First order with ILGM. Never again.


Well-Known Member
After clearing broad mite infested plants about 2 months ago I had to start new seeds. Got a 10 pack of bubba kush for $109. While I waited for the seeds to get here I planted some tomato seeds, lettuce seeds, and 3 godfather og's from seedsman. All sprouted and are growing healthy. GF's are on their 3rd set of leaves. I'll post a pic in a few minutes. I planted them all in canna coco that was rinsed and watered with 300ppm fertilizer. I squeezed the excess moisture out of the coco inside a 5 gallon paint strainer. Fantastic success with every plant.

I used the same preparation for the ilgm seeds from the exact same batch of coco. 2 days after planting a couple sprouts barely emerged bright yellow looking like they already died. They did. Yanked on day 3. Today is day 4. 6 or so new sprouts are coming up. All but 2 look abnormal and sickly. Even the 2 that might be viable are questionable at best. I usually order from seedsman and have never had a problem with bunk seeds.

I'll report back in a few days to share how things unfolded. If I get less than 5 viable seeds I'm emailing their customer service requesting a full refund for the order. If they refuse I'm charging it back through my bank.

What's really shitty is I now have to wait for more seeds to come in from a vendor that sells seeds that actually grow. These people have put me 4 weeks behind over their low quality seeds. Buyer beware. I don't care how good their customer service is. I just want quality seeds and so far ilgm didn't deliver.
:sleep:First I’ve heard of such
You too?
I've been beating my head against the wall for 2 days now searching damaged seedling pics trying to figure out what happened / is happening. Today I started wondering if the seeds themselves are bunk. Searched on google for "ilgm bad seeds." I found the one ugly thread on here with differing experiences and opinions. I found several other threads on reddit reporting quality problems with their seeds. When I didn't see the seeds sealed in the breeders packaging as it always comes from seedsman I was a little worried. There was some generic little label on a coke baggie. No reference to the name of the strain even. Very sketchy. Now after this experience I see there's some validity to the bitch fits people are having about their ilgm orders. Burn me once and I move on. I got seed raped.
I've been beating my head against the wall for 2 days now searching damaged seedling pics trying to figure out what happened / is happening. Today I started wondering if the seeds themselves are bunk. Searched on google for "ilgm bad seeds." I found the one ugly thread on here with differing experiences and opinions. I found several other threads on reddit reporting quality problems with their seeds. When I didn't see the seeds sealed in the breeders packaging as it always comes from seedsman I was a little worried. There was some generic little label on a coke baggie. No reference to the name of the strain even. Very sketchy. Now after this experience I see there's some validity to the bitch fits people are having about their ilgm orders. Burn me once and I move on. I got seed raped.
In a coke baggie? Was there coke in it too?
I know man. I know. I'll say this - if I get 6 or more that turn into viable seedlings I'll humbly eat my words, apologize, and move on. It's a coin toss at this point.



So I'm a jack wagon and planted 2 seeds in the same goddam cup. They're 2 different strains. I'm not even gonna try separating them. I'll bend each down in opposite directions and clone 'em both. What can ya do? No bong rips before planting seeds.



Another suspected dud

Expected dud

There's hope for this one

A strong maybe

Another suspected dud

I'll post an update with pics in 2 days. I'll either be eating my words or exponentially more disappointed than I feel right now.
Weird you blocked all your history given all your grow fails
Just sayin
Blocked all my history? I didn't even know you could do that. I'm pretty sure all my posts are still out there. I just searched my name in the search tool. All of my posts are readily available.

Can you reference these supposed "grow fails?"

I had broad mites on my last grow like my OP says and I had to take it all down. That's the only time I've ever had to clear my plants. Your unprovoked hostility is strange.
I know man. I know. I'll say this - if I get 6 or more that turn into viable seedlings I'll humbly eat my words, apologize, and move on. It's a coin toss at this point.

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So I'm a jack wagon and planted 2 seeds in the same goddam cup. They're 2 different strains. I'm not even gonna try separating them. I'll bend each down in opposite directions and clone 'em both. What can ya do? No bong rips before planting seeds.

