Well-Known Member
Have you settled on a bike yet?I like the bigger tires for the semi-offroad option. Don't know if I really need one that folds - I've got plenty of space + a full sized pickup should I need to take it somewhere. I am not a small man, 6'2" & 14.28 Stone so there's that. Can you recommend one in a fat tire mountain bike style?
My brain read "tramp".
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10 Best Electric Bikes For Tall Guys and Gals - Electric Bike News and Reviews
If you are taller than average, like my brother Dave at 6’3″, you’ve probably struggled to find clothes, beds, showers, and without a doubt, sporting equipment that match up to your size. This isn’t easy, though, and if you’re looking to buy yourself an electric bike, you may be wondering, “What...