Not wise to post photo?

Going to buy a supra mk4 rn then
Nah bruh, this
I'll probably catch hell for this but damn it seems appropriate for the tone of this discussion. My apologies to little people everywhere!

View attachment 5262702


I forget exactly when this story takes place as there was a myriad of drugs but my best recollection is about 20 years ago as with most of my stories. A buddy had a party when his parents were gone. And the Buddy invited his girlfriend from college. And the college girlfriend invited her little friend. She was really fun and nice and the first time I'd ever seen a little person. At least in real life. She didn't look like the girl in that picture but she wasn't terribly bad looking. Well I guess little people can't actually process alcohol real well. And this chick got wasted and was on the phone crying to her boyfriend half of the party. And then sobered up and started trying to give everybody hand jobs LOL. And that's the closest I ever got to fucking a midget.
I like little women

I have always liked smaller women myself being not that large and still only 140lbs at 5'8". My legal wife was 4'11" and maybe 90lbs when we met and about the same when we split 2 years later. My current c/l spousal unit of 24 years was about the same when we met but has gained 30 lbs or so in the last decade but looks good on her so I'm not complaining.

The lady I was with before my current squeeze was quite the opposite at around 5'5" and 350+ lbs. We met on one of those phone things common before the interweb dating sites and would spend hours gabbing on the phone. Talk about fun in the sack but I was a lot older than her and other than the bedroom we didn't have much in the way of common interests and she needed a dad for her young boy and girl. She and my now lady met and were friends online for quite a time too. My 'ol lady is now best buddies with an old GF that I was once engaged to as a late teen. Dropped by to see her and her long time c/l hubby on my last trip to BC a couple years ago. Got that grandma thing going on now tho never did have kids. :)

Damn I'm out of tobacco and the wife says I got to go to town and it's -20C out there. PITA!

I have always liked smaller women myself being not that large and still only 140lbs at 5'8". My legal wife was 4'11" and maybe 90lbs when we met and about the same when we split 2 years later. My current c/l spousal unit of 24 years was about the same when we met but has gained 30 lbs or so in the last decade but looks good on her so I'm not complaining.

The lady I was with before my current squeeze was quite the opposite at around 5'5" and 350+ lbs. We met on one of those phone things common before the interweb dating sites and would spend hours gabbing on the phone. Talk about fun in the sack but I was a lot older than her and other than the bedroom we didn't have much in the way of common interests and she needed a dad for her young boy and girl. She and my now lady met and were friends online for quite a time too. My 'ol lady is now best buddies with an old GF that I was once engaged to as a late teen. Dropped by to see her and her long time c/l hubby on my last trip to BC a couple years ago. Got that grandma thing going on now tho never did have kids. :)

Damn I'm out of tobacco and the wife says I got to go to town and it's -20C out there. PITA!

-20 wtf