Getting some surgery tomorrow

Is this your first surgery, if it is keep this in mind (or at least it was for me). Your never get back to 100%. Don't stop pt when it's done do pt at home to. You will want to try to correct the imbalances created while you were protecting that arm. It's not Big things but things like ah shit putting on a coat is a hassle now, can't reach up or back like you use to. Muscles and tendons shrink. Also do both push pull exercises and get ur shoulders back and down to open up the joint. Sorry for long post
Is this your first surgery, if it is keep this in mind (or at least it was for me). Your never get back to 100%. Don't stop pt when it's done do pt at home to. You will want to try to correct the imbalances created while you were protecting that arm. It's not Big things but things like ah shit putting on a coat is a hassle now, can't reach up or back like you use to. Muscles and tendons shrink. Also do both push pull exercises and get ur shoulders back and down to open up the joint. Sorry for long post
Well its gotta be better than dislocating your shoulder while toweling off :D

im going to pt my heart out due to everyones reccomendations though. thanks guys.
Well its gotta be better than dislocating your shoulder while toweling off :D

im going to pt my heart out due to everyones reccomendations though. thanks guys.

I had rotator cuff surgery in 1997, after going for 17 years with an improper diagnosis. They kept on telling me I had tendonitis, and bursitis, which I did, but I had a torn cuff, impingement, bone spurs, and acromion was fucked up. I had at least 15 cortisone injection through the years. They also took out a few inches off the end of my acromion

I had the surgery in 97, and it took a full year to get back to 100% function. I had already built it back up in the 80s long before the surgery, and was a competitive AAU power lifter at 148lbs from 83-87, and also did non competition bodybuilding all through the 80s. I was competing in Marathon Running, and have a best time of 2 hours, 38 minutes, and change in the early 80s. I also lifted alot of weights.
All the time I was powerlifting ect, I had pain, and when I moved my arm a certain way, you could hear my shoulder crack across the room.

My surgery wasnt arthroscopic either Ive got a 6 inch scar where they opened me up. It was terrible pain, and I had to sleep in a recliner for at least a month. No way could a lay back on a bed. I tried, and trying to sit up, was like getting shot in the shoulder. I couldnt roll out of bed either. Same pain.. I also took no pain medication. They gave it to me, but I didnt take it. It took 1 full year to get back to where I could torture my shoulder again with weights, and now 25 years later, my shoulder is still as good as new. No restrictions, though I still do many of the PT exercises for warmups prior to lifting weights. Especially Bench Press, and Shoulders. I warm up on Bench with Dumbells.

The big thing about making a full recovery is to use alot of ice, especially after you do your exercises, and dont ever let up on your PT exercises. And you cant rush things. Bbe happy with small improvements. I used ice no less than 4x a day, 20 minutes at a time. I used a bag of frozen mixed veggies many times, right on the skin so it would numb the area. I would also get a styrofoam cup fill it full of water, freeze it, and do a massage on the injured area, peeling away the cup as the ice melts.
It’s orthoscopic shoulder surgery, so I’m not super worried. First time getting surgery though and abit nervous.

I just plan on eating ungodly amounts of edibles for the pain, any of y’all got some good tips?
I refuse pain all narcotic pain meds as I e lost loved ones to drugs. I had my knee done and used edibles. I just slept for first few days on gummies. I’d wake Eat gummies, wait a hour, eat and usually go right back to sleep. Best sleep I ever get is on edibles
I had rotator cuff surgery in 1997, after going for 17 years with an improper diagnosis. They kept on telling me I had tendonitis, and bursitis, which I did, but I had a torn cuff, impingement, bone spurs, and acromion was fucked up. I had at least 15 cortisone injection through the years. They also took out a few inches off the end of my acromion

I had the surgery in 97, and it took a full year to get back to 100% function. I had already built it back up in the 80s long before the surgery, and was a competitive AAU power lifter at 148lbs from 83-87, and also did non competition bodybuilding all through the 80s. I was competing in Marathon Running, and have a best time of 2 hours, 38 minutes, and change in the early 80s. I also lifted alot of weights.
All the time I was powerlifting ect, I had pain, and when I moved my arm a certain way, you could hear my shoulder crack across the room.

My surgery wasnt arthroscopic either Ive got a 6 inch scar where they opened me up. It was terrible pain, and I had to sleep in a recliner for at least a month. No way could a lay back on a bed. I tried, and trying to sit up, was like getting shot in the shoulder. I couldnt roll out of bed either. Same pain.. I also took no pain medication. They gave it to me, but I didnt take it. It took 1 full year to get back to where I could torture my shoulder again with weights, and now 25 years later, my shoulder is still as good as new. No restrictions, though I still do many of the PT exercises for warmups prior to lifting weights. Especially Bench Press, and Shoulders. I warm up on Bench with Dumbells.

The big thing about making a full recovery is to use alot of ice, especially after you do your exercises, and dont ever let up on your PT exercises. And you cant rush things. Bbe happy with small improvements. I used ice no less than 4x a day, 20 minutes at a time. I used a bag of frozen mixed veggies many times, right on the skin so it would numb the area. I would also get a styrofoam cup fill it full of water, freeze it, and do a massage on the injured area, peeling away the cup as the ice melts.
That is wild, i am suprised to hear you never got addicted to pain meds after all that. Strong willed for sure!
I refuse pain all narcotic pain meds as I e lost loved ones to drugs. I had my knee done and used edibles. I just slept for first few days on gummies. I’d wake Eat gummies, wait a hour, eat and usually go right back to sleep. Best sleep I ever get is on edibles
im amazed how well the ediblesvare working. the only downside is whenever i close my eyes it looks like Tron
That is wild, i am suprised to hear you never got addicted to pain meds after all that. Strong willed for sure!

