What's your dream car?

Why not? If every car on the road was aware of other cars and knew what maneuvers they were about to make everything would be safer than the current chaos on our highways. It's a safety feature. Most people cannot drive safely in a big city.

The car has a choice.......hit what's in front of you and kill you or swerve and save you but go into a crowded sidewalk. Sure you like that?
The car has a choice.......hit what's in front of you and kill you or swerve and save you but go into a crowded sidewalk. Sure you like that?

Choice implies some kind of sentience. It would just be an algorithm that determines the outcome in any situation. If they all behaved as a hive then cars would not hit each other. The technology exists today and is in use in factories around the world.

i will never ever sign on willingly to full autonomy of vehicles. Unless theres a "drive like a dickhead" mode where my car goes 110mph for fun every now and then. driving fast is one of my true joys in life. Zero accidents, ever. always done somewhat safely, usually when theres not many others on the road or stretch of road.
i will never ever sign on willingly to full autonomy of vehicles. Unless theres a "drive like a dickhead" mode where my car goes 110mph for fun every now and then. driving fast is one of my true joys in life. Zero accidents, ever. always done somewhat safely, usually when theres not many others on the road or stretch of road.
I will.
To tuck my pod into an efficient swarm, hell yeah.
Another one of many.

Looks like 007 is gonna have a new ride. First mid engine car from Aston Martin called Valhalla.

I'm digging the view from the front. The side profile really hides the old school bubble fenders with big headlights look. Incredible feat to pull off. And the exhaust is pretty sick.
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