First attempt at edibles doesn't seem to be working?

I did not try to smoke the vaped weed
I also only vape on a relatively low temp, so I'm pretty confident that isn't the issue

Pretty confident is not a great answer, try smoking it as suggested. Keep in mind it will take about 5- 8 times more ABV than trim, and even more than good decarbed bud. Using ABV is a way to recycle, not a preferred method.
Should have read your op alittle more carefully. Preburned pot is not going to make good oil.
Not sure why that needs to be said :confused:
Vaped herb is not the same as decarbed.
I didn't say it was the same (though abv is absolutely not burned, that's literally the point) but it's close enough that there are thousands of people online using abv to make edibles, so I really don't see the issue, it's a thing that works and I'm just trying to get some advice specifically on abv canna-oil. If the only advice I'm going to get is don't use abv, I've clearly posted in the wrong place.
As I said before, it's the recipe I've seen repeated most on the abv reddits and other places where I researched before cooking, including the video I followed to make the oil, where the guy is also using abv, so I don't know how I could be that far off, but apparently I am...
I'm going to say you read wrong and they are using reclaim not next to little "abv".
If the only advice I'm going to get is don't use ABV.

No one said not to use ABV. We said don’t expect it to be fantastic or the same as using good weed. Your recycling. The definition of recycling is to take what most think of as trash and re-utilize it. It’s great to get something from nothing, your just expecting good product from trash, lower your expectations and you may be happy with the results.
No, the recipe I used for the fudge is in OP: I used 28g of the canna coconut oil in it. I didn't weigh the resulting fudge, but the weight of all the ingredients together before melting them down was just over 920g
I see what you mean about the 7g now, and each piece of fudge is a couple of grams I would say, I could go weigh them in a bit and have a more exact number.
Do the math and you will find the issue. Let's assume that you used top quality bud (30% thc), 7grams of weed would be roughly 2100 mg of thc. If your fudge chunks were 10 grams, that would be a dose of 22mg per chunk (a good solid dose). But your weed isn't top shelf, and your chunks are less than 10 grams.

Let's assume that your weed is 10% THC, thne you have total 700mg thc in your recipe. Let's also assume that you were wrong about the fudge chunk size, and they are really 5 grams. That would be 184 total fudge chunks (920/5). 700mg divided by 184 doses is 3.8 mg per dose, aka weaksauce.
I'm late to read this thread but I'll add my 2 cents.

When I used to vape I saved my abv. When I got a full quart jar full I made and rso type oil from it.

I tried making edibles but couldn't take the awful taste or smell.

I did find the oil in capsules mixed with lecithin and coconut oil made great sleep capsules that my wife and I used until we stopped vaping and started to just use edibles.

I don’t miss vaping but I miss those sleep capsules. Now days we double decarb herb and hash for sleep caps and they're almost as good for sleep.
LOL! You knew it was going to go that way. It's why I didn't bother reading past your post on page 1 when I posted to just try the oil before cooking with it.
I did learn something. People use vaped material for edibles. Eww! I'm definetly an anti-abv snob.
I tried to tell him but he kept insisting thats not the problem cause he read it and saw it on youtube
Not sure because all my people always tell me my edibles need to come with a surgeon generals warning :bigjoint:
Im one of the few that cant get high on edbles. No matter how strong they are. All they do to me is give me a stomach ache, and diarreha for a day or 2.

Last time I made edibles I used a 1/4lb of the very best buds, and only 1lb of butter. 4 sticks. So thats an oz for each 1/4lb of butter. Nobody can say thats not strong. And it was really really potent weed. It was pre2000 AK47. My buddy has a cutting from a pack of seeds he got in 1997, and then kept them on tap until 2002, germinated them, and kept the very best female as a mother plant, of which he still has, and I will put this stuff up against most anything. It is really really good weed.

People eat 1 of my cookies, and cant drive. Some cant hardly walk, and for sure cant drive. One guy had to call his wife to come and get him, because he was so dizzy he couldnt drive. And could barely walk. To say she was pissed is an understatement. She doesnt get high. She doesnt care if he gets a buzz, but doesnt like it when he is all but crawling on the ground.
I ate 5 cookies, and it gave me the shits from hell, and stomach cramps for 2 days. For me its a waste for me to make, and consume edibles. I dont think I have the receptor for edibles. But they sure do give me gastrointestinal distress for a couple of days.

I used 1 stick of infused butter, and 1 stick of noninfused butter for each batch of chocolate, chocolate chip cookies.
Im one of the few that cant get high on edbles. No matter how strong they are. All they do to me is give me a stomach ache, and diarreha for a day or 2.

Last time I made edibles I used a 1/4lb of the very best buds, and only 1lb of butter. 4 sticks. So thats an oz for each 1/4lb of butter. Nobody can say thats not strong. And it was really really potent weed. It was pre2000 AK47. My buddy has a cutting from a pack of seeds he got in 1997, and then kept them on tap until 2002, germinated them, and kept the very best female as a mother plant, of which he still has, and I will put this stuff up against most anything. It is really really good weed.

People eat 1 of my cookies, and cant drive. Some cant hardly walk, and for sure cant drive. One guy had to call his wife to come and get him, because he was so dizzy he couldnt drive. And could barely walk. To say she was pissed is an understatement. She doesnt get high. She doesnt care if he gets a buzz, but doesnt like it when he is all but crawling on the ground.
I ate 5 cookies, and it gave me the shits from hell, and stomach cramps for 2 days. For me its a waste for me to make, and consume edibles. I dont think I have the receptor for edibles. But they sure do give me gastrointestinal distress for a couple of days.

I used 1 stick of infused butter, and 1 stick of noninfused butter for each batch of chocolate, chocolate chip cookies.
That sucks!
I'm sure it was potent. I use the same amount, 2 oz bud per cup of coconut oil and have ran it through a second time with an additional 2 oz to see the affect. I run each batch for 8 hours in a crock pot. I didn't like it with the double run, it was too strong to dose. I wonder if you would have the same negative affect if you did it with coconut oil and dosed it in capsules.
That sucks!
I'm sure it was potent. I use the same amount, 2 oz bud per cup of coconut oil and have ran it through a second time with an additional 2 oz to see the affect. I run each batch for 8 hours in a crock pot. I didn't like it with the double run, it was too strong to dose. I wonder if you would have the same negative affect if you did it with coconut oil and dosed it in capsules.

I dont know. I sure hate getting the shits, and stomach distress for 2 days though. Ive also tried 5 of the 20mg doses of Marinol, and it did nothing. Didnt even bother my stomach.

When I separated the oil from the weed, I used 4 cups of water, 4oz of weed, and set it on the lowest setting on the crock pot for 24 hours. Then let it cool, and it cooled into a round slab as round as the crock pot, about an inch thick. Maybe not quite an inch.