Thundercat's Groooooooow

I think its alot easier if you use a coffee cup...more area for the spores to drop! Im gettin ready to inoc my jars in a few..still tryin to wake
I was gonna use a coffee cup, but I still wanted to make sure alcohol would work, lol. I've been up, but I still havn't touched my second batch of seeds yet. Like I said tryin to get motivated lol. I think I'm about to though.

It also seems like it good that I have a day or two before I need to incubate. I just checked it, and the thermometer under the lid said 79, but the water had cooled off alot since last night. So I turned up the heater to about 80% on the adjustment. We'll see how it looks later on. I might have to go all the way up I don't know. I've got about 4-5 inchs of water in there, is that too much? I just figured once I put some weight in, the water would move up the sides of the tub, and help keep it warm.
You might want to rig up the therm on the base of the will be a few degrees warmer at the bottom. It might be 79 by the lid, and 85 on the bottom. If the jars are warm to the touch, they are probably too warm! Also, contams love warmer temps....just keep an eye on it!
I'm tryin to get it dialed in. I moved the thermo to the bottom of the tub, to see what the temp is down there. I think part of my problem is I started with warm water, so it gave me a deceptive idea of the temp. Now that my heater is doing all the work, I think it should become more stable. I hope any ways. When I made te changes the bottom felt warm, but not WARM, and the jars had lost their warmth by this morning. We'll see what it says in a couple more hours once its been in there for awhile. The heater is designed for 30-60 gallons, so I can't imagine it will have a hard time heating up 5" of water.
Well I decided to take the other PC back to the store, so I only did another 7 jars today. I'm about to put them in the PC. That will give me 18 1pt jars total to inoculate when my syringes get here!
I'm still trying to stablize my incubator temps, when I checked it after the last change it was at 84 on the bottom. So I turned it down a little, I'm aiming for like 81 right? I might also switch the top tub with the bottom tub, and glue the heater to the bottom, the suction cups havn't been working great.
Well I decided to take the other PC back to the store, so I only did another 7 jars today. I'm about to put them in the PC. That will give me 18 1pt jars total to inoculate when my syringes get here!
I'm still trying to stablize my incubator temps, when I checked it after the last change it was at 84 on the bottom. So I turned it down a little, I'm aiming for like 81 right? I might also switch the top tub with the bottom tub, and glue the heater to the bottom, the suction cups havn't been working great.
84 is where you want it! will die at 104
OK sweet so 84 is a good temp, I heard it wasn't supposed to go over 90, so thats what I was thinking. Any way, I just puled them off the heat, now to cool till tomorrow.
I wouldnt go over 90, myc growth peaks at 86...anything over 86 is downhill for the myc. 84 is the temp every1 uses these days...just to be on the safe side.
Well I'll see what its at in the morning, I'll give it all night to stabilize. Maybe I'll turn it backup a little, it was at 81 when I looked a couple minutes ago. I just gotta tape my jars up in the morning, and then refrigerate till the syringes get here. This is gonna be a long wait, lol.
Nice light, thats pretty bad ass and it looks professional to be honest.

Looks like your starting everything right.

I read someone say something about panda film not being completely lightproof......I have no clue what hes talking about.

I had a 600w hps in a 5x5 room I made with the 5.5mil panda film and you couldnt see anylight coming from the room while the light was on other than through the intake and the zipper I rigged on there.

What strains are you growing? you might have said it but unfortunately im way to busy to read through every post.

Your going to get a crap load of shrooms from all those jars. What did you use in your substrate mix?
Well the weed to start......I think the panda film will suit my purposes wel, I don't need pure light proof, just almost, so either way I'm good on that. Thanks on the light, every one thinks the hood is store bought. I'm gonna cover the surface with some reflective "material" this week, I'll post some more pics. The rest of the grow is getting worked on slowly. I'm gonna have atleast 3 thai skunks, 2 power skunks, and 1 that is either a durban poison, or a super silver haze. There was a mix up, I'm hoping its the SShaze to be honest. I might also be getting a few other seeds, not sure exactly what yet, I'll keep it posted.

