Are there ANY pure Sativas on the market?


Well-Known Member
Seems like everything is a hybrid. I can't remember the last time I saw a pure Sativa on the commercial recreational market. Can you? :) From the business side of things, I can understand that it's just not feasible to grow plants that might take 20 weeks to ripen. And I'm not sure the buying public is sophisticated enough, at this time, to really care. I'm sure there must be some private growers, who have all the time in the world, and are growing a few of those rarities.

It would be cool if there was even ONE commercial business, who specialized in pure Sativas and Indicas instead of ultra-complex hybrids. I'm not sure if I even completely understand how these 70/30, 60/40, 80/20 type percentages are even calculated. The lineage of most modern hybrids goes so deep and there are so many different phenotypes within each of those hybrids...and then how each one is grown, etc....I'm not sure that anyone can say what the differences really are.

In my experience, most of the recreational weed is not ripe....The trichomes almost always look completely clear. So, for the most part, whatever qualities the plants could express in terms of effect and flavor, aren't even there. If something is supposed to be Sativa-leaning, people will describe the high s "up" or "energetic", but it's really just that the flowers aren't ripe and people aren't getting much of any effect -other than psychological.

If I ever get my hands on some real, super-long-flowering, landrace Sativa seeds, then I'd like to try growing one or two -to complete ripeness. But, outside of growing them, myself, I don't think I will ever see a real Sativa flower on the shelves. I wonder how much more would have to be charged for something that takes twice as long to grow...twice as much? ;)
Was gonna point you to SOA ( seeds of Africa ) - that’s where I got Malawi Gold but seems most out of stock.
‘That sucker pushed me 16 + weeks.

I had a pack of Malawi Gold from them. I tried to grow it a few years ago and not a single one sprouted which disappointed me. I know it wasn't me as it was every seed in the pack and I never have issues growing from seed. I'm not blaming SOA either as it was more than likely either poor storage on the part of the seed bank or the seeds were old as it's not one of the popular hype strains everyone buys so they had probably been sitting around awhile. But I do have some ACE Malawi going right now and I'm looking forward to that. I really like the way ACE puts dates on their seed packs so you know how old they are. Some of the stuff that doesn't sell could have been sitting around for a decade and you'd never know since there's no date on the packaging.
Seems like everything is a hybrid. I can't remember the last time I saw a pure Sativa on the commercial recreational market. Can you? :) From the business side of things, I can understand that it's just not feasible to grow plants that might take 20 weeks to ripen. And I'm not sure the buying public is sophisticated enough, at this time, to really care. I'm sure there must be some private growers, who have all the time in the world, and are growing a few of those rarities.

It would be cool if there was even ONE commercial business, who specialized in pure Sativas and Indicas instead of ultra-complex hybrids. I'm not sure if I even completely understand how these 70/30, 60/40, 80/20 type percentages are even calculated. The lineage of most modern hybrids goes so deep and there are so many different phenotypes within each of those hybrids...and then how each one is grown, etc....I'm not sure that anyone can say what the differences really are.

In my experience, most of the recreational weed is not ripe....The trichomes almost always look completely clear. So, for the most part, whatever qualities the plants could express in terms of effect and flavor, aren't even there. If something is supposed to be Sativa-leaning, people will describe the high s "up" or "energetic", but it's really just that the flowers aren't ripe and people aren't getting much of any effect -other than psychological.

If I ever get my hands on some real, super-long-flowering, landrace Sativa seeds, then I'd like to try growing one or two -to complete ripeness. But, outside of growing them, myself, I don't think I will ever see a real Sativa flower on the shelves. I wonder how much more would have to be charged for something that takes twice as long to grow...twice as much? ;)

You really need to grow a long flowering sativa until it's done to appreciate one. The people growing hybrids that say to harvest early to get a sativa high don't know what they're talking about. An early harvested hybrid is nothing like a fully ripened sativa. But most have never even smoked one and just go by what they heard online so it's not really their fault. They're just misinformed. No early harvested hybrid is going to give you the same effect as a fully finished sativa. That whole harvest at this point for a head high and harvest at this point for a body high is just nonsense and I cringe whenever I see someone post that.

Like I said in my previous post ACE has some really good sativas. RSC and TLT are great as well.
i don't think i could trust a company that sells indicas and sativas for similar prices

long flowering sativas should cost more
i don't think i could trust a company that sells indicas and sativas for similar prices

long flowering sativas should cost more

Yeah why?

If you're talking about ACE they're one of the most honest outfits out there. They put dates on their packaging. They have third party lab results for many of their strains on their website. They tell you the actual history of the the strain. They do actual breeding unlike others that are just making crosses of other people's work. They sell their seeds at a decent cost and don't rip people off by charging $150-$200 for a pack of 10 seeds. One of the breeders is readily available to answer any questions and gets back to you quickly. Nice guy as well.

Some of the other outfits that were mentioned like RSC and TLT also offer both sativa and indica and are also some of the most trustworthy outfits in the business as well.

As far as long flowering sativas costing more I don't see why. There is less demand so they should actually cost less. Most have no desire to spend 16-20 weeks flowering a plant and instead choose the latest hyped up polyhybrid that claims to finish in 6 weeks, has 32% THC, tastes like berries, is purple, has a cool name, and costs $20-$30 a seed.

