Boveda packs good or bad


Well-Known Member
I use 2 way bovedas after my dry period when im curing to lock the humidity where it should be. Im worried that they are drawing out allot of terps. I feel that if i use breathing curing bags the humidity should be stable anyways, was wondering if anyone had any experiences with both and noticed a difference at all
I use 2 way bovedas after my dry period when im curing to lock the humidity where it should be. Im worried that they are drawing out allot of terps. I feel that if i use breathing curing bags the humidity should be stable anyways, was wondering if anyone had any experiences with both and noticed a difference at all
You will be fine. I have used boveda for 5yrs with no issues. I have heard the bro science of drawing out terps, but never heard much about the actual science. Mostly just from people getting paid to rep/promote another product.
Try a different jar, like a metal container. Maybe a C-Vault type thing, retardedly expensive for a stamped piece of metal which is why I don't have any. If that isnt working get yourself an old fridge or freezer (doesnt need to work as you wont have it on) and store your jars in there.
I use them exclusively while and after my buds are cured. I cure in turkey bags with Brovedas, then jar up in 1oz increments with an additional Broveda and an RH meter. Love that combo. Works so well. The Broveda Packs claim to have some sort of terp protection. IDC, its personal stash and perfect for me.
i live in a dry climate,
jar loses humidity as time goes on.
im talking a month or two after jarring from 65 to 40.
Damn, are you storing your jars in the windowsill or somethin? Either that or you're opening the jars more than you should. A sealed jar of herb shouldn't lose 15% humidity in a month under normal room-temp conditions, assuming they're stored in the dark.
My 2 cents on Bovedas. . .. they seemed to be of benefit with long term storage of a jar untouched for more than 6 months. But in the short-term, like the jars or containers I'm dipping into every day or week, they're a bit wasteful and IMO kinda make the weed a lil more damp feeling than I like. They "may" steal terps; i ripped one open & the gel inside smelled strongly of the jar's contents.
My 2 cents on Bovedas. . .. they seemed to be of benefit with long term storage of a jar untouched for more than 6 months. But in the short-term, like the jars or containers I'm dipping into every day or week, they're a bit wasteful and IMO kinda make the weed a lil more damp feeling than I like. They "may" steal terps; i ripped one open & the gel inside smelled strongly of the jar's contents.
You're smelling terpenes that have off-gassed and then were absorbed by the gel. You wouldn't consider your carbon scrubber stealing terpenes from your plants would you? It's really the same thing. Usually people say the smell isn't as strong inside of the bin with the packs. That means the bud is not off-gassing much, which means the Bovidas are working well.
You're smelling terpenes that have off-gassed and then were absorbed by the gel. You wouldn't consider your carbon scrubber stealing terpenes from your plants would you? It's really the same thing. Usually people say the smell isn't as strong inside of the bin with the packs. That means the bud is not off-gassing much, which means the Bovidas are working well.
Yeah but those gel-trapped terpenes would otherwise just "marinate" in the jar with the buds. Your carbon scrubber analogy is unfair because we're talking about a sealed jar vs. an actively exhausted environment.
Yeah but those gel-trapped terpenes would otherwise just "marinate" in the jar with the buds. Your carbon scrubber analogy is unfair because we're talking about a sealed jar vs. an actively exhausted environment.
I'm talking about volatility. Carbon absorbs scents in a sealed environment too. I have a dufflebag that is lined with carbon that works well at keeping smells at bay. "Marinate" just means floating around until the jar is cracked and then escaping.

When I change the oil for my vacuum oven's pump, it smells like dank. It's not sucking out the smell. It's sucking out the air with the smell. That air is in a vacuum and is also filled with butane. Luckily the gaseous butane doesn't marinate with the shatter once it has been boiled out, because it sits in the oven for several days in a deep vacuum.
That's a lot of words to justify Boveda packs stealin' your terps, guy ;-) :lol: lol jk.

Either way, I just prefer not to use them. I don't plan to store weed for a year anyways, I'll give it away if I haven't smoked it by then.
Used them for years and love them. Also keep them in my cello and guitar cases.

I wet manicure.
Three bucket bud wash, mostly to slow the dry because I was getting crispy bud too fast.
5-14 day hang dry in 45-60% rh as much as I can control it.
7-14 days in a cardboard box evening the remaining moisture
Harvest divided into 3 1-gallon mason jars with bovida packs,
burped at least twice a day for about two months.

My current bud was harvested in October and tastes as fresh and terpy as it it did at 2 months after chop. I'll probably be smoking this until at least April at which point I'll have another harvest in jars waiting.

I didn't use them for years, didn't run into dry weed until I started growing more than I could smoke from harvest to harvest then it would start to get dry over time. Now it doesn't. That's about it.

Don't like em, don't use them. I use 1 per jar and replace them when they get dry, crack or I change strains. I've had several last up to 3 years, living in jars.

in my instrument cases I have to replace them every 4-6 months, but that's a hell of a lot better than wetting a slow release sponge with water and keeping it with them like we did in college.
Used them for years and love them. Also keep them in my cello and guitar cases.

I wet manicure.
Three bucket bud wash, mostly to slow the dry because I was getting crispy bud too fast.
5-14 day hang dry in 45-60% rh as much as I can control it.
7-14 days in a cardboard box evening the remaining moisture
Harvest divided into 3 1-gallon mason jars with bovida packs,
burped at least twice a day for about two months.

My current bud was harvested in October and tastes as fresh and terpy as it it did at 2 months after chop. I'll probably be smoking this until at least April at which point I'll have another harvest in jars waiting.

I didn't use them for years, didn't run into dry weed until I started growing more than I could smoke from harvest to harvest then it would start to get dry over time. Now it doesn't. That's about it.

Don't like em, don't use them. I use 1 per jar and replace them when they get dry, crack or I change strains. I've had several last up to 3 years, living in jars.

in my instrument cases I have to replace them every 4-6 months, but that's a hell of a lot better than wetting a slow release sponge with water and keeping it with them like we did in college.

too many people come into boveda discussions with their biology PhD hats on.
my RH hits 20-30 degrees. My jars at 60rh ain’t holding that in a room at 20/30 for weeks/months.
this ain’t rocket science.
god bless the people living in 60rh at home who maybe don’t need them
thanks again for the feedback.