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Another suspected dud
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Expected dud
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There's hope for this one
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A strong maybe
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Another suspected dud
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I'll post an update with pics in 2 days. I'll either be eating my words or exponentially more disappointed than I feel right now.
Everything about these photos are why your seeds are not making it. You need to re think your nursery set up. Fill your cups. Not that loose either. I almost feel like this a joke.
and they look hungry for light
Everything about these photos are why your seeds are not making it. You need to re think your nursery set up. Fill your cups. Not that loose either. I almost feel like this a joke.
and they look hungry for light
They were all planted in the exact same way. Everything else in the nursery is growing great except the seeds form ilgm. Filling the cups halfway has nothing to do with seedling health. The reason you fill halfway is so you can backfill with more coco as the seedling grows to stabilize and support the seedlings stem. Packing your medium is not beneficial to sprouting seedlings. Thanks for stopping by and contributing absolutely nothing beneficial. Give yourself a pat on the back big guy.
They were all planted in the exact same way. Everything else in the nursery is growing great except the seeds form ilgm. Filling the cups halfway has nothing to do with seedling health. The reason you fill halfway is so you can backfill with more coco as the seedling grows to stabilize and support the seedlings stem. Packing your medium is not beneficial to sprouting seedlings. Thanks for stopping by and contributing absolutely nothing beneficial. Give yourself a pat on the back big guy.
Woah “mr can’t sprout seeds”.
I was being nice telling you what doesn’t look right. Your plants shouldn stretch that much anyhow. Good luck to growing trash and
Bashing a company that literally as nothing wrong with em.

And ALL your plants look starved and stretched. Everything your doing is the reason your plants are not growing.
I was being nice letting you know what I think. Considering I have successful sprouts and plants from every single breeder choose. Ilgm included. And finish all my runs. From start to finish. Every seed equaling in more than one plant. And finished as well.
Sorry to give you shit advice
Hey jonny! I have been following your grows. Sorry you had mites. Omg. They are evil! I lost a whole harvest once. They were everywhere, on my houseplants too.

Glad to see you here. The Jacks grows were cool! I just dumped the bottles! Stick around! I can't wait to see you up and going again!

By the way, I had a go around with ILGM seed bank. They accused me of trying to scam them. I saved the entire chain of emails and eventually the supervisor ended up begging me to forgive them and come back. Ha!

Anyway, I appreciate your posts and have learned a lot.

Thank you very much.
Ilgm begged for your business? One of the biggest retailers for seeds. And they begged you to come back? You must be a BIG spender
ILGM Support

Thanks for clarifying. I did read all the other emails. However, I think because you expressed some dissatisfaction we assumed you'd want us to do something about that (as that's the case with the vast majority of our customers in instances like these). However, I understand now this was never your intention. Our sincere apologies for having misinterpreted that.

I am very sorry this whole situation escalated with no reason for it at all, and I do see the part we played in this. It may be too little too late, but I can assure you we are genuinely out to help our customers, and that was our only intention (though I can see we dropped the ball in this case).
We hope we can still restore your faith in our company, and we definitely do hope to see you back."

Jonny, they kissed my AHEM! to get me back. They may help you.
Ilgm begged for your business? One of the biggest retailers for seeds. And they begged you to come back? You must be a BIG spender

Thank you!

You can read the email if you'd like. It's quoted in my last post. Begging may be the wrong word but you can judge it for yourself. They do care about customer service. It wouldn't surprise me if they gave him a full refund or replaced the seeds.

The cost of replacements is nothing compared to their reputation. They care about that, not some guy (me) spending a $100.
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Thank you!

You can read the email if you'd like. It's quoted in my last post. Begging may be the wrong word but you can judge it for yourself. They do care about customer service. It wouldn't surprise me if they gave him a full refund or replaced the seeds.

The cost of replacements is nothing compared to their reputation. They care about that, not some guy (me) spending a $100.
I know. They’re very good with customer service and do not take it lightly. They always replace the seeds. I always laugh when people bash them or pacific seeds.
good companies when it comes to CS