For those posting and ranting about all their experiences and successes, I say good for you and go for it. If you like drying and curing in a 'fridge, then so be it. But, as to OP regarding anyone with experience, I figured it was time to stop biting my bleeding tongue and chime-in, although I'll probably regret it. And yes, I've tried this with other people over a long, long period of time. I'm not saying this does not work. I'm saying there are some not-so-obvious considerations before you decide if it's for you.
When a refrigerated appliance cycles (compressor turns-on/off) temp and humidity fluctuates fairly quickly. When turning-on the humidity will decrease 15%-20%. When the compressor turns-off the humidity will increase. This regular cycling of the compressor causes periodic fluctuations of the temp and humidity within the 'fridge chamber. Frost-free 'fridges do not work better than manual defrosting ones in this instance as they require the cooling coils to defrost. Air temp & liquid temp inside a refrigerated appliance fluctuate at different rates. Different locations within the chamber are also exposed to variations; colder lower and to the rear, warmer up-front and upper areas. Also the door seals vary in quality, condition and maintenance. Opening and closing the door allows more fluctuations than most people expect or realize and the compressor needs to cycle again due to the onrush of outside air. Electronic monitoring devices are a consideration, but they too can give-off mechanical noise that causes temp fluctuations as much as 5-10 degrees. An appliance with a glass door allows for viewing without opening the door, but they will cycle more frequently due to limited insulation quality of glass. The period of time the compressor cycles to return the inside air to it's preferred condition can sometimes be considerable, depending on the age, condition, use and maintenance of that appliance.
Field testing side-by-side with the same flower, conditions and weather, the most noticeable and objectionable difference in our experience is that the flower from the 'fridge method was less desirable when smoked. Overall, over time we found that the 'fridge-dried weed was more harsh, darker in color and did not give the same feeling or buzz as the weed that was not dried (or stored) in the 'fridge. There was too much fiddling-about with opening/closing the 'fridge door to check temps/humidity. The 'fridge is not as constant as one would hope. And most of all, we didn't like the quality of the smoked product in the end. I prefer to air-dry and store in glass jars in a cool dark place like a basement cupboard. She still stores in the 'fridge but prefers air-drying now. Lately though, she's even beginning to question 'fridge storing because whenever we sit down together, my weed is always a bit better and sometimes a lot better in overall quality. Yet, we are sharing the grow and harvest between us, just using different storage methods.
This was our limited, unscientific experience over a few years. Everyone will have different takes and experiences, but this is what we learned first-hand, good or bad. I'm not bashing either method, just pointing out what we learned. As usual, your mileage may vary.