Kevin's House?


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I can't list 3 things,and she is a tough,battle tested lady as I said,certainly qualified for the office,much more so than who won,sometimes in life we encounter people who emit something that rub us the wrong way that words can't describe. I certainly don't hate Hillary,its just??????,she projects that things are beneath her, in that she doesn't take advice well,then again her IQ is higher than mine. It's not that I have any aversion to a woman being Pres.,I don't
Ok so here..1) she rubs you the wrong way 2) projection or framing 3) she doesn't take advice well. See? We have three.

Can you tell me more about why you perceive that she doesn't take advice well? Because that's important for a president, to be able to listen to their advisors and problematic if they don't. Case in point is 45. What instances did Clinton not take advice well?

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Thank you for answering PJ.

I hate that term too and anyone with that cut is auto Karen even before she opens her mouth; could be the nicest person as well.

Ok. Elitest Attitude is Mega Karen..what does that consist of? Name three (or more) attributes.also if you don't mind stating your age or age range.
Some times these things are difficult to isolate and re-project effectively within a vacuum. You know how sometimes there's that smug person that you meet in public, that you just can't stand the cut of their jib, but also can't exactly pinpoint why? Here's three quick attributes for you though: her scoffing dismissive attitude toward those she disagrees with, her often displayed self-righteous indignation, and her overtly hawkish demeanor. I'm in the "middle age" range.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
It hasn't been the democrats position since 2008. It was weird.

Who's to say what a true leftist is? I don't think you would find any opposed to say WWII, they were opposed to unjust wars, so you can't say they are antiwar. You also can't say the far left are pacifists, take a group like the weather underground as an example or far left labor organizations from the turn of the century (1900s, not 2000s).
I grew up with the understanding that Dems were anti-war, and Republicans were war-mongers. I feel like it was that way since the 60's, and was the was I was raised. As a teenager and young adult, I participated in many anti-war marches, which were alongside my fellow Democrats. Yes, since 2008 the Democrats what become war-mongers too, which is one of the reasons that I no longer endorse the party.


Well-Known Member
I grew up with the understanding that Dems were anti-war, and Republicans were war-mongers. I feel like it was that way since the 60's, and was the was I was raised. As a teenager and young adult, I participated in many anti-war marches, which were alongside my fellow Democrats. Yes, since 2008 the Democrats what become war-mongers too, which is one of the reasons that I no longer endorse the party.
You are ignoring the causes of war and in some cases who started them. There is however such a thing as a just war, one that is required and has been forced on one. It was a long time since America had a just war and such a military bargain as Ukraine, the reason for war is very important. Contrast Russia and Ukraine, a half a million Russians ran away and a half a million Ukrainians left good jobs and lives to go home and join the army to fight for their country.

It is in America's interest to back this liberal democracy, they are the best bet Uncle Sam ever had I figure. It is also in everybody's interest to get rid of Putin and break Russian military power. Remember America is far from alone in this fight it has many liberal democratic allies, almost all of them are of the same mind, no arm twisting required. Vlad has many enemies and earned each one, in modern war you win by having more friends than enemies and Ukraine has many friends, Vlad has few.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
You are ignoring the causes of war and in some cases who started them. There is however such a thing as a just war, one that is required and has been forced on one. It was a long time since America had a just war and such a military bargain as Ukraine, the reason for war is very important. Contrast Russia and Ukraine, a half a million Russians ran away and a half a million Ukrainians left good jobs and lives to go home and join the army to fight for their country.

It is in America's interest to back this liberal democracy, they are the best bet Uncle Sam ever had I figure. It is also in everybody's interest to get rid of Putin and break Russian military power. Remember America is far from alone in this fight it has many liberal democratic allies, almost all of them are of the same mind, no arm twisting required. Vlad has many enemies and earned each one, in modern war you win by having more friends than enemies and Ukraine has many friends, Vlad has few.
Isn't this sort of justification the same which was used for the US to invade Viet Nam? An effort to curb Imperial Communism..


Well-Known Member
Since it's in DC, that means that they can smoke weed too right?
Federal property, but if they were to legalize pot, for sure! Matt could light up a fatty and pass it to Santos sitting in the house live on CSPAN. Try and stop me Kevin! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Isn't this sort of justification the same which was used for the US to invade Viet Nam? An effort to curb Imperial Communism..
It is the opposite Vietnam was a war of national independence to them, America just replaced the French. However history has a way of moving on and since the end of the cold war imperialism is frowned upon and that 's what this is an imperialist invasion by the Russian empire/federation. America never had the backing of most of the population and neither did the strongmen they were using. Ukraine is costing America a pittance and is pennies on the dollar in value, plus no boots on the ground, it is their country and their blood equity, they are more than willing to make the bargain. It will destroy Russian military power, change the map of Europe and Asia and save America a lot of cash in the long run with a strong Ukraine at Russia's throat.

If America went to war with China, Vietnam would be your ally, another good bet, this time on the right side of history, if the people are with you, you will win, if given enough support.


Well-Known Member
Isn't this sort of justification the same which was used for the US to invade Viet Nam? An effort to curb Imperial Communism..
Vietnam was not widely viewed as a just war, its over there with us invading Iraq.

What do you think the lefts view on the situation in the Ukraine should be? Stay pacifists and let them get slaughtered be leaving them to their own devices or go fight and/or give them the means to fight.


Ursus marijanus
Vietnam was not widely viewed as a just war, its over there with us invading Iraq.

What do you think the lefts view on the situation in the Ukraine should be? Stay pacifists and let them get slaughtered be leaving them to their own devices or go fight and/or give them the means to fight.
the key to the discourse is that justification is distinct from being just.


Well-Known Member
think Kevin needs to do something other than sit on his hands.......GOP in Nassau are asking for Santos aka database to resign......

They can ask away, Kevin won his speakership by one vote, Santos's, he won't even expel him from the house when he is indicted or even convicted. If he resigns Kevin loses one and the democrats gain one, if he does not resign, but is expelled, Kevin only loses one. The answer is simple math and math can predict the future! ;-)

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Vietnam was not widely viewed as a just war, its over there with us invading Iraq.
Our invasion of Iraq is not too dissimilar to Putin's invasion of Ukraine, is it? Hundreds of thousands of civilians killed at the hands of the US military is no chump change, but somehow we have a higher moral authority?


Well-Known Member
I believe I have made the same comparison and was pretty clear the neither was just. Generally speaking you can't provide justification for invading another nation.

That isn't what we were talking about though or the point being made.