The problem with libs/dems

Yeah no. That’s exactly what your doing. Women don’t respect your rights to choose if you wanna be a dad or not but you keep on pretending it’s about equality lol you’re blind. Sucks to suck.
ahh so a girl "disrespected" you? You got her up the duff and you wanted to trap her with a kid? Is that why women are all sluts to you?
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Your posts reek of idiocy and hate. The left does all the attacking and killing so far, the summer of 2020 is a bright picture of this. You bet I will kill to remain free and protect my life and rights. You won't?
Yes, I agree that stating the facts in a neutral tone is "hate" to right wingnuts like you. The thing is, your deluded and ignorant beliefs make you likely to kill for no good reason whatsoever. For example, you believe that the BLM protests led to attacking and killing. Wrong again.

But you go ahead and believe what you want. Your kind get violent when the truth conflicts with your false beliefs. I don't want to trigger you into a rage. You are likely to hurt somebody.

Regarding killing to remain free and protect my life. The need has never a come up. I've attended the protests in Portland Oregon and we laugh at the violent men who show up in their gladiator costumes. They have armor, carry clubs and practice hurting people. We have clowns, fine looking men and women in black and on occasion share a milkshake with the sweaty men in armor. The numbers on our side ten to one. They hate that. But crowds scare them. Violence is not necessary when the truth and the law are on our side. Your kind are the ones who have neither.

Like this guy:

Proud Boy "Tiny" Toese Jailed for August 22 Actions

Tusitala "Tiny" Toese, a member of the far-right group Proud Boys, has been arrested on a Multnomah County warrant for his actions during an August 22, 2021 protest in Portland, according to sources familiar with the case. Toese is facing a total of eleven criminal charges.


He got milkshaked that day. lulz.

Look at the role playing as warriors with him. haha. Cowards.
8 months ago they’re out there preaching kill the unvaxxed, get your shot do as I and your government say, your bodily autonomy does not matter!!!
As of Friday… the government has no right to take away your bodily autonomy!! They’re taking us back to the dark ages!!! Women aren’t smart enough to use contraceptives and we rely one telling our girlfriends to get abortions so we can remove all sense of responsibility from our own neglect!!

Modern libs and dems are the most hypocritical Neanderthals the world has ever seen.
I commented in a thread today about the roe v wade that women as well as men need to act responsibly and practise safe sex if they don’t want conception, simple, concise, accurate. Not a single lib said yeah, makes sense. Instead it was women like sex how you gonna stop it, your daughters gonna get plowed, condoms break and pills fail. Honestly, why are libs/dems so fucking idiotic?? If you are one, please, for the love of everything and everything, drink turpentine by the gallon.
I quit RIU for about a year because I thought there were only libs and dems bitching about conservatives. The only reason I came back is because of a question. Think I'll hang around a while.
I quit RIU for about a year because I thought there were only libs and dems bitching about conservatives. The only reason I came back is because of a question. Think I'll hang around a while.

gosh, I can hardly wait to hear what you have to say seeing as how you were bothered enough by "libs and dems" espousing their views to leave a weed-growing site for a year
8-year-old Florida boy accidentally shoots and kills baby
so we are an animal that shits in its own bed? Destroys our ecosystem that we need to survive in.
You think that makes us superior to other animals?
stop the nonsense,we are superior,we run the planet regardless,we are the hunter the rest is at our mercy. I am an animal lover,in fact I prefer their company over humans but face reality.