LIt Farms

I was about to open my pack of gummy worms but it looks a bit strange. It came double labeled and the label looked "picked" at. I reached out to lit to see if they may have sent some out like that or something.

I have had this thing happen before and it be nothing but I got this pack off the Steve guy on strainly so it gotta go in the SUS pile until further notice.

Got a few of these wet in the meantime
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So yea I couldn't stop myself I just bought a bunch of red velvet x's but it comes with so many freebies. Well worth over what I'm paying, but man I gotta stop buying seeds!!!! Just picked up the soap x RV, E85 x RV, apples n bananas x RV, and some others I can't think right now I'm blazed. Well hope you all had a merry Christmas.
Where'd you grab them from?
Has anyone received their order from GLO lately? I ordered a bunch of LIT gear and a few of his own over a month ago and notta. I know he can take awhile, said he had covid etc.

He's went afk on social media for nearly a month, and my email hasn't been replied to asking about a shipping time frame, getting close to just charging back and saying screw it. Feels like he has disappeared.
Yea I did my biggest order with GLO because I thought he was closing shop. I sent him emails as well, No reply! Some others said he her and there he disappears for about a month or so but they still get there order just a really long wait. I was thinking of calling my bank as well, some people in another chat did pull back there money already. I ordered December 26th 2021 and still waiting. Im gonna give him another 2 weeks and if nothing im calling my bank. If you feel you should pull out then go with your gut. He always sent my orders in about 3 weeks time this is the longest I've waited so I'll give him alittle more time. That's just me though.
Be careful with Glo he's captioning a sinking ship from what I heard from Clearwater and others. I got the red velvet s1 with surprise bonus pack for from Neptune's for $150 but it looks like they raised the price to $300 now.
What's going on with glo ? I seen Clearwater just made a post said he was scamming some how but if you got pack from him before they're legit but not anymore . Anybody know what's going on
What's going on with glo ? I seen Clearwater just made a post said he was scamming some how but if you got pack from him before they're legit but not anymore . Anybody know what's going on
Pretty sure those beans were on loan and to be paid for when sold. Basically the flavor creator decided to bone Clearwater. At least that's what I hear down on the bottom of the totem pole. Most likely doing what's called the exit strategy scam on the community. Not uncommon on black market online stuff.
Has anyone received their order from GLO lately? I ordered a bunch of LIT gear and a few of his own over a month ago and notta. I know he can take awhile, said he had covid etc.

He's went afk on social media for nearly a month, and my email hasn't been replied to asking about a shipping time frame, getting close to just charging back and saying screw it. Feels like he has disappeared.
Dude definitely do a chargeback, I know a few people on here told me glo just ghosted them. Trust me I was tempted to order as well with some of his prices on lit gear but it's not worth it, dude has burned to many people, including breeders at this point.
Yea I think I'm gonna do a chargeback. It's been way to long at this point. I opened my container to check all my packs and funny thing is I saw 2 packs that I bought from glo and it looked like it was resealed with a lighter on one side. Like how the picture is kinda melted and plastic is melted. All other packs look perfectly normal. Has anyone had any packs like that?
You get what you pay for, maybe buy from a real seed bank or the breeders themselves instead of the cheapest thing you can find.
Never once considered ordering from glo, want to make sure the breeders I support get their due. glo prices were obviously bait for the final scam.
You get what you pay for, maybe buy from a real seed bank or the breeders themselves instead of the cheapest thing you can find.
Never once considered ordering from glo, want to make sure the breeders I support get their due. glo prices were obviously bait for the final scam.
But the breeders didn't have nothing bad to say about dude before. CW and LIT both said he was verified vendor. Glo is a POS and I had to do my first ever charge back but you're acting like people who bought from glo were trying to get cheap packs at the sake of the breeders not getting paid. Again GLO is a POS but I will say I got access to genetics I probably wouldn't have otherwise been able to afford but I never would put an order in with him if I knew he wasn't paying for the packs

