Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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I never said 'confusing', it is cherry picked statistical shitcannery Death Cult noise.

Also lmao at some new Death cult sock puppet account with ... 120 posts telling me that I 'didn't bring a single thing to support (my) points'.
if you say so, you're so brainwashed you won't change a single thing in your beliefs.
And i was talking about our conversation, sorry didnt read your whole history to see if you eventually already did points on that subject before.. are you that stupid ?
Simple covid? I have not heard it called that before. Now as far as the Flu and people with previously underlying conditions. First, we have had the Flu for many years and we have never had people so seriously sick that we flew patient out of province to be treated. We have not had to convert regular wards into isolation wards due to the flu. We have not had to cancel surgeries for the flu.

Never talked about simple covid, i said a disease like flu could harm fragile people as much as covid, and also lead to their death. Do we blame unvaccinated people against flu to be killers ? No. Same thing applies for covid.
And another point, first time in history we blame people who don't take the medecine for the lack of efficiency of this medecine.
If vaccine is so efficient, just give fragile people vaccines and let other people out of that.
As i said, Israël and pfizer admit vaccine is no longer efficient against omicron spread, even less that it was against delta. It should be an individual choice based on your age and health, knowing it's not a 100% efficient magical treatment, triple vaccinated can still die from covid.

About your personal case, it remains a personale case. In my town, 50% of total capacity in icu, half of this for covid. And only half of this half is unvaccinated.
I watched people eat boiled pig sphincters on Fear Factor once. Gross. Joe Rogan was the host - this was a good decade before he descended fully into lunacy.
Wonder if there would be any ancillary COVID prevention benefit to eating pickled goat sphincters if the goats were dosed with a mix of ivermectin and hydroxychoraquine before being slaughtered and processed?

Have the goats drink bleach and give’m a nice UV sunburn, you’ll be fine.

I saw a Rogan movie long ago. It stunk. The humor was very coarse.
if you say so, you're so brainwashed you won't change a single thing in your beliefs.
And i was talking about our conversation, sorry didnt read your whole history to see if you eventually already did points on that subject before.. are you that stupid ?
You never answered my question. Avez-vous votre bac?
Never talked about simple covid, i said a disease like flu could harm fragile people as much as covid, and also lead to their death. Do we blame unvaccinated people against flu to be killers ? No. Same thing applies for covid.
And another point, first time in history we blame people who don't take the medecine for the lack of efficiency of this medecine.
If vaccine is so efficient, just give fragile people vaccines and let other people out of that.
As i said, Israël and pfizer admit vaccine is no longer efficient against omicron spread, even less that it was against delta. It should be an individual choice based on your age and health, knowing it's not a 100% efficient magical treatment, triple vaccinated can still die from covid.

About your personal case, it remains a personale case. In my town, 50% of total capacity in icu, half of this for covid. And only half of this half is unvaccinated.
Provide a reference for the incredible statistics hinted at in your last paragraph.
Interesting when the science says two vaccines no good for current strain ( other strains have gone now) having had the disease is better but 3 shots are better still. Do you think you need to adapt the narrative in the light of this new science?
If the public health departments are following the science and consider fully vaccinated to include a booster, I would say yes. I don’t believe that is the case in Quebec, at the moment.

Getting more people vaccinated with at least 2 shots will be a big help. While 2 shots loses efficacy against getting omicron, it greatly reduces serious illness.

The Quebec government’s approach has been interesting, for sure. Mandating vaccination for the purchase of alcohol and cannabis led to an immediate increase in rates.
If the public health departments are following the science and consider fully vaccinated to include a booster, I would say yes. I don’t believe that is the case in Quebec, at the moment.

Getting more people vaccinated with at least 2 shots will be a big help. While 2 shots loses efficacy against getting omicron, it greatly reduces serious illness.

The Quebec government’s approach has been interesting, for sure. Mandating vaccination for the purchase of alcohol and cannabis led to an immediate increase in rates.
And you think this creeping fascism is a good thing?
Creeping fascism goes nicely with socialized medicine. lol
We have creeping fascism south of the Canadian border too. You know, shit like banning profoundly personal medical procedures in certain states and then allowing people to tattle on anyone that provides such a procedure anyway and then suing them in court. But vaccines and masks are more fascist, or something.
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if you say so, you're so brainwashed you won't change a single thing in your beliefs.
And i was talking about our conversation, sorry didnt read your whole history to see if you eventually already did points on that subject before.. are you that stupid ?
lol sweet troll, you got me, I am so stupid that I don't jump through hoops when a new disingenuous death cult troll's sock puppet spams their cherry picked bullshit stats and pretend like they are not full of shit when they say shit that is a obvious lie for the millionth time.

Never talked about simple covid, i said a disease like flu could harm fragile people as much as covid, and also lead to their death. Do we blame unvaccinated people against flu to be killers ? No. Same thing applies for covid.
And another point, first time in history we blame people who don't take the medecine for the lack of efficiency of this medecine.
If vaccine is so efficient, just give fragile people vaccines and let other people out of that.
As i said, Israël and pfizer admit vaccine is no longer efficient against omicron spread, even less that it was against delta. It should be an individual choice based on your age and health, knowing it's not a 100% efficient magical treatment, triple vaccinated can still die from covid.

About your personal case, it remains a personale case. In my town, 50% of total capacity in icu, half of this for covid. And only half of this half is unvaccinated.
Spewing more of that Death cult talking points that don't make any sense once you actually think about what is typed but almost sounds good enough that people who want to believe their lies can trick themselves into thinking that they are ok not to get the extremely safe and effective vaccine that is about 2000% more likely to keep them out of the hospital due to the virus if they catch it.

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We have creeping fascism south of the Canadian border too. You know, shit like banning elective medical procedures in certain states and then allowing people to tattle on anyone that provides such a procedure anyway and then suing them in court. But vaccines and masks are more fascist, or something.
If you mean abortion, it ain’t a boob job.
If you mean abortion, it ain’t a boob job.
Unintended language consequence here. I was attempting to tiptoe around a profoundly personal topic but highlight the hypocrisy of invoking the fascist label over masks and vaccines. It looks like I stepped into a separate semantics issue on the topic. Will edit my post slightly.
Unintended language consequence here. I was attempting to tiptoe around a profoundly personal topic but highlight the hypocrisy of invoking the fascist label over masks and vaccines. It looks like I stepped into a separate semantics issue on the topic. Will edit my post slightly.
Unfortunately the language is a minefield all the way around. “Elective” gives the illiberals a a weapon, since it suggests “unnecessary“.