Examples of GOP Leadership

Well well well …. One of the “ forgers “ just happened to get questioned …. Watch the fuckstain crumble.

Protip: Anyone that begins all of their sentences with "So..." doesn't possess the fundamental requirements to hold a leadership position in this country and is better suited for the customer service desk at the discount men's clothier.
All parties take note.
I don't know. If he meant "all" Americans then there is no big deal. As much as I have a poor view of him I would not hang my hat on this one.
The simple fact that he ran interference for that man earns him my lifetime Double Eagle award.

I must point out that that is also used as racist reasoning.
And it seems quite reasonable to take his words as blacks vote in the same proportion of other Americans. There is enough to heap on McConnell's plate than making him out to think blacks are not Americans. I have been following American politics long enough to get the idea that McConnell is not of the caliber as an Oath Keeper, for example. Biden makes enough mistakes with language also, I am not going to jump on him when I have a good idea a phrase does not come out right.
And it seems quite reasonable to take his words as blacks vote in the same proportion of other Americans. There is enough to heap on McConnell's plate than making him out to think blacks are not Americans. I have been following American politics long enough to get the idea that McConnell is not of the caliber as an Oath Keeper, for example. Biden makes enough mistakes with language also, I am not going to jump on him when I have a good idea a phrase does not come out right.

I wasn’t referring to his phrase, but to yours.
I realized that. But it all stems from my not vilifying him for this sentence. Sorry, I will throw stones at him for other things, not for this one though.
I think I’ve lost the train. I surely do not vilify (previous guy) for inelegant syntax when there are other better things for which I do excoriate him.
And it seems quite reasonable to take his words as blacks vote in the same proportion of other Americans. There is enough to heap on McConnell's plate than making him out to think blacks are not Americans. I have been following American politics long enough to get the idea that McConnell is not of the caliber as an Oath Keeper, for example. Biden makes enough mistakes with language also, I am not going to jump on him when I have a good idea a phrase does not come out right.
It's difficult to for me to believe that a person who targets Black people for voter suppression laws and opposes taking action to reduce police brutality that is often directed toward Black people for no good reason is not racist. Maybe not he's not overt in that he doesn't spit on Black children and tell them "we are going to come after you, we know where you live", But supporting systemic racism is an act of racism. Isn't it?
It's difficult to for me to believe that a person who targets Black people for voter suppression laws and opposes taking action to reduce police brutality that is often directed toward Black people for no good reason is not racist. Maybe not he's not overt in that he doesn't spit on Black children and tell them "we are going to come after you, we know where you live", But supporting systemic racism is an act of racism. Isn't it?
"I am not racist, but..."