Current climatic conditions

The warm weather has made it to me. We are going to be in the 70's all week. At 0820 it's partly cloudy, 59F with 97% humidity. (fog is just now clearing) Today's forecast high low is 76/48F with no chance of rain. The plan for the day is to get down to the riverfield and do some bushhogging this morning. Last few days I was going to do it after lunch, but my nap got in the way.
I just started getting a little gray in my hair. But my beard is all white at this point. Most years I grow a winter beard between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Every spring when I shave several folks tell me how young it makes me look. lol

Yeah my beard has some speckling to it if I let it grow.

The warm weather has made it to me. We are going to be in the 70's all week. At 0820 it's partly cloudy, 59F with 97% humidity. (fog is just now clearing) Today's forecast high low is 76/48F with no chance of rain. The plan for the day is to get down to the riverfield and do some bushhogging this morning. Last few days I was going to do it after lunch, but my nap got in the way.

We just had 4 days of record high temps. It got up to 63°F yesterday but we're going to cool down over the next week but still above average. The freezing level is still high and no snow on the mountain. The skiers are not getting the snow they need. It's 45° at Timberline lodge. They should have feet of snow right now.
Yeah my beard has some speckling to it if I let it grow.

We just had 4 days of record high temps. It got up to 63°F yesterday but we're going to cool down over the next week but still above average. The freezing level is still high and no snow on the mountain. The skiers are not getting the snow they need. It's 45° at Timberline lodge. They should have feet of snow right now.
The word is drought. We'll be seeing a lot of that word this winter.
Still no snow here in maine at 44lat the mountains are getting a little but its cold enough for them to make snow so the skiers are out. Warm and rainy early next week so much for winter saving a bunch on plowing.
Still no snow here in maine at 44lat the mountains are getting a little but its cold enough for them to make snow so the skiers are out. Warm and rainy early next week so much for winter saving a bunch on plowing.
Someone on here makes their living removing snow. I can't remember who it is now, but they have to be worried about this trend.
Someone on here makes their living removing snow. I can't remember who it is now, but they have to be worried about this trend.
Shit theres no drivers any more, I live on a private dirt way couple hundred yds long i payed the plow guy 3 times last yr few more winters like this nobody going to own plows i snow blow around the house i used that once last yr last few yrs all we get here is slush mountians and up north still get plenty of snow.
It was steamy this morning. It got up to 74F before the rain moved through about an hour ago. Now at 1255 it's cloudy, 68F with 88% humidity. Forecast low of 50F with 15% chance of rain tonight. But just looking outside, most of the rain has moved to the south of me.
Weather experts forecast is powdery mildew combined with either drought, deluge or wildfires and heavy Covid spore concentrations. They say it will also be raining bullets in
many parts of the country.
Between a dry spring and a very warm and late fall, Denver has apparently broken its record for most consecutive days without snow.

Up north from them a bit, we got a flurry in October that left a crust on cars but not on the ground, so I don't know if that counts.

We had rain in October, November AND in December but not much of that, either.

We get small amounts of moisture but mostly just cold weather from the northwest. To get dumped on, Colorado's Front Range needs to get an "upslope" weather condition, where the front comes from the south and east. That moist Gulf air sweeping up and slamming into the Rockies will squeeze a lot of water and past blizzards have easily dumped as much as 3 feet but they are increasingly rare these days.
Another hot one. We may get a record high today. At 940 it's cloudy, 76F with 88% humidity. Forecast high low of 79/53F with 40% chance of rain today and 60% tonight.
We get small amounts of moisture but mostly just cold weather from the northwest.

There's some stuff headed your way right now from here in the NW. It woke me up last night from the wind and rain. It's still pretty sporty out right now. I went out front and the neighbor across the streets blow up Santa is gone. The one at the house next door is on the other side of their yard in some bushes.

I feel for these folks.

Terrible situation. I was watching the Weather Channel and they were tracking the tornadoes with pictures immediately after they passed through some areas. They do a pretty good job getting out the warning with all the technology available today and the ability to identify tornadoes that touch down from the debris showing up on the radar. If I lived in that region I'd be glued to the television when those violent storms roll through.

Saddened by the loss of life and devastation the people are going through right now.
There's some stuff headed your way right now from here in the NW. It woke me up last night from the wind and rain. It's still pretty sporty out right now. I went out front and the neighbor across the streets blow up Santa is gone. The one at the house next door is on the other side of their yard in some bushes.

Terrible situation. I was watching the Weather Channel and they were tracking the tornadoes with pictures immediately after they passed through some areas. They do a pretty good job getting out the warning with all the technology available today and the ability to identify tornadoes that touch down from the debris showing up on the radar. If I lived in that region I'd be glued to the television when those violent storms roll through.

Saddened by the loss of life and devastation the people are going through right now.
I've lived in places that get a lot of tornadoes and fuck that noise.
I walked early tonight because rain was forecast for 2200. I got in a little after that, and it did sprinkle on me, but it waited to really rain until I got to the house. At 2305 there is light rain, 72F with 98% humidity. Forecast low of 60F with 80% chance of rain tonight, and a high of 70F with 50% chance of rain tomorrow.
Woke up to this on Sunday. It melted in a couple hours.

It was cold and rainy early this morning. At 1045 it's cloudy, 45F with 94% humidity. Forecast high low of 51/39F with 20% chance of rain for the rest of the day and 10% tonight.
Well the west is getting some serious precipitation and fortunately much of that is falling as snow in the mountains. California is getting more than they can handle at once in some places.

We're supposed to get a couple inches of snow here and the Governor has declared a State of Emergency. Which is pretty ridiculous.

“Anywhere between 1 to 4 inches of snow possible through Sunday night,” said Daniel Hartsock, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Portland."

Well the west is getting some serious precipitation and fortunately much of that is falling as snow in the mountains. California is getting more than they can handle at once in some places.

We're supposed to get a couple inches of snow here and the Governor has declared a State of Emergency. Which is pretty ridiculous.

“Anywhere between 1 to 4 inches of snow possible through Sunday night,” said Daniel Hartsock, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Portland."

I saw on the news that there was flooding. Stay safe.
Solstice update; at 41.3 degrees north, daylight length was 9 hours 12 minutes. I get SAD, or seasonal affective disorder and it's worst between now and about April. I'm doing various therapies this year to try to interrupt it.
Today's climatic conditions in northern Colorado;

IT FUCKING RAINED. At 5000' on December 24th. We have yet to have appreciable snowfall this year.