Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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I have enjoyed three shots. Delicious.
The virus is running laps around the round world though. We are unable/unwilling to vaccinate the world. The only hope is that it becomes endemic. It could. It could become worse. It is fascinating theater. The drama of the human struggle. The unknown looming.
Smoke 'em if ya got 'em.
"Buy me a drink. Sing me a song. Take me as I come cause I can't stay long."
it has just illustrated to me that there are a lot more ignorant fools than there should be, and they're distributed all over the world...but the u.s. seems to be where the nest is...
It's simple logic and you can't get it apparently, more obese children is usa = more children impacted by covid it's like primary school maths.
In my country children with covid remained extremely low since the beginning. Since 2020 3 kids died from covid. on MILLIONS. So stop your bullshit and accept simple facts a child would comprehend

Children diagnosed with obesity may suffer worse outcomes from COVID-19. In a study of COVID-19 cases in patients aged 18 years and younger, having obesity was associated with a 3.07 times higher risk of hospitalization and a 1.42 times higher risk of severe illness (intensive care unit admission, invasive mechanical ventilation, or death) when hospitalized.7

Oh so your evidence is your feels. Got it.

Accept just once in your fucking life you're wrong.
Not one of these is peer-reviewed. Stop arguing science without correct scientific documentation.

Your silence avers “did not even get the bac”.
Wrong again, I have no religion. I study and practice the laws of attraction. Bob Proctor taught me a lot.
But you sound like a bitter ascetic New England moralist spinster who is enraged at the people out in public who are stark naked under all their clothes.
marjorie taylor greene is a stupid bitch. she is as far from a patriot as someone can be without being an open traitor...she IS the problem with this country, along with every ignorant georgia hillbilly who voted her ignorant ass into office...where are the assassins when you actually need one?
J' ai mon bac, littéraire si tu veux savoir. Arrête avec ton irrecevabilité des journaux, puis même j' ai aussi envoyé les liens de la putain de CDC tu vas peut-êre me dire qu' ils ne sont pas sûrs...
Then you are sufficiently educated to know the nature of your deception and are without excuse. You know sources need to be peer-reviewed to have any weight. As long as you are mounting an argument based on scientific data, such as medical stats.

You are violating this basic fact of information hygiene. Since you are educated, you do no longer have the defense of ignorance. You are engaging in deliberate dishonesty. I abandon you to your angry delusion.
marjorie taylor greene is a stupid bitch. she is as far from a patriot as someone can be without being an open traitor...she IS the problem with this country, along with every ignorant georgia hillbilly who voted her ignorant ass into office...where are the assassins when you actually need one?
I was gonna like this til the last sentence. We are supposed to be the side respectful of due process.
Not one of these is peer-reviewed. Stop arguing science without correct scientific documentation.

Your silence avers “did not even get the bac”.
To him it's a moral question, not a scientific one based on facts, he feels superior to the mere mundane creatures who are over weight or addicted. He thinks he's strong and can sluff off covid, he is a victim of disinformation, because he believes it and reposts it. He lacks critical thinking skills and probably ability. His bigotry and prejudice brought him to these sources of disinformation, for those are the only people who seek them out and are willing to believe them, while discounting a magnitude of other sources, some international as "fake" news. Only a fool listens to proven liars and only a bigger fool believes them.
Then you are sufficiently educated to know the nature of your deception and are without excuse. You know sources need to be peer-reviewed to have any weight. As long as you are mounting an argument based on scientific data, such as medical stats.

You are violating this basic fact of information hygiene. Since you are educated, you do no longer have the defense of ignorance. You are engaging in deliberate dishonesty. I abandon you to your angry delusion.
Yes because of course all of your assumptions are based on academical resource you could link, i trust you.
Even my government sends fallacious sentences based on miscomprehended facts, if any one has his assumptions based on academical references, i think you're the one and only.
I personaly think, at least CDC is a decent and hygienic source of information. CDC says there's way too much obese children in USA, CDC says obse and children with obesity are way more impacted by covid. Stop with my supposedly deliberate dishonesty and accept simple facts.
marjorie taylor greene is a stupid bitch. she is as far from a patriot as someone can be without being an open traitor...she IS the problem with this country, along with every ignorant georgia hillbilly who voted her ignorant ass into office...where are the assassins when you actually need one?
Death to those who dont agree with you? Got it, big guy.
I was gonna like this til the last sentence. We are supposed to be the side respectful of due process.
oh, so i don't get to have any dreams, because they make you uncomfortable?....not changing a thing, the best thing that could happen to this entire country involves her in a pine box 6 feet in the ground...her level of hatred and virulence will never change, all shes ever going to do is make as many people as possible miserable, then she'll sit back and laugh about it...fuck her, she needs to be gone