Yup just more spam pretending to not be Death cult noise from you. Doing shit like shifting from 'deaths' (while ignoring sicknesses) to 'spread' (instead of being hospitalzed with Covid illness) and any other statistically garbage talking point that you can confuse people with.
Hospitals are getting hammered and you are pretending like they are not. I will listen to the people who actually work in the medical fields that have worked for years to get the education that they need to be able to dedicate their lives to keep our society healthy and not just some random account pushing the same shit that the Death Cult trolls have been from the start.
I can't wait for you antivaxers to add a shit sandwich to your covid cure. Then you could put the dewormer on your shit sandwich and wash it down with a tall warm glass of urine all while having a UV light shoved up your ass.
I can't wait for you antivaxers to add a shit sandwich to your covid cure. Then you could put the dewormer on your shit sandwich and wash it down with a tall warm glass of urine all while having a UV light shoved up your ass.
Several coworkers including my boss have had breakthrough COVID infections recently. Another coworker has two daughters who are nurses working in hospitals, both have reported that hospitalizations now are as high as they have been at any time in the pandemic. One is in Colorado, the other in Michigan.
One of them is asymptomatic, she tested because her husband has COVID. She was instructed to report to work anyway because the hospital is so busy and so short staffed.
Anyone who says the current situation with strained hospital systems in the US is creation of the media is willfully delusional or willfully trying to spread a false narrative.
Not a single state near overwhelmed capacities.
In France it's the same, explosion of positive pcr tests in late december but no serious impact on health system, no improved death rate.
Gov. has destroyed thousands of beds and thousands of health professionals have been forced to quit because of their vaccination status. Each year for decades, heatlh pro. are on strike for the lack of money and staff. This year is not different from other years and NO, non vaccinated people are not the reason why pandemic is still there.
It's proven that vaccinated people still can spread and get the disease, and it's even more useless against omicron spreading. So useless that Israël is now changing his strategy and is now focusing on fragile people that are dying, a small part of population and certainly not young and healthy people, rather than the overall population. Which we all should have done for a long time now.
You are believing and falling in what looks like a cult way more than me.
a quote from the website you keep linking about hospital bed capacity
"Note: Numbers are not reported in real time. Most are from 2018 reports or prior and may be incomplete or outdated. With your help, we are updating this data to show a more current view. Main data sources are Definitive Healthcare & Healthcare Cost Report Information System (HCRIS). "
so...any more compelling evidence i can trash as bullshit?
I've had both initial vaccines but haven't had the booster yet. Meanwhile I've had covid twice, once in July and again in October. I still have mild symptoms. Wondering if taking the booster is worth it, since I should already have a lot of antibodies built up. I'm 66 but in great health and good physical condition. No meds but the weed.
a quote from the website you keep linking about hospital bed capacity
"Note: Numbers are not reported in real time. Most are from 2018 reports or prior and may be incomplete or outdated. With your help, we are updating this data to show a more current view. Main data sources are Definitive Healthcare & Healthcare Cost Report Information System (HCRIS). "
so...any more compelling evidence i can trash as bullshit?
wow, finally you get a beginning of something that's not only insulting, congratulations !
Well yes indeed, i thought the article was updated, heres is one :
Explore data on COVID-19 hospitalizations across the world.
And yes USA and Canada have high and increasing hospital admission rate, but it doesn't invalid anything else i said. Beside that France has not such explosion of admissions and keep the same level as previous years. Vaccine is still not useful to prevent transmission and so not a reason to segregate non vaccinated people. You should still choose to protect yourself from severe forms with vaccine depending on your age and health.
oh, i thought it meant you were ignorant and misinformed, and suffering from the delusion that people call "immortal youth"...and "the arrognace of youth"....
One of the “respectable” winger anti-vaxx arguments is that COVID is no big deal unless you’re already in very poor health, making vaccination and other mitigation measures unnecessary for most people. A dishonestly edited clip of remarks made by the CDC director appeared to support this...
oh, i thought it meant you were ignorant and misinformed, and suffering from the delusion that people call "immortal youth"...and "the arrognace of youth"....
One of the “respectable” winger anti-vaxx arguments is that COVID is no big deal unless you’re already in very poor health, making vaccination and other mitigation measures unnecessary for most people. A dishonestly edited clip of remarks made by the CDC director appeared to support this...
Sentence as silly as antivax conspiracy shit.
According also to all datas we have, vaccine protect in best case 40% of transmission against delta and it seems even less effective against omicron.
And yes, Israël is not only talking but also switching totally of strategy, reserving pcr test to 50yo people only and focusing on the small, old and fragile population.