i haven't heard many democrats discussing it, but they're going to have to pass some pretty heavy duty laws while they have control of the house and the senate...which they will have. the first thing is going to have to be domestic terrorism laws, and a whole department of DHS to deal with all this militia horseshit. anyone making threats to any government official or employ is guilty of a crime, and should be punished to the full extent. anyone making any kind of threats is guilty of a crime. no more "i was joking" shit. it ain't fucking funny.
next, if we can't just shit-can the electoral college, then we have to make some rules about gerrymandering. all of it, everywhere, should have to be done by a bipartisan panel of at least three judges, none of which represent the district being re-apportioned. two opposing party judges, one from the party that holds the district...
if politicians ever want to be trusted again, there needs to be some major campaign finance reform. ALL contributions go to either state or national political committees, and that is the only choice the donor gets to make. they don't get to announce who they are, the donations are all anonymous, and all divided evenly among the candidates running. they can do whatever they want with it, as long as it's legitimately associated with their campaign, but they get not one red fucking cent to keep after their campaigns end. it all goes back into the pool, to be divided among the next batch of candidate in the next election.
no more pacs, no more lobbyists, no more buying politicians with obscene contributions...no more gifts, no more bullshit.
senators get paid $170,000.00 a year, get free insurance that is better than most people can pay for, get to travel for free on all kinds of "missions"...they get travel allowance between washington and their home districts, and their offices, office furniture, and staff are paid for...
seems like a pretty sweet deal for a group of people who go on vacation for half the year, and can go for months without accomplishing or producing anything...do they really need anything more?