Examples of GOP Leadership

no, we're not, if that was effective, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
a child's parents are the single biggest influence on them, period. they see them every day, they associate food, safety, and stability with them, even if they offer very little of any of it. they actively tell their children how to behave, and constantly supply examples, whether intended or not. what you suggest does slow the tide, but it will not turn it. that has to be done incrementally, in the circumstances allowed, and that means it will be many generations before we see any significant changes in the attitudes of those raised by racists and bigots.
I agree w/you until the kids hit early teen/puberty age,then many kids it seems to me see their parents as uncool, I'm childless,but I've seem many friends kids hit the piss in mom and dads face button at that juncture. After all the sacrifices made by these parents in raising their children, I can't imagine dealing w/the disappointment they must feel. Years of fine parenting thrown into turmoil by little junior falling in with or being influenced by the wrong crowd. I remember a friend of mine hooking up his son w/a apartment in his 3 decker rental that he owns,the kid is mid 20's and still goes home to have mommy feed and wash his clothes. He has a job paying more than dad,and pays no rent making the rental property unprofitable and just breaking even after mort. and insurance. Dad asks him to why he can't help out by throwing mom and dad a couple bucks,not full rent mind you, just maybe 2-300 a month.Kid refuses and dad asks "what do you do w/your money", the son replies "I live". Go figure.
So Mitch is cutting a deal to fund the government for a year to avoid the lunatics in the house shutting the country down. Maybe he figures that within a year with Donald in prison and Jack hot on the magats asses over J6, he might not have to worry too much about the Magats. Think he can find a half dozen moderates to cut a deal for speaker with the democrats and fuck Kevin? Jack could upset the balance of power in the house for awhile if he busts a couple dozen of them over J6, compromise leadership and a deal might be best for him and the party. He is being encouraged to clean house anyway and knows the magats are the quick path to disaster. If they are running the house when Jack comes calling it will be pretty shocking to see republican magat committee chairs in cuffs. Mitch would want those involved in J6 out of power in the house, because if they end up indicted it could get ugly real fast.

So Mitch is cutting a deal to fund the government for a year to avoid the lunatics in the house shutting the country down. Maybe he figures that within a year with Donald in prison and Jack hot on the magats asses over J6, he might not have to worry too much about the Magats. Think he can find a half dozen moderates to cut a deal for speaker with the democrats and fuck Kevin? Jack could upset the balance of power in the house for awhile if he busts a couple dozen of them over J6, compromise leadership and a deal might be best for him and the party. He is being encouraged to clean house anyway and knows the magats are the quick path to disaster. If they are running the house when Jack comes calling it will be pretty shocking to see republican magat committee chairs in cuffs. Mitch would want those involved in J6 out of power in the house, because if they end up indicted it could get ugly real fast.

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it’s Tortoise vs Snake-handler

It’s a flabby bird … it’s as big as a plane
It’s SUPERFLAB !!!!!!

More powerful than a Diet Coke ….
Able to leap on a hamburger or chicken bucket ….

Up … Up …. ( puff , gasp , wheeze ) and awayyyyy !

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It does kinda look like Donald is cracking as the walls close in along with reality. It is finally sinking into that thick skull that he is in deep shit over the top-secret documents and obstruction and his days are numbered, probably in double digits at this point. It's a simple case and as hard to get from out under as a ton of coke under his bed and the sentence is similar. The only real questions remaining are when he will be indicted and when convicted, where and how he does his time. That is up to the department of prisons, once the judge is done with him. I think he has a good chance of being jailed on indictment, or Jack will make him sweat for conditional release, he has a very good and growing case for the judge to remand him to custody upon indictment.