Now the shrooms.......The substrate is wild bird seed, with a dash of vermiculite. I'm prolly going to inocutlate 9 jars with the Burma strain, and 9 jars with the ereal strain. Then I'll use 8 of each jars(assuming non get contams) and make 2 differant casings. Then I'll use the remaining jar of each strain to do a mycilium transfer on 9 more jars of each strain. I'm hoping they grow fast and huge, I really want shrooms for new years!!! I should be getting my syringes tomorrow or tuesday. UPS says tuesday, but they are apparently sitting at the shipping dock at the UPS like 25 minutes from here in the nest big town. That ercks me, they have been there since saturday morning, and I can't have them. Any way, I'll journal the syringe making when I do it, and hopfully we'll be off and running from there!
I just smoked some durban poison the other me fucking hiiiiiigh. Its hard for me to get a giggly high anymore but that totally did it.

Like I said man....the panda film IS light proof.

Mmmmm your gonna get some awesome shrooms bro.
Well guys I got my syringes today when I got home from work. I ordered 10 syringes, and when I called him friday, he told me he doubled my order. Well he sent me 15 10/12cc syringes, and he also sent me 2 monster 60cc syringes. So I suppose he made up for sending them out late, lol. I'm about to go and boul some water, and start making them, I'll post pics once I'm done.
Well things went well(I think, lol). I've got 3 syringe now,but I'll post the pics,and good update tomorrow, I'm about to pass out, I'm tired as hell. See you guys then. :peace:
Ok guys, I've got a bunch of pictures from yesterday, and today.Yesterday, I made my syringes, and when I got home from work today I inoculated my jars!!

Rrrr well the pics are unfortunately gonna have to wait, I can't get photobucket to let me copy the link code. Well maybe this will work, its just a link to my actual photobucket album, the guest password is "riu420". I'll leave this accessable for a couple days so you guys can check out the pics. Hopefully I can figure out why it won't let me link the pictures.
The first 15 pictures on the first page are all of the new pictures. Sorry I don't have a better way to post them, I'm not super computer savy.

My incubator is now sitting with 18 inoculated jars, at about 81 degrees. I'm gonna leave it till the morning, and see what the temp is. I may turn it up another hair, I just want to see if it changes having all the jars in there. The inoculation went pretty well, I used about 1.5-2ccs per jar, I hope its enough. I decided to scale back the size of each casing, and am gonna go with a 5 jar casing. I think 5 quart casings(once I add the verm) will be big enough.

I had 18 jars, and I inoculated 6 each with burma, ereal, and koh samoi. I'm gonna use the extra jar of each strain to do myc transfers for my next batch. I'll be getting more jars this weekend, and cooking them up, and I have another syringe of boiled water in my fridge I'm going to use to make a SA syringe. I still have about 3cc of the burma, and almost 2cc of the ereal. I also still have 4 more small ereal prints to make up another syringe!

So I'm finally off and running, I hope my myc feels the same way, and takes off!! Sorry again about the lame link for the pics, like I said if I can get it working I'll post them up. Now its time to smoke a blunt and chill, its just some dirt weed, but its the first weed in like 4 days. Peace you guys have a good night!! :bigjoint:
The dark ass one was the KS. Its funny that was actually the first one I shot, and I ended up useing the whole thing cus I got over zealous. Lol, I used the whole KS, and Burma prints, and I used 4 of the ereal prints. I'm gonna make up my SA syringe in the next day or two, I boiled the water and filled the syringe today.
Well after 24 hours incubating the temp says 83. I have the thermometer sitting on the bottom of the tub, and the jars all around it. It doesn't really feel as warm as it has, but I also don't want to over heat them, so I'm gonna leave it alone watch the temp, and if I don't have any growth in a week, I'll think about changing it.