Examples of GOP Leadership

GOP lawmaker attends gay son’s wedding after voting against marriage equality
Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-Pa.) attended his son’s same-sex wedding on Friday, days after he voted against a bill that would codify a right to same-sex marriage into federal law.

Thompson joined 156 other House Republicans last week in voting against the Respect for Marriage Act, which would protect same-sex and interracial marriages.

The legislation passed the House with all Democrats and 47 Republicans voting in favor. The bill now heads to the Senate, where its future is uncertain.

Maddison Stone, Thompson’s press secretary, confirmed in a statement to The Hill that Thompson and his wife attended their son’s wedding on Friday.

“Congressman and Mrs. Thompson were thrilled to attend and celebrate their son’s marriage on Friday night as he began this new chapter in his life,” Stone said. “The Thompsons are very happy to welcome their new son-in-law into their family.”

Thompson’s office criticized the legislation offered by Democrats as a stunt aimed at the midterms.

“The bill was nothing more than an election-year messaging stunt for Democrats in Congress who have failed to address historic inflation and out of control prices at gas pumps and grocery stores,” Stone said in a statement last week.

Forty-seven House GOP lawmakers did vote for the measure, which Democrats said was necessary given a concurring opinion from Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to the decision overturning Roe v. Wade. In the opinion, Thomas said the court should review other cases decided using similar legal reasoning, including Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that legalized same-sex marriage nationally.

Justice Samuel Alito said in the majority opinion overturning Roe that the court’s ruling should not be construed as having implications for other issues, but Thomas’s opinion raised alarms among Democrats.

A handful of Senate Republicans have declared their support for the bill, while other GOP members have said they will oppose it. If all Democrats vote for the bill, it will need at least 10 Republican votes in favor to overcome a filibuster.

BuzzFeed News released an audio recording and transcript on Tuesday of a speech Thompson gave at the wedding of his son. He said in the speech that parents hope from the birth of their children that they are healthy and safe, that they find opportunity and inspiration, and that they find their “one true love” when they get older.

“We love it when they find their one true love, especially when they become a part of our families then,” he said. “That’s what we’re rooting for.”

He said having a new son join his family has been a “really good experience.”
Looks like the GOP establishment has turned on Donald, they know he will fuck them going into the 2022 election and if they lose that, the democrats will really fuck them! They need to deal with Donald ASAP, he's like a bull in a China shop with their primaries and creating havoc in the party. They are in shit over abortion, guns and other issues, while trying to ride herd on lunatic candidates and a lunatic base, while the religious nuts in the states are passing abortion laws that are scaring the shit out of many American women. Will they have the courage to to save themselves? Or will they carry Donald like a millstone around their necks into the general election, while he freaks out in increasing desperation? Stay tuned for the for the dramatic conclusion of the Republican party death match 2022! :lol:

So Foxnews and Rupert have turned on him, there is blood in the water, the sharks are circling and Donald is thrashing and screaming. Recent polls and the growing reaction to the J6 panel are taking it's toll, along with pending indictments for many of the MAGAT guests on their shows. They got sucked in too and are being sued for billions by the Dominion voting machine company. Even Alex Jones has reached the end of the road and it's payday for his victims. Magaverse is collapsing into a blackhole and it will, after Donald goes supernova. When Tucker turns on him he's done, stick a fork in him, Eu Tu Tucker!

See Trump's Living Nightmare On Air: Fox News Turns On 'Horrible' Trump Over Jan. 6
165,506 views Jul 26, 2022 The Rupert Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal and New York Post are condemning Donald Trump's role on Jan. 6 after new evidence in the final, climactic House hearing, while some voices on Fox News say on air Trump looked "horrible" for his conduct. The developments show evidence moving some people, and a shift within Murdoch's influential empire, while new polling shows Fox viewers ditching Trump for Ron DeSantis. MSNBC anchor Ari Melber reports on the developments and split within the company.
Looks like the GOP establishment has turned on Donald, they know he will fuck them going into the 2022 election and if they lose that, the democrats will really fuck them! They need to deal with Donald ASAP, he's like a bull in a China shop with their primaries and creating havoc in the party. They are in shit over abortion, guns and other issues, while trying to ride herd on lunatic candidates and a lunatic base, while the religious nuts in the states are passing abortion laws that are scaring the shit out of many American women. Will they have the courage to to save themselves? Or will they carry Donald like a millstone around their necks into the general election, while he freaks out in increasing desperation? Stay tuned for the for the dramatic conclusion of the Republican party death match 2022! :lol:

So Foxnews and Rupert have turned on him, there is blood in the water, the sharks are circling and Donald is thrashing and screaming. Recent polls and the growing reaction to the J6 panel are taking it's toll, along with pending indictments for many of the MAGAT guests on their shows. They got sucked in too and are being sued for billions by the Dominion voting machine company. Even Alex Jones has reached the end of the road and it's payday for his victims. Magaverse is collapsing into a blackhole and it will, after Donald goes supernova. When Tucker turns on him he's done, stick a fork in him, Eu Tu Tucker!

