Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants


Well-Known Member
That is social Darwinism. It is why libertarians are deliberately murderous fascists wearing the still-hot gore-spattered pelt of the axe-dismembered conservative movement.

Also, your “ nothing is free” narrative ran hard aground on the $1.9 trillion handout to corporations making record profits on the backs of the American unsalaried laborer.
there's an endless list of dem's doing shit like this, biden alone just recently with his reduction plan is nearly a trillion alone. It's going to do nothing, you know it, I know it.

I don't see repubs calling it FREE though anywhere, because it's not. So that's over and finished now.

lol @ record profits tho, the dems the party of the poor! That's why exxon and shell ALONE post record profits every single quarter in his presidency


Ursus marijanus
there's an endless list of dem's doing shit like this, biden alone just recently with his reduction plan is nearly a trillion alone. It's going to do nothing, you know it, I know it.

I don't see repubs calling it FREE though anywhere, because it's not. So that's over and finished now.

lol @ record profits tho, the dems the party of the poor! That's why exxon and shell ALONE post record profits every single quarter in his presidency
no links to your alt-facts.


Well-Known Member
The kid porn is a Republican and toxic-Baptist wholly-owned property. It is one reason far-right “news” must lie.
zuckerberg admitted the fbi told facebook to bury the story

I guess the guy that found the stuff on the laptop is.... ANOTHER RUSSIAN AGENT woof woof


Ursus marijanus
blah if everything has to be and then you're lost as can get

don't ever call yourself an independent or moderate, you're a communist not a democrat so don't let that part confuse you either.
try AP or Reuters.
I am no communist; that is just another blind for fascists. What I am is a small-r republican, the existential threat to the large-R protofascists.


Ursus marijanus
pick your source, see if you can find an EXTREME LEFT one because if you can't.. they're all fcking russian agents

Thank you for proving my point about Aid to Families With Gulfstreams And Veyrons. The previous administration spent one point nine trillion on that naked authoritarian move.
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