Some old faces. Dare I say the good old daysroger doesn't realize there's much easier ways to get some extra cash for the holidays...
Getting Rich at the Alzheimers Assisted Living Facility
My grandmother is in a care facility and I went to see her a few weeks ago, to remind her that she was going to give me her car. While I was there she asked me if I needed any money and I said, well, yes, so she wrote me a check. About an hour later she asked again, and, well, I said
IKR?Some old faces. Dare I say the good old days
Nice. These were a trip. I was out of here from 2014 until last year. Nice memoriesIKR?
I miss some of the old members who dont come around
I do, such good growers too,, and now they dont come around any longerwww.rollitup.orgAmusing or annoying former riu members
any funny stories or quotes. I recall Bmeat crossing weed with some vegetable once. God Blesswww.rollitup.orgRIU is a sausage fest
Were the ladys at??? The only one I know of is sunni and I ain't seen here on here And grannyweed And that one chick who told everyone that she was gonna kill herself BUT THATS IT Common ladys were yall at Were nothing but a bunch of washed up hippies and perverted stoners and that...www.rollitup.orgTop 10 RIU female hotties! (part 1)
alright folks, here's how this will work. members may nominate as many female RIU hotties as they wish. i will keep a running tally of nominations. after 1 week or so, the top 10 nominees will be finalized, i'll ask for this thread to be closed, and part 2 shall commence: the voting. part 2...ipv6.rollitup.orgRIU pirate ship sign on.... or be impressed LOL
Singlemalt found us a real ship! (though it is in slightly used condition) I think we can make a go if enough of us with the right skillz sign on, who is with me? Let's turn pirate! and sail the seven seas!rollitup.orgRiu island
Kind of like Gioua's town (good idea)but this will expand the scope and hopefully be a good circle jerk. Cuz hey who doesn't like to feel good! The scenario: A cataclysmic event has wiped out Earth and forced you to a deserted island. The format: Who from RIU would you want
Good behavior?Nice. These were a trip. I was out of here from 2014 until last year. Nice memories
Time for more!
yay i found a chat room-like thread since i never seem to think of a conversation topic to make a post about lol.
I don't know how you're focusing on weed and grinders when looking at that pic,