See Trump's Living Nightmare On Air: Fox News Turns On 'Horrible' Trump Over Jan. 6
165,506 views Jul 26, 2022 The Rupert Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal and New York Post are condemning Donald Trump's role on Jan. 6 after new evidence in the final, climactic House hearing, while some voices on Fox News say on air Trump looked "horrible" for his conduct. The developments show evidence moving some people, and a shift within Murdoch's influential empire, while new polling shows Fox viewers ditching Trump for Ron DeSantis. MSNBC anchor Ari Melber reports on the developments and split within the company.
This seems a lot like rupert murdoch trying to distance himself from trump, and protect himself from being named in any more law suits.
I don't believe there's an actual "Illuminati" group, but there is the next best (worse?) thing...An old boy network of rich folks, which has become international and multiracial. Who do rich folks hang out with? Other rich folks. What do rich folks talk about? Their troubles, just like everyone else. trump has become a "Trouble" to them. They like things to be stable, it's good for profits. trump is anything but stable. Murdoch, Musk, Bezos, Gates, Ellison, Zuckerberg, Buffet...They may not go to church picnics together, but they do communicate, one way or another. They own businesses that influence each other, they influence whole industries...And there's not many of them that are friendly to trump. Musk kind of extended a hand and trump turned up his nose. Gates, Zuckerberg, and Buffet never liked him. Ellison is the only friend he has in that list, and i'm not sure he won't turn his back on trump. business is business, and being associated with an ex president that is under several investigations and indictments isn't good business.
And that's just the American (more or less) old boys...
Bernard Arnault hates trump. trump cost him billions with his tariff bullshit. Larry Page seems to lean left, but refuses to make a comital statement. Mukesh Ambani might or might not....¿
there's a lot of rich fuckers all over the world, and they all deal with each other somehow...if they all have a common problem, it will get dealt with.

Tom Nichols: Goal of Today’s “Authoritarian and Cultish” GOP Is Minority Rule | Amanpour and Company
36,129 views Jul 26, 2022 What does it mean to be a conservative in the Trump era? Our next guest,Tom Nichols, asked this question in his latest piece for The Atlantic. With midterm elections approaching, Nichols joins Hari Sreenivasan to discuss the current state of the Republican Party.
Trump looks to install loyalists across state legislatures
Former President Trump is weighing in aggressively in state legislative races across the country as part of his far-reaching effort to reshape the modern GOP and exert greater control over the administration and outcome of elections.

While the former president’s highest-profile endorsements have come in the U.S. House and Senate contests that will help determine control of Congress next year, he has endorsed dozens of statehouse candidates, with an emphasis on Arizona, Michigan and Texas.

These state legislative contests are often overlooked at the national level, but the outcomes will play a crucial role in shaping state policy, especially pertaining to the voting process and how elections are conducted, counted and certified.

Trump looks to install loyalists across state legislatures
Former President Trump is weighing in aggressively in state legislative races across the country as part of his far-reaching effort to reshape the modern GOP and exert greater control over the administration and outcome of elections.

While the former president’s highest-profile endorsements have come in the U.S. House and Senate contests that will help determine control of Congress next year, he has endorsed dozens of statehouse candidates, with an emphasis on Arizona, Michigan and Texas.

These state legislative contests are often overlooked at the national level, but the outcomes will play a crucial role in shaping state policy, especially pertaining to the voting process and how elections are conducted, counted and certified.

Republicans have worked for well over a decade to make gains in state legislatures. But multiple party strategists and operatives noted that it’s unusual for a former president — or really any federal elected official — to weigh in so aggressively on races that are typically decided at the local level.

“It is unusual. Honestly, it’s unusual for a senator to have that level of involvement in these races,” said Doug Heye, a Republican strategist. “They typically stay out of these things for various reasons. But obviously for Trump, he’s trying to build a farm team and the way you join that team is by being all Trump all the time.”

Heye and others cautioned against reading too far into the endorsements, noting that they’ve come sporadically and are often prompted by Trump’s own desire to exact political revenge on Republicans whom he perceives as insufficiently loyal.

“I think it’s all pretty simple and transparent,” Heye said. “Trump wants people who are as Trump-y as can be and go after people who are disloyal. That’s it. And that could be a senator, or it could be a dog catcher.”

Just last week, Trump came out in support of former Arizona state Sen. David Farnsworth, who is challenging state House Speaker Rusty Bowers in the GOP primary for Arizona’s 10th Senate District. Bowers testified before Congress last month about the intense pressure he withstood from Trump to help reverse the former president’s 2020 electoral loss in the state.

In a statement, Trump hammered Bowers as “WEAK on Borders, Election Integrity, and everything else” before throwing his support behind Farnsworth, who has echoed Trump’s baseless claim that he was robbed of reelection in 2020 because of widespread fraud.

On paper, Bowers appears to be the much stronger candidate. He’s raised more than $320,000 to Farnsworth’s roughly $70,000 and has the clout that comes with serving as the state House Speaker.