I asked LIT about the double labeled gummy worms pack and they said they did send a couple out like that and it's 100% legit.
You get what you pay for, maybe buy from a real seed bank or the breeders themselves instead of the cheapest thing you can find.
Never once considered ordering from glo, want to make sure the breeders I support get their due. glo prices were obviously bait for the final scam.
As a guy that used to order from glo. I'm very positive they are the real beans. Grew more than one pack I got from that scammer no probs. You didn't throw your money away unless you ordered recently and didn't charge back. Clearwater was very open that if you got beans from him they are legit, just stolen because he's not getting paid by him anymore. It's the exit scam just look it up. Basically just get as many orders as you can on the way out and never fulfill them. Worst part is bet he's back in a few months and won't be helping anyone that got screwed. Last time it was his partner wonder what it will be this time?
You get what you pay for, maybe buy from a real seed bank or the breeders themselves instead of the cheapest thing you can find.
Never once considered ordering from glo, want to make sure the breeders I support get their due. glo prices were obviously bait for the final scam.
Dude Glo used to be very legit, I got every pack I ordered in the past and I ordered a lot- all where real packs. Granted glo has fallen off and isn't trustworthy now, glo has a myriad of personal issues but he never used to straight up scam. I think he bit off way more than he could chew and could only handle so much running the whole op by himself(he should of hired help considering he was making some good $) which was his biggest mistake on top of whatever crazy personal issues glo was dealing with- definitely rumors of drug addiction which wouldn't be surprising. Have to say in the past he was legit even just going back a 1.5-2 years ago, lots of people on here used glo in the past with 0 problems- I got every order. Don't think anyone would fuck around with fake beans man, all the stuff I got from him was real. No one should order from him now, last person I talked to the tried ordering just never heard anything back from, not even the payment confirmation email the one to put in your cc info, so I pretty sure glo has given up is done.
Well that is how it works, build trust with breeders and custies and when the time is right rip them all off. His prices were not very profitable so other motives can be assumed.
Well that is how it works, build trust with breeders and custies and when the time is right rip them all off. His prices were not very profitable so other motives can be assumed.
I don't think thats what his plan was, been getting beans from him no problem for years, I know people that would put in $5k orders and also never had a problem. I think the dude life's got a bit out of control and whatever he was going thru made him not be able to run the business. I really don't think he was playing the long con, if he was he did a terrible job at it.
Well that is how it works, build trust with breeders and custies and when the time is right rip them all off. His prices were not very profitable so other motives can be assumed.
That or dude got hooked on opiates in last year or so. His behavior the last 9 months has been spot on with people who have addictions.

At one point GLO was even breeding his own crosses and making a name for himself. Then he moved back to East coast and relapsed, or so it seems.
That or dude got hooked on opiates in last year or so. His behavior the last 9 months has been spot on with people who have addictions.

At one point GLO was even breeding his own crosses and making a name for himself. Then he moved back to East coast and relapsed, or so it seems.
Ya probably wasn't the best idea moving back east..I know that shit is everywhere now but fentdope is very easy to get in the northeast especially MA and even more so if you're looking...His behavior was identical of someone in the throws of a serious relapse and if that's the case I hope him the best and hopefully he can get back on the right track
I don't think thats what his plan was, been getting beans from him no problem for years, I know people that would put in $5k orders and also never had a problem. I think the dude life's got a bit out of control and whatever he was going thru made him not be able to run the business. I really don't think he was playing the long con, if he was he did a terrible job at it.
I don't think this was a long term plan, i do however think he was like f this and tried to drum up as many sales as possible to leave on. Those giveaway emails at the end seemed like a last gouge.
Ya probably wasn't the best idea moving back east..I know that shit is everywhere now but fentdope is very easy to get in the northeast especially MA and even more so if you're looking...His behavior was identical of someone in the throws of a serious relapse and if that's the case I hope him the best and hopefully he can get back on the right track
Im thinking he moved back home and fell in that crowd again. My buddy went through the same thing.

Was addicted to heroin in Illinois so he moved out to his dad's in Utah. Well it was meth out there and his dad booted his ass back to Illinois. He ended up OD'ing last year.

My brother's friend OD right around same time in same shitty town. That heroin mixed with fent is no joke.