they considered Leaf Surface Temperature but that's another thing to look into.


Well-Known Member
Hi mate cheers for that so these are actually under CFLs it was a family members who was using LEDS I’m gonna top these next week where would you say top off these pics
You've gotten pretty sound advice so far. If Those were my plant's, and I wanted to top them.. at that size I would snip just the very top of the plants. If they are different sizes, you can take this opportunity to level them out. If you aren't able to get them all the same size with at least 2-3 nodes under the cut, I'd wait til you can. IMG_6258.JPG

This is after some training.


Well-Known Member
vpdchartdotcom is very helpful. You can figure out what your setup needs like 5x faster especially being new at it. It can effect uptake and leaf signs.

I do not see anyone mention yet particularly that if you feed to higher runoff, your EC should read better going out, but I do not check it.

If I did, I bet it is normal (.3ec higher) or higher as it is flushing things out and will flush more things out as it goes through flower.

Ec will spike during dryback, I just started doing 3 times a day for a 3gallon. PH issues in rootzone can happen with minimal feed, happened to me.

I discard any practice of watering according to anything more than seeing great runoff. What water are you using? Are you adding anything else to feed?

Clones should be ok with regular feed by now.


Well-Known Member
vpdchartdotcom is very helpful. You can figure out what your setup needs like 5x faster especially being new at it. It can effect uptake and leaf signs.

I do not see anyone mention yet particularly that if you feed to higher runoff, your EC should read better going out, but I do not check it.

If I did, I bet it is normal (.3ec higher) or higher as it is flushing things out and will flush more things out as it goes through flower.

Ec will spike during dryback, I just started doing 3 times a day for a 3gallon. PH issues in rootzone can happen with minimal feed, happened to me.

I discard any practice of watering according to anything more than seeing great runoff. What water are you using? Are you adding anything else to feed?

Clones should be ok with regular feed by now.
What do you mean by higher runoff?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by higher runoff?
The only time which first starting out with coco, that I had weird ec behavior/fish bone leaves; was when I fed according to pot volume and runoff return volume.

My ec out was .4-.6 between two 70 day old plants in veg. 3 gallon.

If I fed properly, saturating and keeping appropriately wet (which was also part of the minimal feed practice mjcoco said to do which is the opposite), it would be normal.

High ec runoff would not bother me, specially in flower as drybacks and salt/tap water build up increases. Leaf signs, I would read.

I feed thoroughly to avoid any build of of any concern.