Nevertheless, Trump’s willingness to intervene in state legislative elections tracks with his repeated assertion that state lawmakers should be able to wield outsized power in determining the outcome of elections, a belief that came to the fore after his 2020 loss to President Biden when he and his allies pressed top state lawmakers to overturn the election results in states that his opponent won.

State legislative races also tend to be low-information contests, where voters tend to know less about who’s running and place a higher premium on party affiliation and endorsements.

“It could be very valuable in a race where people aren’t paying a lot of attention,” said Keith Naughton, a veteran Republican strategist and opinion contributor for The Hill. “These endorsements, these sort of celebrity endorsements, they’re more effective the less people are paying attention to the race.”

Whether Trump is weighing in to legislative races as part of a grand strategy to reshape statehouses across the country or is simply seeking to boost loyalists no matter which office they’re running for, the moves could have very real consequences.

With Republicans relegated to the minority in Congress, state legislatures have emerged as centers of GOP power, where lawmakers have pressed ultra-conservative policies on everything from voting rights and election administration to education and abortion rights.

The composition of state legislatures could also take on a new sense of urgency in the coming months and years. The Supreme Court is set to take up a case next term that could expand the independent power of state legislatures to set election rules with few checks against overreach.

While Trump has issued endorsements in only about two dozen state legislative contests so far, the former president has already shown a desire to exert more control over how elections are administered. He’s backed a handful of GOP secretary of state candidates in battlegrounds like Georgia, Ohio, Michigan and Arizona, albeit with mixed results.

At the same time, one longtime Republican operative and former state GOP chair said that there’s only so much room for Trump to make gains in state capitols, noting that Republicans control 30 of the country’s 49 partisan legislatures, and many state lawmakers are already closely aligned with the former president.

“Republicans who are running for legislatures are more reflective of what the party is,” the operative said. “And right now, the party is more populist.”

“What I see is him trying to take out anyone who’s not 100 percent on his side,” the operative added. “Most Republican state senators, state representatives are, so I think to him it’s more about getting rid of anyone who’s even remotely disagreed with him in the past.”

That strategy gets at perhaps the biggest focus of Trump’s post-presidential strategy: retaining his hold on the GOP as he weighs a potential comeback campaign for the White House in 2024.

“Trump is politics. He’s not policy,” Heye said. “Ultimately, he is going to find the argument that best suits him. And if that’s in the legislatures, then great. If that means supporting the state House candidate or secretary of state that’s going to fight for him, he’s going to do that too.”
i often say there should be an intelligence test to vote....and i still do.
now i'm expanding that. there should be an intelligence test to hold public office...and "person, woman, man, camera, tv." is not a fucking passing answer.
anyone who wants to place loyalist in key positions they are not qualified for is a fucking moron (like we didn't already know that), and they should not be allowed the authority to do anything of the sort.
hearing that made me realize that the party saying freedom freedom all the time is selling the notion that freedom is only found in their toxic perversion of religion.

Republican “freedom” has one endpoint: a totalitarian state. It can either be aggressively atheistic (the Stalinist style), still looking for the right mythos (Axis) or a theocracy (Saudi, Iran). For the person in the street, there is no difference except in the style by which that person is enslaved.

Republicans want slavery back. Maybe not race-based, but complete control over what one does. The proven course for this is controlling what one thinks. A skilled person (in the approved race or class) can always look ok by learning how to work the language and appearance of compliance.

In a state where you are free to do just as you are told (which is close to the definition of totalitarian practice), actual freedom is very dangerous. Ask any ninety-year-old Jew.

Republicans are in afterburner, lavishly spending their political capital to chase a shot at kingdom that is withon reach but not yet grasp. If they succeed, they will not stop halfway. Expect othersexual death camps being used for test articles for the Grail: a bioweapon thst hits only n*, s*, g* and other breeds of almost human. Expect a Biblical name for this weapon.

The one good thing is that their chosen tool was inept enough that while the leadership (which i suspect includes billionaires and megapastors) didn’t get much exposure, their agenda did. We must break them, because the next time they won’t make the same mistake.

My estimation of the severity of the problem is pushed up by an ad I saw today on a vanilla newssite, pushing new elaboration of the Big Lie. Wearing a shirt like this? Goebbels would have creamed his HJ twink for that sort of public participation in their own undoing. Fuck anyone who supports these culture war opportunists.



Trump's New Jan. 6 Nightmare: 'Devastating' Evidence Sparks MAGA Panic As Fox News Ignores 45
128,720 views Jul 27, 2022 Fox News ignored Trump’s speech from his first appearance back in Washington D.C. since leaving office. Two former party chairs join MSNBC’s Ari Melber. Former Governor Howard Dean says he “hopes Trump is the nominee” because he thinks Democrats “have a great chance of beating him.” On Fox News turning on Trump, Michael Steele says, “I think from Trump’s perspective, it grates on him. But he knows he holds more cards than these organizations do in the end.”
20 GOP-led states are suing the USDA over a rule from the agency that prohibits discrimination against LGBTQ students in free school lunch programs. The AGs argue schools have the right to deny queer and trans kids lunch money.
