Why is there no good weed around?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
im getting pretty pissed off. im waiting for my harvest but its gonna be awhile yet.

so i try and buy some eighths just to see me through my grow until i harvest.

the amount of crap that is on the streets in the UK is fucking stupid.

seriously, i got a bag weighing 3gs for £20 which is ok. except for its sprayed, it goes out after every 1 toke and side burns up the joint. the ash goes hard so u have to knock the ash off the end - and this is everytime it goes out.

seriously shit weed. ive had other bad bags as well. its just pathetic. and this has been going on for ages. i was lucky i didnt have to buy any of this crap for a few months whilst i went through my last harvest.

if there is some big dealer from the UK on here then be sure to read this and apply it to ur customer sales.

DO NOT SPRAY WEED WITH ANYTHING!!! and get some better shit. ive smelt and tasted better after puking.

people need to learn not to do anything to weed. just leave it alone!

sorry, i needed to vent that out.

any1 else having shitty weed problems? or any1 that can help me out with at least some semi decent stuff?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
word smokeh dont be smoking that sprayed shit man its industrial etchant it scars your lungs permanently. which city you in?


Well-Known Member
The dealers don't care what you think. As long as you continue to buy (Which you will, becasue you like weed) all they care about is making as much profit as possible. Alot of dealers spray there weed so it will be heavier. Then they give you less bud for the same price. I garuntee you you'll never find a big time dealer smokin that shit on there own time.


Well-Known Member
word smokeh dont be smoking that sprayed shit man its industrial etchant it scars your lungs permanently. which city you in?
near manchester. willing to travel a fair bit though if its decent.

holy shit! ive heard alot of people sprayin weed with shit in the uk

what do they spray it with?
anything an everything. idiots think that if they spray it when drying it will weigh more - which is does. and then they sell it for more!!! i dont see why. fucking idiots. and when just normal weed is around its cheaper. ppl think sprayed stuff is better and they sell it for me.

ive heard of people spraying weed with petrol / hair spray / lemonade etc.

it gives me headaches when i smoke sprayed shit. i have a microscope so i can easerly tell. infact when u look at sprayed weed under the scope, there is no tric's. they seem to all blend in together so u get a cloudy view of 1 big tric if u know what i mean. kinda hard to explain that 1.


Well-Known Member
oh and gin and ton. if ur close enough and willing to sell me some then i will gladly sell u some of my harvest when it gets there.

super silver haze,blue cheese, blueberry.


Well-Known Member
why would people do this?

so they think their customers are getting a good deal when they put it on the scales but really they arnt.

and yes. pricks, because i have to smoke this whether i like it or not.

im not supprised my harvest sold within a weed. - must of been the only decent stuff around in a long time.


Well-Known Member
oh and peace...

if i come to florida next year u need to hook me up ;)

hard enough when ur in a new country.

i have a place off the 192.


Well-Known Member
damn man! if all the weed is really like that i wouldnt smoke! i guess just wait for harvest or keep searchin for unsprayed weed!
=( good luck!


Well-Known Member
oh and peace...

if i come to florida next year u need to hook me up ;)

hard enough when ur in a new country.

i have a place off the 192.

damn florida sucks man! well prolly not when you visit but if you live here its terrible!
thank god im movin to sc

where are you visiting?


Well-Known Member
Florida is a great pace to live when you're smokin weed. It's real cheap where I'm at, only problem is when you get busted you're pretty much fucked. Florida sucks when it comes to drug laws.


Well-Known Member
damn florida sucks man! well prolly not when you visit but if you live here its terrible!
thank god im movin to sc

where are you visiting?
err well not too sure yet. it will be our honeymoon. its rather florida (bcoz i know it so well, been there 7 times) or jamica (bcoz of the pot :p)

and my dad has a place at Ron Jon resort off the 192 and tbh im not sure where my mums place is.

also have friends over there but i think she moved to washington and the other one moved to mina sota or something. i dont even know what that place is called. i always remember it as mini soda :D


Well-Known Member
Florida is a great pace to live when you're smokin weed. It's real cheap where I'm at, only problem is when you get busted you're pretty much fucked. Florida sucks when it comes to drug laws.

i could sit out near my pool and smoke all day there with nothing but a vending machine full of cold pepsi and maybe some of those crisps u call lays or something.

even better, i forgot that america sells cheetos - not had them in years


Well-Known Member
err well not too sure yet. it will be our honeymoon. its rather florida (bcoz i know it so well, been there 7 times) or jamica (bcoz of the pot :p)

and my dad has a place at Ron Jon resort off the 192 and tbh im not sure where my mums place is.

also have friends over there but i think she moved to washington and the other one moved to mina sota or something. i dont even know what that place is called. i always remember it as mini soda :D

192?? im not familiar with that. do you know the city?

louis541 what area are you around? lol cuz its fuckin crap here!!!


Well-Known Member
i could sit out near my pool and smoke all day there with nothing but a vending machine full of cold pepsi and maybe some of those crisps u call lays or something.

even better, i forgot that america sells cheetos - not had them in years

hhahah hell yea potato chips are the shit!


Well-Known Member
Northeast florida. Jacksonville. My dealer comes to my house every couple of das lately and asks if I need to buy some bud. I don't even need to make a call. He just knows to show up. It's pretty sweet.


Well-Known Member
192?? im not familiar with that. do you know the city?

louis541 what area are you around? lol cuz its fuckin crap here!!!
ermm, i dunno, just the 192...


my dads place is somewhere round there. not too sure becoz he always drives there from Sanford airport because its cheaper or something. like a 2 hour drive.

but last time i remember smelling pot very strong going along those roads.