Why is there no good weed around?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
People spray formaldehyde on they're weed here in the US (FL) some people think it makes it stay fresh longer,, but it does the very same thing as yours, won't burn and tastes like shit.:spew:

Sometimes the buds have a yellow tint to them and smell like hay, i think it's the result of someone not knowing how to grow and a dealer being a dumb shit spraying it.:-|

fuck em':hump:

i'm about 80 or so miles north of that map location.


Well-Known Member
ermm, i dunno, just the 192...


my dads place is somewhere round there. not too sure becoz he always drives there from Sanford airport because its cheaper or something. like a 2 hour drive.

but last time i remember smelling pot very strong going along those roads.
yea that place is cool! have you even been to blizzard beach? its right around there and it was voted the best water theme park in the USA.

its pretty cool there!! i would definately go again!

look up blizzard beach if you never heard of it! =)


Well-Known Member
yea that place is cool! have you even been to blizzard beach? its right around there and it was voted the best water theme park in the USA.

its pretty cool there!! i would definately go again!

look up blizzard beach if you never heard of it! =)
went once when i was younger. it was pretty cool.

infact, we happened to bump into my / our friends there without knowing they were even going on holiday. lol! bit weird but was good having friends there as well.

that big double donut ride is the shit.

edit: i went to water mainia when that was around - shut down now though i think? was that the one with the surfing feature? that was pretty cool - although it was a pain in the ass when they wouldnt get off the wave and every1 cheered when they fell, rofl.


Well-Known Member
thats awesome!
hahaa i dont think i remember that one
but i remember goin on a ride that was kinda like river rapids but you were in a huge tube goin down a slide. i jumped out of it and was just chillin in the slide holdin on to the raft.

got in trouble but it was worth it hahah


Well-Known Member
i cant remember. it was about 10 years since i 1st went and that was when we went everywhere. last time i went was about 2 or 3 years ago and we only went a few theme parks because it was so expensive an stuff.

gonna be even more expensive going again.

i think ill go jamica for the honeymoon :D

but yer, on topic. no1 spray there weed round here please. its stupid.


Active Member
Its been going on for about 18 months in the uk, Started with sand/grit, then they got imaginative..... God knows whats there putting on there plants but its shit!!! The stuff your on about that side burns your joint and turns the ash rock hard is probably the worst, If you slightly wet the hard ash it turns into what can only be described as ink!! seriously. Its a shame, because ive had some good good green, well it would have been if they could have restrained themselves from throwing everything, including the kitchen sink on there plants, not good.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
F@ck i wonder whats worse for you formaldahide or etchant Smokeh i live a bit far north to help ya i think, like 130 miles long way to come for twenties


Well-Known Member
F@ck i wonder whats worse for you formaldahide or etchant Smokeh i live a bit far north to help ya i think, like 130 miles long way to come for twenties

When I smoked it it smelled like hay and burned like shit, and most of the time it just gave me a headache.:spew:

It's like the shittiest shit down here. and it's like neon yellow it's pretty gay.


Well-Known Member
Its been going on for about 18 months in the uk, Started with sand/grit, then they got imaginative..... God knows whats there putting on there plants but its shit!!! The stuff your on about that side burns your joint and turns the ash rock hard is probably the worst, If you slightly wet the hard ash it turns into what can only be described as ink!! seriously. Its a shame, because ive had some good good green, well it would have been if they could have restrained themselves from throwing everything, including the kitchen sink on there plants, not good.
thats right. the most annoying part is, not that i know they are making more money, but that i have to keep reaching for my lighter and lighting up or knocking hard ash off the end of my joint.

its annoying, when ur trying to do something, i dont wanna keep messing about just to smoke 1 joint.

i lit a candle in the end and just use that.

F@ck i wonder whats worse for you formaldahide or etchant Smokeh i live a bit far north to help ya i think, like 130 miles long way to come for twenties
i live north. probably not as far north as u make out. im guessing ur in scotland?

im in the north west region.


Well-Known Member
When I smoked it it smelled like hay and burned like shit, and most of the time it just gave me a headache.:spew:

i have been told that the travelers mix horse shit, honey and foraldahide and press to make look like a green block and pass it off as green. the grit is silicon sand, bet someone is stuck with a mountain of it :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
When I smoked it it smelled like hay and burned like shit, and most of the time it just gave me a headache.:spew:

i have been told that the travelers mix horse shit, honey and foraldahide and press to make look like a green block and pass it off as green. the grit is silicon sand, bet someone is stuck with a mountain of it :mrgreen:
I don't see how you wouldn't notice, unless you were stupid.


Active Member
Yep, things have been pretty f*cked up in the UK for well over a year now.

Never really considered that dealers may be re-wetting their supplies in order to increase the weight. I just put it down to a complete lack of drying/curing, which pretty much equates to the same thing. (ie. It's wet, whatever the reason)

It's honestly pretty rank stuff, smells like hay, freshly mown grass etc.

From what I can gather 'most' of the weed in sale in the uk is coming from grow houses which are set up in rented properties usually by Vietnamese. (At least most of the reported busts involve Vietnamese growers).

Im guessing the lack of curing (or whatever is actually going on) is simply because they can get away with it. If we keep buying it, then they aint gonna bother making sure its primo bud. At least that's my theory...

The worst stuff I've personally seen was some bud which had some kind of silvery/reflective particles all over it (and found embedded throughout the buds too). Most annoying thing about this particular one was the bud itself smelt absolutely sweet... tangy, lemony, the sort of smell that usually makes you want to do a little dance.

After spending an hour picking as much of the shit off as I could I smoked 1 joint and it had a strange chemical taste so I promptly stuck it in the fridge to try and return to the dealer. Whaddya know, he wouldn't take it back!

When asked about the strange substance he said the grower had been having trouble with spider mites. I told him I didn't wan't any shit that was covered in insecticide or anything else for that matter.

After doing a bit of research online and looking at the substance under a magnifying glass I came to the conclusion that it was probably lead or some kind of heavy metal as it was soft and the tiny flakes could be 'smeared' on your fingertip.

Anyway, I've given up buying it now unless I know it's going to be of a decent quality (rarely happens). Which is why I'm now on this site. Have sorted out a light (250w HPS), some seeds (Greenhouse Sativa/Indica mix-pack), and am currently planning and gathering supplies for my own small scale cab.

Which leads me to the following question... Anybody know where I can find (cheap) mylar in the uk? :)