The fishing thread ( not about fish fertilizer)

Lol. Shit. You damn near need 20 dollar bills to catch them striper drifting jumbo minnows up around colusa too. Things are fuckin bank! But worth it. Dudes catch the 30-50 even 60 lb’ers! Casting swimbaits in the spring but that hurts my back casting like that nowadays standing in a boat. My style is drifting minnows. Can still hook them big mommas. Hella fun. Hopefully I finally have time this spring to get back on them but with my mid May deadline to finish the house i dunno.

i’ve had a few old timers ask me how i did out there when back to the dock and i’d tel them i filled the box with the perfect sized ones on minnows. And they’d say oh, you’re one of those rich fisherman! lol.
I never caught a sturgeon. I think I hooked one once. I ran out of my heavy duty hooks and borrowed one from the guy I was fishing with. It straightened a 3/0 hook in a heartbeat. Freakin wire hooks...
I never caught a sturgeon. I think I hooked one once. I ran out of my heavy duty hooks and borrowed one from the guy I was fishing with. It straightened a 3/0 hook in a heartbeat. Freakin wire hooks...
Right now they’re fricken nailin em up around hamilton city. And i’m too busy to play :-( i haven’t even put the jet sled in water in more than a year
We used to drive all the way to the end of the road by the eucalyptus trees for sturgeon. Straight across the water from Antioch. For grass shrimp and bait fish we would go to Joice Island using a simple minnow trap with scraps of anchovy, old salmon eggs, and even cat food. Fuckin bait was expensive. We used to buy monster blood and pile worms, nowadays they’re tiny. Times change lol.
Joyce Island is now closed off to the public. Go there you can get shot legally.

Yes if you drive all the way to the back where the lots and pumps are you can catch everything back there. Great mix of striper, sturgeon, largemouth bass and of course baitfish.
Joyce Island is now closed off to the public. Go there you can get shot legally.

Yes if you drive all the way to the back where the lots and pumps are you can catch everything back there. Great mix of striper, sturgeon, largemouth bass and of course baitfish.
Yeah, Joice Is. has been closed for a long time. When it was open we would catch live grass shrimp and bait fish in the slough. Never fished for Stripers, Cats, or Sturgeon there. Funny thing you’d hardly ever see anyone out there, it was very secluded. Good luck with your fishing out at Grizzly. You know people used to catch monster stripers in Little Honker Bay. It’s kinda hard to access though. The mounted Striper above the door at Virgils Bait was supposed to have been caught there.
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Collinsville used to be a hotspot for sturgeon. Hooked up almost everytime I fished there but landing it was almost impossible. The hot baits we used were mud shrimp, ghost shrimp, and good ole grass shrimp. I caught my biggest sturgeon underneath the Benicia Bridge (off the bank) on the smallest grass shrimp I’ve ever seen; could barely string them on the hook. I fished the Grizzly Island bridge way before they built that little pier and before the Gov. put up No Trespassing songs throughout the whole Delta. That pretty much ended my Delta fishing. All our “spots” are posted No Trespassing now- thanks CA.
Another post of yours you mentioned pile worms and how small they got. Word. And talk about what the junk bite stripers love.

But man, i’ve thrown down, and out, ghost/pile. Eel/pile. All kinds of combos. Nothing for me has ever done better than grass shrimp in our waters. Slabs of herring does good down in san pablo bay during certain times. But grass shrimp always was king for me. From the fleet on up. Trouble up high where i’m at now is you would have to drive for days to score grass shrimp. Done it but not really doable when you wanna just go out.

Talk about shutting down spots to fish from the bank. They were seriously going to shut down the rest of sherman island road, that didn’t happen, would have been so many pissed off people. I’ve partied my ass off on that road overnight trip bankin it. Fucking wind though! But what really sucked when I lived in stockton was they basically shut down all of the 5 side of the 160.
can’t park on the road now because people are fucking pigs and so they shut it down. At least as of like 6yrs ago last i heard. Might have changed but there was the biggest fucking dickhead deputy sheriff that would cruise that stretch even before they shut er down. That made it stressfull even before they shut down parking on the road. Hood/franklin spot was the bomb. I’ve caught plenty big ones just up river on the other side at clarksburg. a bunch of weirdos hang there.
I blended in great there everytime don’t get me wrong. Lol. I’ve caught monsters on that stretch of the sac. It’s the sturgeon highway. Really hot a few times of the year.
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There was a dude that used to post on here, forgot his name, but he’s a local around here. Friends with allot of fellow fisherman that i am with around here. Met him a few times at the RIU bbq’s. Him and his dad bang the fuck out of the dinos up around here. Wish he would chime in this thread.
Up until the fire got me i had soooo much roe in my freezer. I saved them from the 2018 fall run hens i got. I was mainly saving them for that upcoming winter steelhead run up here. That hurt. But anyways, sturgeon crack does great up here too.
Fished my hole in broad slough 2 days before the fire. Was planning on going the morning of the fire but the wind forecast down there was going to be 5-10. Broad slough is a little more shelter than the stretch of the sac around there and I would have launched at sherman island again. And cruised the backdoor out to my spot. But the wind up in P-town was supposed to be pretty bad. PG&E was threatening to shut down the power, which they didn’t of course. Thank god i didn’t. I would have also lost my 3 dogs
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Driving on the ice road took its toll. Lol that's my leaf spring sitting against my tire. Must have broken the pin holding them together going over the icy bumps and it let go (thankfully right infront of my house and not up north) I didn't realize what had happened until I could hear the tire rubbing on something. When I got out to look my tire was smoking. Lol. IMG_20220207_091342.jpg
I sort of lost interest in fishing for that striper bite down in the delta around 20yrs ago because of sturgeon. That was down there. I’m now up where the big pigs are but got into salmon and steelhead fishing and have also spent more time fishing the lakes for huge bows and browns and Kokanee. This is where the big girls are caught.