BK’s shit show

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I think that's splitting hairs of what is considered racism. I would consider Nazis as racists for trying to wipe them off the map. I know that "anti-Semite" is a more appropriate term, but in the context of what was going on it made sense. Also Judaism is sort of a race. It's a complicated.
I kinda get what you're saying, but Judaism, is no more a race, than catholicism. They are both scrutinized and criticized like races though.
I kinda get what you're saying, but Judaism, is no more a race, than catholicism. They are both scrutinized and criticized like races though.
I'm not trying to get into a religious debate in BK's journal, but it's far more complicated than that. Conversion to Judaism hasn't always been possible. Bloodlines were everything. That's where the whole "chosen people" thing came from. While "race" is disputable and probably not accurate, Judaism is much more ethnoreligious than all other major religions. This set the stage for Christianity and Islam to sweep the world due to open conversions.

Anyway, I'm an atheist leaner (possibly a simulation) who loves people and weed. I meant no offense to anyone.
I'm not trying to get into a religious debate in BK's journal, but it's far more complicated than that. Conversion to Judaism hasn't always been possible. Bloodlines were everything. That's where the whole "chosen people" thing came from. While "race" is disputable and probably not accurate, Judaism is much more ethnoreligious than all other major religions. This set the stage for Christianity and Islam to sweep the world due to open conversions.

Anyway, I'm an atheist leaner (possibly a simulation) who loves people and weed. I meant no offense to anyone.
I take no offense. I feel everybody should choose what's right for them. I was raised in a catholic household, read thru the Bible a few times, but never really got more out of it than a few lessons learned, and passed on.
I’m going to change the meme to gigantic , hairy, white cock. out of respect to my African brothers.
Now Im offended. Being a white man with a gigantic, hairy, white cock.

Everyone thinks its cool, until the hooker you just paid runs away in fear. And try taking a shit and the head dangles in the dirty toilet water. Need I go on?

I guess we all have our own crosses to bare. (no offense to the Catholics)
Now Im offended. Being a white man with a gigantic, hairy, white cock.

Everyone thinks its cool, until the hooker you just paid runs away in fear. And try taking a shit and the head dangles in the dirty toilet water. Need I go on?

I guess we all have our own crosses to bare. (no offense to the Catholics)

You fucking trashy trolls just can’t get enough of the shit show eh?

Being the big dog you think you are you should fire up a journal so I can shit all over it too? But of course you won’t…..

You fucking trashy trolls just can’t get enough of the shit show eh?

Being the big dog you think you are you should fire up a journal so I can shit all over it too? But of course you won’t…..

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Wow, I wasn't even trolling you bro, Take it easy lol. I was attempting humor with all the butt hurt here. Feisty today, aren't you! ?

And you're probably right though. I work 50+ a week managing my business. 4 to 6 hours a day at my grow. I have a beautiful wife, 2 healthy kids, and 2 dogs. A house and a cabin. I work out at minimum an hour a day at the gym, 6 days a week. Diet, meal prep, and time with friends. I'm pretty busy.

To be honest, I don't want to do a journal. And yeah, too many trolls. I don't like showing whole rooms or plant counts for my own personal reasons. I don't aim for cred on this site. I don't care about what you or anyone here thinks of me here. Just people who bring me money and the people I love are the only ones I care about opinion wise. I kill time while at work reading and commenting, being I have a passion for the plant, growing, and producing the best quality buds I can.

Seems you have a stick up your ass or maybe its a gigantic spear and cant take a sarcastic joke that wasn't even aimed at you. Maybe its because I'm not fluffing your ego like your jock riders do? I read, I hit the like button, and I comment every once in a while because I think I'm funny. You're plants are nice and healthy, I enjoy your pics and reading your journal. Continue on...
Wow, I wasn't even trolling you bro, Take it easy lol. I was attempting humor with all the butt hurt here. Feisty today, aren't you! ?

And you're probably right though. I work 50+ a week managing my business. 4 to 6 hours a day at my grow. I have a beautiful wife, 2 healthy kids, and 2 dogs. A house and a cabin. I work out at minimum an hour a day at the gym, 6 days a week. Diet, meal prep, and time with friends. I'm pretty busy.

To be honest, I don't want to do a journal. I don't like showing whole rooms or plant counts for my own personal reasons. I don't aim for cred on this site. I don't care about what you or anyone here thinks of me here. Just people who bring me money and the people I love are the only ones I care about opinion wise. I kill time while at work reading and commenting, being I have a passion for the plant, growing, and producing the best quality buds I can.

Seems you have a stick up your ass or maybe its a gigantic spear and cant take a sarcastic joke that wasn't even aimed at you. Maybe its because I'm not fluffing your ego like your jock riders do? I read, I hit the like button, and I comment every once in a while because I think I'm funny. You're plants are nice and healthy, I enjoy your pics and reading your journal. Continue on...

I don’t recall asking for your life story either? Nor do I give a fuck about it. Keep your trolling, racist bullshit out of here.

I don’t recall asking for your life story either? Nor do I give a fuck about it. Keep your trolling, racist bullshit out of here.

Well mother fucker, I gave it to you. And you read and commented, like I knew you would. So predictable. Simple minded people usually are.

And you did ask me for a journal, which my reply was the reasons why I am not doing one. So yeah, you kind of did ask.
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