Making own oil or honey oil

Sam sneak

Active Member
OK so I been making oil for awhile but I been just using cab really so I got some plants that have not much of a smell to the bud so I'm thinking of turning to oil instead would I use the leaf as well or should I just use all the bud and mince it up I just ain't used bud before for oil so I'm wondering if I should also use the leaf cause I have about a pound of just leaf and about two ozs of bud or should I do a bud one first then on the second one add the leaf as well which will get I guess best of both worlds
sure you can use the leaf as well.. I like making RSO oil out of sugar leaves and popcorn bud. I keep the alcohol ice cold and the bud ice cold. Gives the oil a cleaner look when winterized IMO.
When people mention using leaf to make any kind of edibles or concentrates they mean sugar leaf only. Any leaf without a visible coating of crystals should be trashed. It does nothing but impart a chlorophyl taste into whatever youre making. the less leaf the better, trichs or no trichs, imo.
I use all of it turns out nice people love it I use isopropyl alcohol and filter it into a dish heat once then in the sun for few hours comes out nice and golden tacky gold but been thinking of other things to make from the bud maybe vape juice is next it ain't hard to make kind of same process just infusioning really for afew hours or so it has been on my plans to do 8 have afew ozs I don't really want to gift to people so I think making things out of it will be best option
The secret to quality 'honey oil' is after you have the oil in the alcohol solution, you then mix in a couple of tablespoons of powdered activated charcoal, it is sufficient to crush it in a mortar and pestle. Then filter.
When people mention using leaf to make any kind of edibles or concentrates they mean sugar leaf only. Any leaf without a visible coating of crystals should be trashed. It does nothing but impart a chlorophyl taste into whatever youre making. the less leaf the better, trichs or no trichs, imo.

you'd be surprised at the quality of oil you can get from poorly trichomed leaves. My method for the lower quality is to use 100% acetone.

Get a large jar with a wide neck and a smaller jar that will fit through the neck, and a stocking. Put all the low quality leaves in the big jar, you can really stuff them in, then add maybe 500ml of acetone and don't shake it just put the lid on and turn the jar gently for a very short time, then with enough stocking over it so that you can use the smaller jar to gently squeeze the weed. The whole process from pouring in the acetone to pouring/squeezing out the acetone should only be about 20 seconds. I'm not trying to squeeze every last drop because it's only low grade leaves.

If done quickly and efficiently you'll have a pretty pale liquid that you can then evaporate over a double boiler. It makes a very red stoney resin that is more viscous than honey oil.
The secret to quality 'honey oil' is after you have the oil in the alcohol solution, you then mix in a couple of tablespoons of powdered activated charcoal, it is sufficient to crush it in a mortar and pestle. Then filter.
How do you then remove this charcoal? Is it then black dabs? Charcoal is so fine.

Im super interested now lol. Does it remove terpenes?

I think ive heard of companies using color remediation, filtering co2 oil through fine clays and maybe charcoal, but never directly mixing into the concentrate.

Also, i dont know if it would improve your tek, but you can dehydrate acetone to remove almost all water from it.
The secret to quality 'honey oil' is after you have the oil in the alcohol solution, you then mix in a couple of tablespoons of powdered activated charcoal, it is sufficient to crush it in a mortar and pestle. Then filter.
Interesting. Can you tell me what the activated charcoal does? In my experience activated carbon ADSORBS dissolved solids, impurities and odors. Spent activated carbon is regenerated with fire.
Interesting. Can you tell me what the activated charcoal does? In my experience activated carbon ADSORBS dissolved solids, impurities and odors. Spent activated carbon is regenerated with fire.
I could be wrong but pretty sure it’s heat
you'd be surprised at the quality of oil you can get from poorly trichomed leaves. My method for the lower quality is to use 100% acetone.

Get a large jar with a wide neck and a smaller jar that will fit through the neck, and a stocking. Put all the low quality leaves in the big jar, you can really stuff them in, then add maybe 500ml of acetone and don't shake it just put the lid on and turn the jar gently for a very short time, then with enough stocking over it so that you can use the smaller jar to gently squeeze the weed. The whole process from pouring in the acetone to pouring/squeezing out the acetone should only be about 20 seconds. I'm not trying to squeeze every last drop because it's only low grade leaves.

If done quickly and efficiently you'll have a pretty pale liquid that you can then evaporate over a double boiler. It makes a very red stoney resin that is more viscous than honey oil.
perhaps with acetone, i wouldnt know, im a solventless guy.
When I use alcohol (not acetone) with quality buds, then I will shake the shit out of it, by the end it will be very dark green, add the powdered activated charcoal, yes it's fine, but not so fine that normal filter paper won't remove it and you are left with a very very pale yellow, that dries to the finest quality honey oil. Yes there are no terpenes.

