First time grower in RDWC

i use 1mLper gal of dyna gro foliage pro for starting seeds and seedlings. not sure what that comes out to in EC

either way would work to feed them
I was going to move them into the buckets tomorrow. I used the .15ml Wednesday night. Yellowing cont. so I made up a new batch at .25ml for 3L of water. That’s at 25% of recommended strength. I have 40 gal mixed up now with 17.5ml of each bottle (micro, bloom, and gro). That brings it to 35% of recommended strength. Should I add more or see how it does first. ED74A72B-0AB1-4E0A-B8BC-1D024D9740BC.jpeg1525145A-5EA4-48B0-B75F-D15AF4AB40C7.jpegE410C665-DC37-4FA3-9854-EDE31A942949.jpeg
Don't move them yet. Show us the roots. They look hungry. I would up feed strength again. If you haven't been overwatering you should see some healthy roots
No cal mag and up your feed. Let your roots really colonize the plug. Like 3 or 4 days on the better looking ones and a week on the stragglers at least