I just can't

It’s round

So is a soccer ball. But, if you film it right, I bet you could make the inner parts of the soccer ball appear to be a square.

I think the point in the video is that you can make an object appear round, which isn't round if you are intentionally filming it that way from inside a darkened room or "spacecraft" window.

The trick is when you do that, you can't film the spaces around the object you are filming to make appear round. Since your camera isn't able to make the object appear round and also show the space around that object because then the actual shape of the object being filmed would be known.

So where did the stars go? Why aren't they in the pictures?

Also, I don't know if the moon landings were fake or not, but isn't it odd they can't make it back there after nearly 55 years? During that time we went from "party lines" to cell phones more powerful than the computers they had in 1968. Did they "lose" the get to the moon technology ? This is a question fervent moon landing believers seem to have difficulty answering.
So, if for some reason the rockets don't land smack dab in the bermuda triangle, where they all seem to point directly towards, with the same arc as a missile that isn't bound for "space"..

Lets say the rocket gos "around" the earth first. How does gravity work like a sling shot to propel it further into space? That doesn't even make sense.
So is a soccer ball. But, if you film it right, I bet you could make the inner parts of the soccer ball appear to be a square.

I think the point in the video is that you can make an object appear round, which isn't round if you are intentionally filming it that way from inside a darkened room or "spacecraft" window.

The trick is when you do that, you can't film the spaces around the object you are filming to make appear round. Since your camera isn't able to make the object appear round and also show the space around that object because then the actual shape of the object being filmed would be known.

So where did the stars go? Why aren't they in the pictures?

Also, I don't know if the moon landings were fake or not, but isn't it odd they can't make it back there after nearly 55 years? During that time we went from "party lines" to cell phones more powerful than the computers they had in 1968. Did they "lose" the get to the moon technology ? This is a question fervent moon landing believers seem to have difficulty answering.

Actually, in some of the earliest interviews, the astro nots DID see stars on the moon missions. Then, after they were briefed or something.. they changed their minds. Haha. They also had a strange demeanor on their faces, as if they got scolded for something from then on. They didn't remember seeing stars anymore, and neither do the rest of the 500 or so people who supposedly have been in space since. Have you heard what happens to secret society members that blow whistles? I wouldn't talk either, just saying..

The excuse about the tech,other than all their lost footage/recycled parts lies, is that the newer digital stuff is more prone to radiation, making it glitch out. The old analog tech could withstand it better, and that actually does seem true in many ways.. They definitely don't make some things as good as they did back then, I can agree. Thing is, tech that blocks radiation has evolved so much in 55 years too, that there is no good excuse we haven't been going back and forth the whole time.

They had to wait until they could "hack" cheap go pro camera's, according to NASA. Had to wait until CGI is ironically at its peak too , but not go too overboard with it. Had to stay true to the original walt disney apollo mission footage, with all the same angles they used, etc.

Meanwhile, they are supposedly building a hollywood studio module to go in space, so Tom cruise can make movies. Yet they have to cheap out and use go pros on the orion.. FFS, I just can't, haha.
Seriously, if you guys all take out loans and send me the cash, I'll lawn chair larry it up there myself, and live stream it the whole way, no fish eye. I'll build a lawnchair space capsule the best i can, just like the redbull jump one, but more ghetto.

I'll even build a makeshift pressure suit. Can't be that hard. I don't even care if I die to be honest, as long as I get to see the curve, without being harassed by the government about it. Why is it that they will try to stop me, as I ask for help? Can you guys guarantee the 500 usb video footage thumb drive parachutes I drop won't be intercepted, and scrubbed somehow before my body even hits the ground again?

I heard balloons pop before they get to space, so not even sure what kind of balloon\s I'll need, or how the redbull guys even did it. I'm sure they will be expensive, so I'm gonna need about 20k from each of you.

I know you can pay like 500k to a mil to ride Bezo's blue origin rocket, but I don't trust that POS won't blow up. Its fake anyway, just like space.

Oh, you don't want to fund my mission? Ya, that's what I thought..
Lol. Please don’t be stupid enough to assume all of astronomy and science in general is disproven because of a fake parachute jump…. Lol.

Serious question- are you able to hold down a real job? I would think this constant delusion would make you largely unemployable
Let them continue
They will keep searching for the edge

What do you make of this? I found it interesting, especially in light of the fact people aren't allowed to go explore Antarctica now. I've always thought if you're not allowed to see something, it could be evidence somebody doesn't want you to see it for their own reasons.

I don't understand this. Is the idea that "density" is the reason things fall or rise, and gravity is not a "thing"?

Density is a property of matter, not a force, so it can't exactly "cause" anything to happen. It doesn't "do" anything in and of itself.

If you think about it, gravity is the driving force behind buoyancy, because it is not only acting on the buoyant object, but also the medium around the object (air/water/etc), causing it to move downward around the object.

So does gravity still exist, but just only act in one direction (straight down)? In that case, why does the sun stay floating up in the air, rather than falling?
Lol. Please don’t be stupid enough to assume all of astronomy and science in general is disproven because of a fake parachute jump…. Lol.

Serious question- are you able to hold down a real job? I would think this constant delusion would make you largely unemployable

Serious questions -

Why do you think there are no stars in the "earth" photos from space and why do you think NASA hasn't put a person back on the moon in the last 50 years? Did they lose the map? No good bathroom stops anymore along the way? Why?