Ya gotta stop reading that shit, it will warp yer mind.
More of the "they is taken over" narrative. Yep how can democrats both molest children and kill them too! The rhetoric of annihilation, they want to kill and harm your children! However it is they who kill and harm children the most, Goebbels said, "Accuse them of what you yourself are guilty of" and it applies to malfeasance, murder and politics, for those at "total war", another quote from the psycho. Trump was at total war with the world, him against reality, his followers are up against reality too and know they must cheat to win and remain in existence politically. They've gone completely tribal because it's an existential fight they are losing, so they are resorting to "asymmetrical political warfare", they can't win by conventional means. They know they must rig the system, suppress the vote and elect fanatics to oversee elections and even install them in the courts, it's called fascism for short.