Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Nearly 1 am. Wake and Bake. It is absolutely pissing down with rain here at the moment. I mean buckets of the shit. Maybe 30 or 40mm (nearly 2 inches) in the past 20 minutes?
Nothing like choofing up to the sound of a thousand drums beating on the roof.bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
go to youtube and look for "mitch hedberg smokey the bear"... priceless. hes my favorite dead comedian. "i was standing in a casino, and a security guard told me i had to move cause i was blocking a fire exit....as if there was a fire, i wanst gonna run. i said "sir, if you are flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit.""


New Member
Are any of you the people i saw on TV this morning at 4:00a.m.? omg shopping at 4;00 am....how could any stoner make that appointment?

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
OMFG!!! i just read about some Walmart employee in NYC getting trampled to death and another prego woman getting stomped and miscarried. fucking crazy shoppers...


Well-Known Member
* Small rant before I deal with you heathens... Can the powers that be spend $10.00 and fix it so the "new posts, read first unread, and submit reply" buttons work shit I can go to another place and write a F*****g novela before the shit changes to right spot or post appears..And It's not my 1001110101 box..:wall:
Now to business..


Are they the kind you pump up with air ? or the kind that keep costing you after they arrive ,,,?
:finger: Rubber patch kit extra... PLUS shipping and handling...I think someone "handled it" before I got it....:fire:

My bird came out beautiful yesterday, pic attached :mrgreen:

I'm NOT shopping today, I'm putting up the tree and decorating the house. I'm staying home where it's safe. bongsmilie
I'm sure that vette as a cook will agree..beautiful bird miss.....:clap:

"whach you do is go to Africa, get yourself a bush-bitch with a bone in her nose..."
morning all
Good idea..plus some are JUST THE RIGHT HEIGHT.. nudge nudge wink wink... plus I can hold her bone at the same time...:shock:

OMFG!!! i just read about some Walmart employee in NYC getting trampled to death and another prego woman getting stomped and miscarried. fucking crazy shoppers...
Shoppers are the worst..I saw two ladies (I use this term lightly) that were rolling on floor fighting about a piece of cheese..


Well-Known Member
I finally get a few hours to myself and all I want to do is smoke a little and post out here. Does not look like that is happening. I cannot click on anything besides this thread.....Arrrrgh, very frustrating.


Well-Known Member
Burp........ My second helping of turkey today,, This time a turkey and cheese sandwich with mayo and lettuce ,,, Burp... 2 1/2 hrs till The Santa Parade ..At least this one is closer to home ... Pizza for dinner ..


New Member
I the house is decorated, I have the tree up but it's naked right now. I have to go grocery shopping, yuk, but I figure the bargain shoppers are worn out by now and home.


Well-Known Member
I the house is decorated, I have the tree up but it's naked right now. I have to go grocery shopping, yuk, but I figure the bargain shoppers are worn out by now and home.
LOL the shelves are prob bare .. But thats great that you got the worst part done .. I have to get the lights up too But not today