5x white budda lowryder's, 1x mixed lowryder

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
Hey Learning, I have a question for you, and anyone else who wants to tackel this. I am not trying to jack your thread, I actually have a thread asking this question, so if you could answer there that be great. (Link Below) Basically, a seedling sprouted with NO LEAFS. Has anyone seen this before? Whats wrong? Its the only one that sprouted with no leafs...all the others have the first baby leafs. I even googled this, and searched these forums, Nothing!

Again, feel free to asnwer in the thread I made for this. I have no intend to jack my buddies learning thread, so post your info there unless he says its ok to post it here. Here is the link for my question https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/137873-problem-seedling-sprouted-no-leafs.html

all i could think it is,is wat the other peeps replyed, soz.

Much respect to you learning. And you earned those kind words. Yes, tastes very sweet, Puff..Puff...Passes it back
always means alot, thanx.:mrgreen:

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
nice work on the drobe learing, its a nice little set-up your running there now.
how long do you ryders have left now? 3 weeks?

do you not mind being called bro and man? :lol:

i would have the urge to correct people, guess thats just me :mrgreen:

keep it up learing, loving the set-up.
morning, erm they got like just over 2 weeks left to make it 8 weeks, but i may leave untill 9 not sure yet,

as for the bro and man comments, i mean if i had to tell every single person that posted in my journal that i was a girl, fuck dat put it that way lol, way too lazy.

yer setp is ok, temps got a little high yesterday, but sorted it now i think. neways thanx for stopping by.


Well-Known Member
yeh sorry morning :mrgreen:

cool, i was going t leave mine at least 9 weeks mayeb 10. i just dont know. im layig off nutrients now and just going to use plain water, mine are 8 weeks on monday i cant wait for the chop.

do you have extraction or intake in your drobe?

the new BBC's are looking good now to :mrgreen:

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
yeh sorry morning :mrgreen:

cool, i was going t leave mine at least 9 weeks mayeb 10. i just dont know. im layig off nutrients now and just going to use plain water, mine are 8 weeks on monday i cant wait for the chop.

do you have extraction or intake in your drobe?

the new BBC's are looking good now to :mrgreen:
yer im gona repot them today or tomoz the BBC, ive put black boxes around where the fans are in the pic, 4pc fans, 2 intake and 2 exhaust.

yer im not sure when to chop either lol, im guess we just gona have to wait for the plants to tell us when lol.:joint:



Well-Known Member
Oh My...They are looking really big and full. You are doing a great job. I really can't wait untill I get to that stage. I should have a cam for xmass, and if I get one, I promise you will be one of the first to see the pics. Thanks for sharing learning


Well-Known Member
:clap:Damn,did i miss the upgrade that is gonna workout Great for you Very impressed with the build.Girlz got mad skills and can grow too,I bet the fellows are after you learing?Guess those envirolites work awesome,as they seem to be keeping up with my 3x3 space with a 400 hid.Whatever your doing is right on, your future as a grower looks very promising, Wait let me refrase that, you have become a established grower...;)

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
:clap:Damn,did i miss the upgrade that is gonna workout Great for you Very impressed with the build.Girlz got mad skills and can grow too,I bet the fellows are after you learing?Guess those envirolites work awesome,as they seem to be keeping up with my 3x3 space with a 400 hid.Whatever your doing is right on, your future as a grower looks very promising, Wait let me refrase that, you have become a established grower...;)
thanx somebeech yer the wardobe is almost finished just gota put mylar in and 125w 6500k enviro-light wid hood for the bottom veg section, at the moment im debateing wat to do with the old space that i was flowering in b4, coz i still have that going begging.men are the last thing in my mind at the moment lol, i just wana make some good friendships that all, and some nice bud:hump:.

you have become a established grower...;)[/quote] thanx for that means alot.:joint: puff puff pass>>>>>>>>> ( little joint of my white budda plants hehe)


Well-Known Member
morning, erm they got like just over 2 weeks left to make it 8 weeks, but i may leave untill 9 not sure yet,

as for the bro and man comments, i mean if i had to tell every single person that posted in my journal that i was a girl, fuck dat put it that way lol, way too lazy.

yer setp is ok, temps got a little high yesterday, but sorted it now i think. neways thanx for stopping by.
All I knew was you were a fellow grower, Weather you were male of female made no difference to me, but as always, its nice to see a woman using there exceptional skills to grow some cannabis. And as always, I will be here for any advice you may need, and to even learn a few things myself from you. Its been a pleasure.

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
:hump:as always kratose it is a pleasure, heres some bud porn for u guys to take a look at, let me know wat u think.(couple of single shots of the BBC for u londoner :P):hump:

learing the ways

Well-Known Member
forgot to load the pics lol.:hump::joint: the first 7 are of the white budda, and the last 3 are of the 2 bbc babies and the silver kush that is left.



Well-Known Member
those are some pretty nice plants.... I did the floro grow at the start cause it was cheap.... ;) then my buddy got a job at the electrical supply place ;) so yeah hps lights and ballast became cost plus 5% so like $80 for my 400 watt HPS.... if you got room and the money... it is definately worth it.

here are a few pix of my plants from floro to hps... *I've went from floro to a 100 HPS to a 400 HPS*

one of my plants had some bad nute burn.... me being a dummy.



Well-Known Member
wow nice phatty budz, =o i wonder how much that would scale out to when dried. how big were they when you started flower??


Well-Known Member
if your talkin bout my plants they were only like 8" when they went to flower.... and just under 2 oz dry..... I had almost 4 oz wet....

sorry if I Hijacked for a min


Well-Known Member
oh I'm not worried ;) I wanted them to go to flower.... this time I'm growing them a bit taller before I change the lights..... :D I'm not in so much of a rush this time.... lol and it's not summer... so I won't have to worry about heat issues :D