Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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No. You have it backward. People who might get complications should be exempt, but the other 99+%, mandate their dumb bottoms.

The point of a vaccine is to break the transmission chain. Like cadmium in a reactor. This means that civic duty supersedes bad interpretations of civil liberty.

Since so many millions have swallowed the Qrap that “vaccine dangerous!”, public safety demands stepping up disincentives. I suggest that only the unvaxed with a documented and legitimate reason (i. e. not religion) may use insurance for hospitalization for Covid.

If you won’t vaccinate for political reasons, then please have the good grace to die at home, alone, should you fall ill. It’s the patriotic thing to do, despite the fascists’ effort to appropriate that word. Leave the services to the good citizens.

You're missing the whole point of health and medecine. You don't choose who you're healing based on their beliefs or vaccination status.
And you're exagerating the dangerosity and breadth of the pandemic. I certainly won't die from covid, and if i develop a severe form i would be part of a super tiny minority of people from my age and health status to get one and that might die from it. As much as an usual flu, people from my age and in good health should die from it, but they certainly won't vaccine themselve every six months though.
You're missing the whole point of health and medecine. You don't choose who you're healing based on their beliefs or vaccination status.
And you're exagerating the dangerosity and breadth of the pandemic. I certainly won't die from covid, and if i develop a severe form i would be part of a super tiny minority of people from my age and health status to get one and that might die from it. As much as an usual flu, people from my age and in good health should die from it, but they certainly won't vaccine themselve every six months though.
You are comprehensively incorrect.
Ok I will tell that to my uncle oh no I cant he died 4 days after the toxic jab ,ok I will ask my father if this is an example of argumentum ad verecundiam oh no I cant blood clot on his brain 48hrs after booster . All Experimental genetherapy operating system injection junkies are simply under hypnosis and literally took Bill Gates depopulation soup hook line and sinker coerced lied to by media and Goverments around the world and all planned for you . Goodluck
Argumentum ad please get help
Ok I will tell that to my uncle oh no I cant he died 4 days after the toxic jab ,ok I will ask my father if this is an example of argumentum ad verecundiam oh no I cant blood clot on his brain 48hrs after booster . All Experimental genetherapy operating system injection junkies are simply under hypnosis and literally took Bill Gates depopulation soup hook line and sinker coerced lied to by media and Goverments around the world and all planned for you . Goodluck

Piece of shit liar.
I believe the health status of dead people is left as an exercise to the reader.
Just be honest and stop your childish answers. Health status of dead people BEFORE INFECTION. Age is the first factor, health is the second. +50 with health issues and 30 yo with good health have NOT the same need of vaccine. knowing what science and experience says, you're wrong and i'm right.
Im 58 years old fit as a flea unvaxed pureblood yet all my vaxed friends have had the Fauci flu .guess what I have not had a sniffle. Natural immunity for me thankyou .
You take your experimental juice and fade away as planned for you by the big pharma globalists .you are the carbon they want to eliminate.
Globalists! Son, (I was running around while you were still a twinkle in your daddy’s eye) your head is full of snakes. The fact that you’re here trying to push your Final Solution means you are carrying water for Vladimir Putin. Traitriotism comes no more direct.
Covid 19 deaths lol ,its never even been isolated in the laboratory ffs no such thing they were murdered by midazolam ,D,N.R and rendesivere . For such a pandemic (plandemic) how do you explain that not one person has died at home from covid .they all died in hospital MURDERED
By that being plain dishonest bullshit?
Cite your source.
Argumentum ad please get help
Delusional, see how our little object lesson here filters and distorts reality at the doorways of perception, along with filtering his media environment and confirmation bias. We see how conditioned feelings trigger emotions that thinking is used to rationalize, or what passes for thinking. A lot of this including the racism and tribalism is instinctively driven, hatred and anger narrow the focus. His propaganda sources engage to enrage, then feed him their narrative that he repeats, they create and incite a false culture war between urban and rural people and magnify grievance and differences, create false crises to incite fear and hatred of the other in the mark. Create as much social stress, crime and division as you can and lot's of guns work well for this, fanatically oppose any attempts at gun control. Guns are symbols of the tribe and the white man's power and can arm domestic terrorists, known as militias, and lone wolf loonies. Guns are a keystone in the culture wars, along with abortion to get the racist pseudo Christians cover and to keep women in their place.

Alas delusion is normal, but this level of self delusion is pathological, meaning he fucks himself and others and engages in antisocial and racist speech and behavior.