Ive had 11 operations, and have never taken 1 post operative pain pill. I hate them. I used to shoot dope back in the 70s. Up until I Od shooting 1:1000 strength Epinephrine, like they give for a heart attack. This was in 76. I always considered narcotics the bottom of the barrel, and only shot them because some of my friends were. Shot a good amount of Dilaudid-K4s, and Morphine Sulfate, MDA. I never dug itching to death, throwing up, and not being able to shit the next day or 2. I see no fun in that.

I liked to shoot LSD, and PCP, Desoxyn, which is 15mg of pharmaceutical Meth. Id do 10 in a shot. Theyre so hard you have to soak them for 6-8 hours before they will break down. You cant break them with a hammer theyre so hard.

But I stopped all that nonsense, along with drinking, and cigarettes in 1976. In 78 I started working out, and watching what I ate. Ive not had 1 sip of any kind of cola since 1978. I dont eat artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, white flour products. Very little out of a can. Dont eat breaded, or fried food. Only thing fried I may eat are salmon/crab patties fried in olive oil. I can eat my weight in them.

Ive got a huge pain tolerance I assume from working out for decades. Ive always pushed my self to the limits when I workout out. Weight lifting can become a form of self torture if you get used to it. I like to do alot of drop sets. Where you go to failure, and then have your partner strip 50% of the weight off as fast as possible, and then go to failure again, and then when you cant do anymore, have your partner help you grind out all you can until the weight becomes uncontrollable. This is a serious form of self inflicted pain, but I love it. I alo do forced reps, and Negatives until failure. Pre- Exhaustion. I dont do it all the time, and not every exercise. Even though Im 63, very few people like to train with me. Ive run off almost every training partner Ive ever had but a few. I have guys in their 20s never come back again. Im also one of the few that likes to run, as much as I like to lift. Ill do a grueling workout, and then go out and run 5 miles, or more. Even after a grueling Squat/Leg workout. Not many want to do that, or even devote the time to do it. I view it as a challenge.
My buddy held the World Record in the Squat in 1987. Rick Cornet, in the 242lbs class. He thinks Im crazy. I think Rick Squatted around 813lbs. My best Squat in competition was 500lbs. I dont do heavy singles anymore, and do lots of reps, and noy very much rest. Im also very strict with my technique, and do cheat, unless Ive gone to failure, and then cheat out a couple more. I still Squat 315lbs full Squat for 20 reps. I usually dont go under 6 reps on anything anymore. Squats are my favorite exercise.
Back in the early 70s we used to get a couple gallons of Hawaiian Punch, put in 1-2 fifths of Pure Grain, and then 100-200 hits of LSD. The good old days!!!! It was funny to see people on all fours, chasing, and barking at cars driving through the middle of the park. I just lived 3 blocks from the middle of the park. There was always a party there, or a meeting place for everyone to plan some kind of a party someplace.
Back in the early 70s we used to get a couple gallons of Hawaiian Punch, put in 1-2 fifths of Pure Grain, and then 100-200 hits of LSD. The good old days!!!! It was funny to see people on all fours, chasing, and barking at cars driving through the middle of the park. I just lived 3 blocks from the middle of the park. There was always a party there, or a meeting place for everyone to plan some kind of a party someplace.
Thats wild. I love hearing about how wild it would get back then.
when I was in my 20s I went through a spell of breaking into pharmacies, I ended up with a huge habit with dia morphine, morphine sulphate/hydrochloride among other potent and fkg dangerous pain killers.

I ended up remanded in custody in a bad way withdrawing, I'd rather have died than suffer that 8 horrible weeks the 1st 2-3 weeks in particular was beyond words.

Among others goodies I once got a 250mg vial/amp of cocaine I've been curious since what it was used for either by a patient or the pharmacist?

I actually enjoyed that period I don't have any regrets about it... besides being caught likes :-)
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Among others goodies I once got a 250mg vial/amp of cocaine I've been curious since what it was used for either by a patient or the pharmacist?
It's used as an anesthetic and vasoconstrictor in ENT and Neurosurgery. We used it to pack under the lip, around the surgical site for Transphenoidal Hypophysectomies. ENT used it in nasal surgery.
It's used as an anesthetic and vasoconstrictor in ENT and Neurosurgery. We used it to pack under the lip, around the surgical site for Transphenoidal Hypophysectomies. ENT used it in nasal surgery.
I was given TAC (tetracaine, adrenaline, cocaine) as a topical anesthetic for a laceration above my eye when I was about 12. The doctor explained that it did a great job of constricting the blood vessels to lessen bleeding since facial cuts bleed so profusely. My mom was pretty good about blood, puke, broken bones, etc. when we were kids. She told me later though that she had trouble with that incident because it bled SO much.
I told all my friends that they gave me coke at the hospital. They didn’t believe me at first but my mom backed my story up.
My life was pretty tame though, no breaking into pharmacies for me, just a little light cocaine dabbling at the ER.