What are you watching?

I thought Mirren's performance better than Ford's in this first episode. I'll watch more though.
Mr. Harrigan's phone was a pretty cool little movie. It was one of those stephen king adaptations. Set in Maine, as always
Yes, Mr Harrigan's Phone is a curious adaption of If It Bleeds by Stephen King

A good movie, thanks for the introduction. I did not know of it until you posted, and have watched it tonight.

This is a spoiler in short form.

If you like audiobooks, here is a reading of the Stephen King novel If it Bleeds.

Edit to add:

Stephen's interpretation of the cryptic texts.
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I don't typically suffer from motion sickness, small boats>rough water>ok; aerobatic airplane maneuvers>not ok ;)
but I thought I'd bring this up when I was trying to watch some LEO body cam footage the other day and recognized the symptoms.
First time this happened to me quite a while ago I didn't realize it for what it was and thought I had food poisoning cause I immediately got sick
from it! Strange phenomenon, visually induced motion sickness. Not all movies filmed this way affect me.
No doubt I wouldn't handle VR headsets well.

here's a list and how some affect me.

Battle: Los Angeles (really bad reaction)
Beasts of the Southern Wild (bad reaction)
Blair Witch Project (bad reaction)
Chronicle (bad reaction)
Cloverfield (really bad reaction)
District 9 (really bad reaction)
Green Zone (bad reaction)
Halloween (2007)
Hunger Games (don't have a problem with this)
Paranormal Activity (bad reaction)
Project X (bad reaction)
Quantum of Solace (mild)
Safe House
The Hurt Locker (bad reaction)
The Adventures of TinTin
The Blair Witch Project (bad reaction)
The Bourne Supremacy (don't have a problem with this)
The Bourne Ultimatum (don't have a problem with this)
The Grey
The Raid Redemption
United 93 (mild)
Munich—The Edge of War (bad reaction)
1917 (don't have a problem with this)