Runnoff cannot be trusted.

It shouldn't be relevant anywhere. If you take care of the substrate and feed properly there will never be any issues and you'll have healthy plants. If you're chasing runoff data then you're doing it wrong.
I would say in a perfect grow this is true, but it is data which can be useful.

That said, I've had seedlings that I checked every day, and you could tell exactly where the plants were consumption wise. This made me want to create an automated system that monitored the runoff and added, subtracted or held the amount of nutrients through a doseatron. I have no idea how to do something like that, but I think it would be the ultimate automated setup.
Checking runoff EC is by no means a cannabis-specific practice

Runoff EC is a much closer proxy to the actual root zone EC than is the input nute EC

A simple example would be seeing the runoff EC consistently rising with a constant input EC. In this case, the grower should lower their input EC

Once you have things dialed in, it's largely unnecessary, but as mentioned above, it's potentially useful data and shouldn't be dismissed as irrelevant in a hydro grow.

Ignore it at your peril
By the way you talk you’ve been in class for years. You should have your doctorate by now.
These days I'm only taking one or two classes a semester. Over half of my horticultere classes were taken 25 years ago, then I persued a different career, but more recently decided to take classes again to finish the degree. If I didn't work full time, I would be able to get it much quicker.
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These days I'm only taking one or two classes a semester. Over half of my horticultere classes were taken 25 years ago, then I persued a different career, but more recently decided to take classes again to finish the degree. If I didn't work full time, I would be able to get it much quicker.
Oh the way you always talked was in the past. Good for you for bettering yourself. For real.
Runoff isn't accurate you're correct. You're measuring what has left the pots and drained out of course it's going to read high. I hand water 1 cu/ft of coco with 1 gal of nutrient solution manually once per day 5.8 pH 1.6 EC VEG 1.8>2.0 EC flower and never have any problems. No runoff I just let the drain trays reabsorb everything and hit them once a week (every friday in my case) with plain water.. No problems here pulling 20+ oz a plant doing that and THC testing as high as 28% with strains like Critical Kush from barneys..