BK’s shit show

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Why is catwoman in the sin bin??
I thought RIU was the cool forum where people gave as good as they got.
I love this thread it's got some awesome insults on here.
Ohh well censorship rears it ugly head again.
I'm enjoying watching him attempt to be friendly over there. It reminds me of the time when Black Beard tried to stop being a pirate because the state said they would drop all charges against him. He married a socialite and spent his days hanging out at tea parties with a bunch of land loving dorks talking about poetry and whatever. He eventually snapped and went back to his old murderous pirating ways.
I'm enjoying watching him attempt to be friendly over there. It reminds me of the time when Black Beard tried to stop being a pirate because the state said they would drop all charges against him. He married a socialite and spent his days hanging out at tea parties with a bunch of land loving dorks talking about poetry and whatever. He eventually snapped and went back to his old murderous pirating ways.
TBH, he’s often friendly and helpful here too, when he’s not responding to someone being a troll, making a dumb suggestion, or posting bro-science BS. His shit show is a troll magnet thread for some reason and he sure doesn’t hold back.
Really hoping he comes back post-turtle timeout.
TBH, he’s often friendly and helpful here too, when he’s not responding to someone being a troll, making a dumb suggestion, or posting bro-science BS. His shit show is a troll magnet thread for some reason and he sure doesn’t hold back.
Really hoping he comes back post-turtle timeout.
I wish I could agree. Dude had it out for me since I came back here. Following me and searching all my posts just to start shit. Really brought me out of character. I PM'd him and asked to squash it but no reply which makes me think he really enjoyed it.

Regardless, I enjoy his journal and the effort he puts into it. Hope his time out doesnt last too long.
TBH, he’s often friendly and helpful here too, when he’s not responding to someone being a troll, making a dumb suggestion, or posting bro-science BS. His shit show is a troll magnet thread for some reason and he sure doesn’t hold back.
Really hoping he comes back post-turtle timeout.
Usually, but sometimes he'll go off on someone seemingly out of nowhere. I love the dude and it's hilarious to me, but he's a natural born samurai.
Sorry BK for spamming your thread but wasn't chucker's paradise a thread by a member Genuity back in 2012 or so? I wonder if that is his site? My memory is about as long as my pecker, but somehow that is ringing a bell to me.
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