Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I would do the floor prep and levelling, let a pro do the tiling in living areas if I haven't done it before. That takes a big chunk out of costs.
Tile a section in a basement or garage yourself, learn how to get all the spacing and grouting right before you do a living quarters area.
I'd still hire someone for a big job, small areas I can do.

First I checked my spelling.....

Ordered this
Let me know how that one works for ya! I guess the Pro model is enough for me, because I actually prefer a dry hit to one filtered through water.

Still, I’m jealous…so many things come with that one, lol

I’ve been trying to convince myself not to buy another one for about 3 weeks now, you all really make that as difficult as possible…haha
Let me know how that one works for ya! I guess the Pro model is enough for me, because I actually prefer a dry hit to one filtered through water.

Still, I’m jealous…so many things come with that one, lol

I’ve been trying to convince myself not to buy another one for about 3 weeks now, you all really make that as difficult as possible…haha

It's for the wife (me) the whole process of dabing turns her off but she likes the flavor. And if she doesn't like it I will lol

Yeah, lots of options for it. Pretty cool how much you can do with it.
I was looking at something inexpensive like this, I would like one with a perc hole though to modulate the smoke for my fussy lungs.

That's nearly identical to my 11" piece from gogopipes.com (the cheapest internet head-shop with their own website that I've found.)

I'll be honest, I'm not a fan, it's great for dabs but smoke is just harsh through it. I'm not sure how much difference 4 inches less would make, <insert joke here>, but if the shape has anything to do with the harshness I'd go with a different design. I smoke joints instead of packing bowls because mine is so harsh. I save it for dabs most the time, only reason it has a bowl in it at the moment is because of scissor hash.

Gonna go play a NYE wedding downtown. I feel pretty good overall, just a little weak, mostly from atrophy. I had another gig for a party right afterward, but they canceled due to covid. I still get to keep that $300 deposit, so that worked out for the best. I should get home a little after 9pm, so hopefully I'll miss most of the drunk drivers trying to kill me. I'm nervous to even go outside, I haven't been out of the house in weeks. I just can't stand the thought of getting another illness, this last bout of covid was pretty horrible. I plan to get boosted early next week, so if I can just survive tonight I may be in good shape. Hope you all have a safe and enjoyable NYE...
Gonna go play a NYE wedding downtown. I feel pretty good overall, just a little weak, mostly from atrophy. I had another gig for a party right afterward, but they canceled due to covid. I still get to keep that $300 deposit, so that worked out for the best. I should get home a little after 9pm, so hopefully I'll miss most of the drunk drivers trying to kill me. I'm nervous to even go outside, I haven't been out of the house in weeks. I just can't stand the thought of getting another illness, this last bout of covid was pretty horrible. I plan to get boosted early next week, so if I can just survive tonight I may be in good shape. Hope you all have a safe and enjoyable NYE...

Good luck bud and stay safe.