So what is the reason you don't trust them? Inquiring minds want to know.
just something i presumed after joining mr nice forums after buying a bunch of their indicas at auction

some of the pictures of the haze crosses and outback haze crosses there were totally wild looking, like nothing i have seen at typical breeder sites (aside from ace etc)

16+ week ripening and the plants looked alien. then i noticed all of the mr nice sativas are noticeably more expensive than their indicas

the cost to breed such long flowering space-taking plants will without question cost more to produce seeds

look at this plant someone posted of an outback haze cross. nuts

F141 OH1 cola.jpg
just something i presumed after joining mr nice forums after buying a bunch of their indicas at auction

some of the pictures of the haze crosses and outback haze crosses there were totally wild looking, like nothing i have seen at typical breeder sites (aside from ace etc)

16+ week ripening and the plants looked alien. then i noticed all of the mr nice sativas are noticeably more expensive than their indicas

the cost to breed such long flowering space-taking plants will without question cost more to produce seeds

look at this plant someone posted of an outback haze cross. nuts

View attachment 5108056

They just take longer to grow. I don't pay that much attention to what various breeders are doing so I wouldn't know what they charge.

I grew this Oldtimers Haze in a 4x4 tent. Well it started outside and I brought it inside to finish. 20 weeks flowering. I had to get creative to fit it in the tent.


yes but, a 16 week sativa does not produce 2 times the yield of an 8 week indica. the cost to keep the lights and climate control devices running, plus 8 extra weeks of water usage will end up costing more, not to mention the extra time/space costs and slower turnover

i can also say that as someone who only buys from the value menu at the ocs, it is almost impossible to find a 'sativa' at that price point that isn't terrible. always harsh and racy
yes but, a 16 week sativa does not produce 2 times the yield of an 8 week indica. the cost to keep the lights and climate control devices running, plus 8 extra weeks of water usage will end up costing more, not to mention the extra time/space costs and slower turnover

i can also say that as someone who only buys from the value menu at the ocs, it is almost impossible to find a 'sativa' at that price point that isn't terrible. always harsh and racy
Yeah landrace sativas might be better off outside if possible
Not where I live. The days and season are not long enough to get a Sativa close to finishing, here.

Funny...In the 70's when I was starting out growing, all we had were Mexican Sativas. We just didn't know how to grow them very well. There weren't really any resources to go to to look up how to grow marijuana. You couldn't even go to the library to look up anything. You either guessed at it, or you were lucky and knew someone who knew more than yourself. So information came slowly. I think High Times Magazine was probably the only source for information on the subject. But, even having High Times Magazines around was dangerous back then. No one wanted to raise suspicion about growing.

Now, it seems second nature that almost everyone can get great results with just a bit of research, online.

But, yeah, the only way to get a real ripe long flowering Sativa is to grow it yourself. No recreational store is going to have any that's ripe. They just have an "80/20 Sativa-dominant hybrid" which gives you an "up" high....yeah...bullshit.
Seems like everything is a hybrid. I can't remember the last time I saw a pure Sativa on the commercial recreational market. Can you? :) From the business side of things, I can understand that it's just not feasible to grow plants that might take 20 weeks to ripen. And I'm not sure the buying public is sophisticated enough, at this time, to really care. I'm sure there must be some private growers, who have all the time in the world, and are growing a few of those rarities.

It would be cool if there was even ONE commercial business, who specialized in pure Sativas and Indicas instead of ultra-complex hybrids. I'm not sure if I even completely understand how these 70/30, 60/40, 80/20 type percentages are even calculated. The lineage of most modern hybrids goes so deep and there are so many different phenotypes within each of those hybrids...and then how each one is grown, etc....I'm not sure that anyone can say what the differences really are.

In my experience, most of the recreational weed is not ripe....The trichomes almost always look completely clear. So, for the most part, whatever qualities the plants could express in terms of effect and flavor, aren't even there. If something is supposed to be Sativa-leaning, people will describe the high s "up" or "energetic", but it's really just that the flowers aren't ripe and people aren't getting much of any effect -other than psychological.

If I ever get my hands on some real, super-long-flowering, landrace Sativa seeds, then I'd like to try growing one or two -to complete ripeness. But, outside of growing them, myself, I don't think I will ever see a real Sativa flower on the shelves. I wonder how much more would have to be charged for something that takes twice as long to grow...twice as much? ;)
I bought a pack of these:

I haven't run them yet. I need another light. But they look damn close to the equatorial sativas I knew in the '70s. Ahh what I'd give to find some seeds from that old brick weed from the '70s. That clear ceilingless high. I miss that. My friend espaliered one in his back yard. It lasted for about 3 maybe 4 years until a frost finally killed it.
acapulco gold, durban poison those are the only 2 that come to my mind now. hazes are dominant but they are mixed a lot now days but they still have a lot more sativa high then indica....
Long flowering sativas should definitely cost more.

There is more time, energy, cost involved in growing a long flowing sativa. Plus, products that have less demand usually sell for more. Demand brings prices down and there is much less demand for a long flowing sativa which makes it rare and makes it cost more money..
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Well if you after long flowering theres phenos in rsc manipuri for example that take 80 to 100 days at least to show sex if that aint pure sativa type idk what is regardless theres many pure sativas on the market from multiple sources its not that hard to find