These day I only either do acetone and leaves with a quick rinse and no charcoal filtering, it's not worth the bother. But my go to extraction is simply the Slug33 fat mac, which naturally does preserve all the terpenes. I like the Slug because it's fun to use and I don't have to use bags to hold the weed, just stuff it in and squeeze it out.

I learned about activated charcoal in the 70's from people who use to make hash oil in Kandaha and import it into London. They cleaned it up with activated charcoal for personal use.

@madvillian420, I only use acetone for cleaning my glassware, it's much more efficient than iso, or on low quality trim. It's a much underused solvent. In the 60's because I didn't smoke tobacco we would dissolve oil in acetone and pour it over mint tea and dry it. It evaporates with no residue.
The way to get a nicer cleaner, tastier extraction is to go fast and cold. I have a whole tutorial in my signature line about how I make my quick-washed iso extractions. It has helped countless people make a nicer product as quickly and easily as possible at home. It will retain most of your terps and leave you a clean delicious dabable concentrate.
When I use alcohol (not acetone) with quality buds, then I will shake the shit out of it, by the end it will be very dark green, add the powdered activated charcoal, yes it's fine, but not so fine that normal filter paper won't remove it and you are left with a very very pale yellow, that dries to the finest quality honey oil. Yes there are no terpenes.

These day I only either do acetone and leaves with a quick rinse and no charcoal filtering, it's not worth the bother. But my go to extraction is simply the Slug33 fat mac, which naturally does preserve all the terpenes. I like the Slug because it's fun to use and I don't have to use bags to hold the weed, just stuff it in and squeeze it out.

I learned about activated charcoal in the 70's from people who use to make hash oil in Kandaha and import it into London. They cleaned it up with activated charcoal for personal use.

@madvillian420, I only use acetone for cleaning my glassware, it's much more efficient than iso, or on low quality trim. It's a much underused solvent. In the 60's because I didn't smoke tobacco we would dissolve oil in acetone and pour it over mint tea and dry it. It evaporates with no residue.

Can the charcoal be added after the plant material has been roughly strained out?

After straining out plant mater, I then strain through a coffee filter using a Buckner funnel and vacuum pump.
@fskitch you know, I cannot remember I last did this with alcohol and buds about 20 years ago. I'm not certain if it matters to put it in with the plant material, but I have a feeling that I add the charcoal after I have strained the buds. It goes black when the charcoal is added looks a bit scary. I strained it using a large glass laboratory funnel and filter paper to match and just used gravity. While it does not retain terpenes, it does have a pleasant taste, but it is the consistency that is odd, it's not like any oil you've seen.

If you can be bothered you can also use all your old leaves that you suspect still have product in them, which will produce a low quality black stringy oil and then clean it up with the charcoal.
@fskitch you know, I cannot remember I last did this with alcohol and buds about 20 years ago. I'm not certain if it matters to put it in with the plant material, but I have a feeling that I add the charcoal after I have strained the buds. It goes black when the charcoal is added looks a bit scary. I strained it using a large glass laboratory funnel and filter paper to match and just used gravity. While it does not retain terpenes, it does have a pleasant taste, but it is the consistency that is odd, it's not like any oil you've seen.

If you can be bothered you can also use all your old leaves that you suspect still have product in them, which will produce a low quality black stringy oil and then clean it up with the charcoal.
Ordered a pound of A/C. Looking forward to giving it a try.
Wow I'm learning some new things today i used acetone years ago to clean other drugs. but yeah never cannibis never thought about it to be honest and charcoal isn't it a neutral. so it actually takes away the stone from the bud stripping it I would of thought. I never thought it would be beneficial to oil and with acetone would it be cleaner too I guess
Just made a batch using activated carbon.

2 quart Masson jars filled with bud placed in freezer overnight

2 quarts iso Placed in freezer overnight

I did two 30 second washes with 99.9% iso.

strained through a colander to remove plant material then through a nut bag to get rid of some fines

Added a couple tablespoons AC and agitated

strained through coffee filters several times with Buckner funnel and vacuum filter

evaporated iso using rice cooker

placed oil in stainless measuring cup and set in oven @240f for 2 hours/decarb and purge iso impurities

sucked oil into 10cc syringe

heated stainless cup with lighter and let Remaining oil drip onto parchment paper (830mg) this will be my test sample, I have a high tolerance. Placed sample in freezer. Noticed right away the carbon treated sample will not freeze as hard as non carbon treated. Stays kind of gooey even after the freezer.

i didn’t weigh weed at start but was approx 2.5 - 3 oz. Oil yield 10 grams.
