Pandemic 2020

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I was stuck in Florida the past year. There are so many Trump fanboys and girls it’s a truly horrific scene. As much as I hated Oklahoma it was not as horrifying as Florida. I am headed to live back California next week and looking forward to living during this pandemic with more reasonable people who care more. It should be a welcome relief.

The rural areas aren't any better and even the larger cities can be weird.
The one shoe that I'm waiting to see drop is better information regarding longer term effects that take place after infection. Seems that it will be a few months before that becomes available. I've seen conflicting information regarding the protective value of vaccines from sequelae or long covid.
Just got an update on My sister's husband's sister who did not believe in the vaccines and that there was a microchip in them so the government can track you.

As a review, she ended up in a coma due to covid and was put on a ventilator for ten days. She was transferred from the rural hospital, nursed back to life in the big city ICU, transferred back to the rural hospital as ICU rooms are in short supply. She has been discharged from her local hospital and now is being taught how breath on her own. She is not living on her own yet but with a caretaker until she is healthy enough to be on her own.

Just think how much simpler her life would be if only she did not have aversion to the tracking chip. It is no worse than being tracked by your phone.
I was stuck in Florida the past year. There are so many Trump fanboys and girls it’s a truly horrific scene. As much as I hated Oklahoma it was not as horrifying as Florida. I am headed to live back California next week and looking forward to living during this pandemic with more reasonable people who care more. It should be a welcome relief.
I love Southern California. Good luck!
I love Southern California. Good luck!
Thanks. I will be able to grow again safely without worry of law enforcement . I have a new light that I am looking forward to using . What a relief. Florida is an over policed scary place. I have surprise inspections at my apartment complex. They don’t even tell you what they are inspecting . It’s such bullshit. They came rudely knocking on the door for an inspection and my husband told them they couldn’t come in because he had Covid. Plus I unknowingly moved next door to a cop and his K9. I have had a lot of bad luck this past month so hopefully things will get better with this move. We will finally be out of the South . Never again.
Dirty trucks running around with nutjob flags here just as in Oklahoma.
At least in Oklahoma weed was very OK and shops everywhere with lax laws. Florida is so much worse and the Republican mentality here is so much more extreme. Trump and hannity live here! There are youngsters sporting Trump haircuts and the Trump very expensive pickup trucks are much more insane with permanent airbrush portraits of Trump that must cost hundreds of thousands . These are very rich old Republicans
From all over the country that gather in Florida. The amount of assholism here if off the charts. Nothing touches it.
Congratulations to #teamfreedom. The US now has 75M cases and 888K deaths. And while there is only 2.5K deaths a day, there are 365 days in the year, so they do add up. You guys are winning. You must be so proud.
I've listened and mostly agree with your arguments.

Dehumanizing antivaxxers because they made a choice that is different from the majority can be accurately cast as a form of tyranny/fascism/authoritarianism. That the choice to avoid this vaccine is based on woo woo ideas and not reality makes it difficult to think of antivaxxers as anything other than idiots. So, yes, I'm biased against people who make ignorant and stupid arguments, which is probably unfair but that's where it comes from.
This is the meat and potatoes of the argument I’m after, my point is they are flawed humans like us and deserve compassion, or in American terms freedom of expression. Why debase ourselves by mocking and rejecting them. By doing so we reduce ourselves to a baseline which we would otherwise deplore.
The one shoe that I'm waiting to see drop is better information regarding longer term effects that take place after infection. Seems that it will be a few months before that becomes available. I've seen conflicting information regarding the protective value of vaccines from sequelae or long covid.
I’m not trying to be a cunt and I’m pretty wrecked on a clone only but there wasn’t a subject in the first clause so I’m not sure what you mean.
Edit: got it. I’m seeing long covid as patient specific
Congratulations to #teamfreedom. The US now has 75M cases and 888K deaths. And while there is only 2.5K deaths a day, there are 365 days in the year, so they do add up. You guys are winning. You must be so proud.
I haven't given up yet. Still masking up, still staying at home rather than enjoying life in public, got vaxxed, boosted and following CDC guidelines. Now that we have access to home test kits, I test myself before visiting my mother, who is in an assisted living facility that has not yet had even one guest come down with covid (so, one point for the good side). I figure on sticking to this script for at least a few more months.

But, I have to say, it's the virus that kicked our asses. Antivaxxers/Republicans didn't. The virus did. Maybe if the Delta and Omicron variants had not shown up. Maybe if the vaccines were better at preventing infection. Maybe if governments of the world were determined to vaccinate the world rather than just the rich. Maybe then we'd have done better.

As it is, this is what failure looks like. I can't say I've never lost. So, I know what to do. Pick myself up, dust myself off and figure out what's best given the new.
I’m not trying to be a cunt and I’m pretty wrecked on a clone only but there wasn’t a subject in the first clause so I’m not sure what you mean.
Why I'm not yet willing to go back to normal life:

The one shoe that I'm waiting to see drop is better information regarding longer term effects that take place after infection. Seems that it will be a few months before that becomes available. I've seen conflicting information regarding the protective value of vaccines from sequelae or long covid.

I'm curious if you have better information on the subject than I do. I'd very much like to go back to normal but not without better intelligence on the longer term risks.
This is the meat and potatoes of the argument I’m after, my point is they are flawed humans like us and deserve compassion, or in American terms freedom of expression. Why debase ourselves by mocking and rejecting them. By doing so we reduce ourselves to a baseline which we would otherwise deplore.

Fuck um, they chose to infect,sicken and kill others as their freedumb of expression.
Why I'm not yet willing to go back to normal life:

The one shoe that I'm waiting to see drop is better information regarding longer term effects that take place after infection. Seems that it will be a few months before that becomes available. I've seen conflicting information regarding the protective value of vaccines from sequelae or long covid.

I'm curious if you have better information on the subject than I do. I'd very much like to go back to normal but not without better intelligence on the longer term risks.
The information is based on region, USA is hot right now. You also have a more dispersed population than U.K. so some in the USA have avoided the initial alpha and delta wave but omicron is more transmissible ie the viral load in aerosolised droplets is enough to transmit infection, this could mean that those who have avoided alpha and delta could get hit very hard by omicron unless they have had covid or have had 3 vax
So you are right currently for where you live.
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