Note the one above about first impressions in 1/10 of a second. That's your initial reaction, approach or avoid, based on conditioning. Approach and avoidance are basic behaviors that drive consciousness in all animals, even humans, it is both instinctive and conditioned in humans. In people it feels like, like or dislike, it sets in train a casscade of emotions and memories and in most cases reason is used to rationalize everything and keep it neat and tidy. We need to be mindful with our thinking and be able to step outside ourselves, adopt another perspective and be aware of the feelings and emotions driving our thoughts. This is where conditioned bigotry both gross and subtle come into play in that first moment, many people can over look it or try to and realize that, even if they were brought up in a non bigoted household, we were affected. We were exposed to subtle white supremacy on TV, in movies and in society too and the older we are the worse it is. Many people mean well on a conscious level, but succumb to it's subtle and pernicious effects by it subconsciously driving their opinions, votes and beliefs.